the one with Medda's plan

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    Andi was laying on her bed, face down when Elmer crawled in.

"what are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"Andi please let me expla-"

She sat up. "you don't have to explain anything. You're only "friends" with me again 'cause you felt bad for Morris cheating on me. Pretty self explanatory." She stated, hugging a pillow. "care to explain why you're my boyfriend?" She asked. Elmer couldn't believe what she just said.


"fine." She snapped and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

"Andi.." Elmer broke.

English class wasn't everybody's favourite at the moment, because they were all in the same class.

"did everybody read chapters fifteen to seventeen?" Ms. Medda asked and everybody nodded. "Jack, can you tell me what happened?" She picked on Jack.

"uh, the boy was about to tell the girl that he loves her." Jack explained, remembering what he read the weekend before.

"yeah, but turns out the boy asked another girl out, so there was no point." Katherine muttered angrily under her breath.

"Kath, I didn't-"

"you what?!" Andi yelled at Jack.

Spot leaned to Finch. "I'm surprised Race and Mush didn't try to ruin Andi's friendship with Kath." He told him.

"I'm not trying to ruin your friendship with Andi!" Race defended.

"you're what?!" Andi yelled at Race. Suddenly, half the class (A/N: whole friend group is half the class) burst into argument.

"enough!" Ms. Medda yelled. "Andi, Race, Albert, Jack, Mush, Spot, Romeo, Jojo, Katherine, Elmer, and Finch, go home right now, pack a bag and come back to my class." She demanded, making them exchange looks. "NOW!" She shouted and they all ran out of the class. (A/N: SHE DIDNT TAKE A BREATH LMFAOOO)

Crutchie shyly raised his hand. "sh-should I.." He led off.

"go make sure they don't kill each other." Ms. Medda nodded, in which Crutchie packed his things and made his way out of the class. Davey, Lilly and the rest of their classmates looked at each other confused, not knowing what the hell just happened. They're known for being such a tight knit group, no one ever expected them to start fighting.

Forty minutes later, they all came back with a backpack full of at least two days worth of clothes, pyjamas and additional things that they might need, like Ms. Medda suggested. Even Crutchie packed a bag. Class had just ended and everybody else in their class were dismissed.

"Ms. Medda, why'd you make us pack a bag?" Andi complained. Ms. Medda's husband then came in with a bag packed for her as well.

"follow me." She ordered and walked out of the class. Everybody followed her and made it in front of a bus.

"well, what are you waiting for, get in." With that, everybody filed in the bus. The bus ride was quiet. Usually, it would be them who made bus rides loud and obnoxious, but none of them wanted anything to do with the other.

Andi felt stupid. Why would her friends take her back anyways? She left them for Morris Delancey. She knew it was too good to he true, from day one she felt like she didn't deserve them.

Katherine has never been more hurt in her life. Why would Jack tell her that he likes her when he already asked Eden out? Was she just a game to him? She shouldn't have just hid her feelings, but stupid jealousy had to take her over.

Jack couldn't understand why Brooke would tell Katherine that he asked out Eden. After finding out that Katherine likes him, he immediately chose her, no hesitation. He didn't even think that Eden's friends knew about Jack's plan. What if Eden was just playing with Jack?

Elmer was broken. Seeing Andi walk out on him like that tore him apart. He knows that Race and Mush would never try to ruin anybody's friendship with anybody. But why does he still believe that they did? Andi was sitting right across from him. He could see some tears falling down her face. He wished that he could just go over there, hold her and tell her that everything will be alright.

Race couldn't figure out how everything went to absolute shit so quickly. One minute they were congratulating Andi, Katherine and Lilly on their win and the next minute, they were all fighting. He was being blamed for ruining their friendship with Andi.

Crutchie wasn't sure if he made the right decision. He would either stop them from killing each other, or he might get killed with them.

Finally, the bus came to a stop and everybody thanked the bus driver and hopped out of the bus. In front of them was multiple cabins. One of them was bigger than the others. Ms. Medda then lead them into the bigger one. Inside was a small kitchen and a sitting area. There was also a bunk room.

"don't tell me you're making us all stay here." Jack complained.

"exactly." Ms. Medda then threw in a bunch of packs of cookies and crackers. She also threw in a lot of hot chocolate and Nespresso pods. "you guys will be staying in here until you make up." She stated and pulled out a box.

"what's the box for?" Finch wondered.

"phones." Ms. Medda replied and everybody groaned. "Crutchie's the only one who's allowed with a phone, since he'll be telling me if every one of you made up." She explained and held out the box. Again, everybody groaned and placed their phones in the box, one by one.

"this is gonna be hell." Spot mumbled to himself and placed his phone in the box.

"you'll be let out when you make up." Ms. Medda promised and made her way out. "there's creamer and milk in the fridge!" She yelled before closing the door. Seconds later, they all heard her lock it from the outside, making them all groan.

"look on the bright side.." Crutchie chuckled nervously. "there's creamer and milk in the fridge."

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