the one with Lexi

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two more days:

    Elmer was braiding Lexi's hair when Andi crawled into his room.

"remember when I said I was only kinda scared?" Andi asked and sat beside Elmer.

"that was a lie?" Elmer raised an eyebrow, focusing on Lexi's hair.

"a huge one. I'm terrified, Dallas." Andi confessed, laying her head on his shoulder. Elmer quickly finished Lexi's second braid, tied it off and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend.

"why are you scared?" Lexi wondered. Andi picked Lexi up and sat her on her lap.

"'cause I spent my entire life with your brother. He's my best friend and we've never been separated before, we won't know what to do" Andi explained, hugging her waist.

"can't you visit on weekends?"

She let out a small chuckle. "I wish, but my new house is really, really far."

"I'm gonna miss you, Didi." Lexi said sadly. Andi felt tears form in her eyes and rested her head on her shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lex." She answered softly and kissed her cheek.

Lexi sighed. "who's gonna call me Lex, now?"


"he doesn't even call me, Lexi." Lexi's words confused Andi, in which she furrowed her eyebrows.

"what does he call you?"

"Alexi." Lexi scrunched her nose, cringing at her full name. She then turned to face her brother, her braids hitting Andi's face. "why do you call me by my full name?" She wondered.

"'cause mom and dad didn't pick it, I did." Elmer replied.


"'cause I wanted to pick- well actually I didn't entirely pick your name." He stated. He then took Lexi off of Andi's lap, shifted to the side and placed her in the middle of him and Andi.

"you know, if I had full control over picking your name, you would've been named Andi." He told her, making Lexi and Andi's eyes go wide.

"what?" Andi asked.

"well, mom wanted Alex and I wanted Andi, so somehow I merged those two together... in a way." Elmer explained.

"why did you want to name me, Andi?"

"'cause it's her name." He replied, reached over his sister's head and poked Andi's cheek, which was bright red. "and because I was nine and had no sense of creativity." He mumbled to himself.

"I could've been named Andi?" Lexi's eyes were still wide. Elmer wrapped an arm around his sister and looked at Andi.

"yeah." He answered without taking his eyes off of her.

"I like Andi's name. It's badass." Lexi remarked, shocking Andi and Elmer. Where did an eight year old learn that?

"Alexi, where did you learn that word?" Elmer asked, giving her a stern look.


one more day:

    After Andi and everybody spent the day together,
Lilly and Katherine stayed another night at her place. Since there wasn't a whole classroom's worth of people, they all slept in Andi's room.

Andi was woken up by somebody hitting her face with a pillow.

"mother fucking Elmer, I'm gonna fucking kill you." She threatened. She then opened her eyes to see Spot with a pillow in his hands. "Spot?"

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