the one with Albert

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The next morning at school, Andi was approached by Morris at her locker.

"I know it was you last night." He stated.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She said innocently

"oh yeah?" He scoffed. He then pulled out his phone and showed her pictures of his room.

"I also had to borrow clothes from Oscar because you stunk up mine!" He added.

"me? You know I would never do that to my boyfriend." She replied, putting her hand over her chest in offence.

"listen here you little-" Before Morris could finish, somebody walked up behind Andi.

"hey munchkin, this kid bothering you?" Albert asked, death staring Morris. When Andi sat with them at lunch that day, Albert noticed that Morris and Gia were really close, like really close. It didn't take long for him to figure out something was going on between them.

"this kid happens to be her boyfriend." Morris spat. With that, Andi rolled her eyes.

"yeahhh not after what you did to her." Albert replied, putting an arm around her. It took a second for Andi to process what the redhead had just said. Does he know about Morris cheating on me? She thought.

"I didn't do nothing to her." Morris retorted.

"ohh my bad. You only cheated on her." Albert said, death staring him again.

"yeahh with what's her name? Gia Quinn??!!" She added, wearing the same expression as Albert.

"i-it was you! You're the one who messed up my closet and bed last night!" Morris yelled.

"DUH!" Albert and Andi said at the same time.

"she's Andi Ferrari! You really think you would get by without a revenge prank?" Albert asked.

"because of you, I had to run seven blocks half-naked!" Morris spat.

"aww good for you. If you want a picture, I can give you Elmer's snapchat." His ex smiled. Without so much but an angry groan, Morris stomped away. When he was out of sight, Andi and Albert laughed and high-five'd. Suddenly, the bell rang and they walked to class together.

"wait Al, how did you know Morris cheated on me?" Andi asked.

"well, yesterday when you sat with us at lunch, Morris and Gia were really close. Didn't take long for me to figure out there was something between them." The redhead explained. All Andi did was nod.

"I was going to tell you! I promise! It's- it's just that... well, Elmer told me that he was helping you with a prank and... I-I assumed tha-" Before he could finish, Andi went up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

"thanks for looking out for me, Al." She smiled

"always." He smiled back.

Lunch seemed to be going down smoothly until the cafeteria doors slammed open.

"ANDI FERRARI!" Gia screamed. She and her entourage walked up to where she was sitting.

"looks like someone has some fans." Katherine laughed.

"pipe it, Pulitzer!" Eden spat.

"Eden, I see you're still as fiery as you are beautiful." Romeo smirked.

"you too, DeJesus." She answered.

"what do you want, Gia?" Andi sighed.

"you ruined my dress AND my car." She complained.

"ever heard of a washing machine?" She deadpanned.

"and a car wash?" Elmer added.

"oh, I see you're back to hanging out with these losers." Gia laughed.

"aww and I see you're back to personality number 9." Andi sarcastically smiled.

"my favourite personality in my opinion." Jack added and high-five'd Andi.

"I do not have multiple personalities!" Gia yelled.

"ohh! Is that why Spot broke up with you?" Race piped in.

"correction, I broke up with him." She lied, crossing her arms.

"try again." Spot replied. Gia then let out an angry groan.

"welcome back to loser-town, Andi." She said.

"correction, welcome back to real-friend-town. Loving it here, I'll send you a postcard." Andi smiled, leaning her head on Elmer's shoulder. As soon as Gia and her entourage left, the whole group started to laugh.

"I can't believe you were friends with them." Jojo said, laughing.

"y'all must think I'm crazy, huh?" Andi asked.

"insane." Elmer answered, laying his head on her's.

y'all already know I had to put in a (sorta) cute but crazy moment with all of the newsies standing up for Andi.

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