the one with the first date

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    "ya know, I could've taken you to somewhere nice or took you to the amusement park for our first date, but no, you chose to go here!" Elmer complained as they sat down in their favourite juice store.

"I wanted juice." Andi replied and took a sip of her juice.

"still wanted to take you to somewhere nice." He pouted.

"you asked me where I wanted to go!" She defended, throwing her hands up and letting them fall.

"I didn't think you'd wanna go here!" He retorted. The week before, Elmer had read something on twitter that suggested that you ask your girlfriend to pick where your date will be, so he tried that. The thing is, he thought she'd pick a nice restaurant or go mini golfing. But she picked Booster Juice.

Andi groaned. "okay fine, wanna go to a drive-in movie after?" She suggested, raising both her eyebrows.

"wait wait, wanna ask!" He exclaimed, making Andi laugh.

"okay, go."

Elmer smiled and took a quick sip of his juice, which Andi paid for. "Andi," He enunciated, reaching across the table and taking her hand.

"yes?" She smiled.

"would you,"

"uh huh,"

"like to,"


"go to,"

"uh huhh,"

"the drive-in movie with me?" He finished with a bright smile on his face that made Andi smile too. What can she say? His smile was contagious!

"I'd love to." She replied. Elmer jumped out of his seat.

"okay, let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" He beamed, pulling on her arm.

Andi then gave him a deadpanned look. "you hate it here, don't you?" She asked.

"look behind ya." He ordered, motioning to the tables behind her. Andi looked to behind to see Race, Spot, Finch and Albert spying on them with black hoodies, with their hoods up, and sunglasses.

"hi Goldilocks, hi Red, hi Finchy, hi Shorty" She waved. Race took off his sunglasses and hood and stood up.

"you said this would work!" He accused, pointing at Albert.


Finch took his sunglasses off and stood up. "you lied to us!" He yelled dramatically.


"we will never believe anything else you say!" Spot added, taking off his sunglasses. Albert took his hood and sunglasses off and marched towards Andi and Elmer.

"ya killed me munchkin." He stated, throwing his hands up and letting them fall.

"y'all wanna come?" She offered. Race, Spot and Finch rushed to their table, each grabbed a chair and sat with them.

"Andi!" Elmer whined.

"what? They're already spying on us, ya think they wouldn't spy on us at the drive-in?" She asked and Spot stole her juice.

"hey!" She complained. Spot looked at her, slowly picked up the cup and took a long sip.

"no! I don't think they will spy on us, 'cause normal friends wouldn't follow you everywhere on your first date!" Elmer explained. Andi, Race, Finch, Albert and Spot all looked at each other and grinned widely.

Elmer furrowed his eyebrows. "what? Why are y'all smiling like that?"

"look behind ya." She ordered, motioning to the tables behind him. Elmer turned around to see Jack, Katherine, Romeo, Mush, Crutchie and Jojo spying on them in black hoodies, with their hoods up, and sunglasses. Katherine's long, red hair was a huge giveaway since she didn't tuck it into her sweater.

"hi Cowboy, hi Sweetheart, hi Kath, hi Mush, hi Jojo, hi Crutchie!" Andi waved. Katherine took off her sunglasses, and hood, and stood up.

"you said this would work!" She accused, pointing at Mush.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I-"

Romeo took off his hood and stood up. "you lied to us!" He yelled dramatically.


Jack stood up and pointed at Mush. "we will never believe anything else you say!" He added. Mush then took off his hood and sunglasses, marched towards Andi and Elmer's table, pulled up a chair and sat down.

"ya killed me, Didi." He stated, took her cup from Spot and took a sip.

"y'all wanna come?" She offered, smirking at Mush.

"Andi!" Elmer whined.

"why am I getting déja-vu?" Race wondered, took Andi's juice cup from Mush and taking a sip.

"the next person who takes my juice is buying me a new one!" Andi announced and Race quickly gave it back to her.

"Peaches, I believe you invited us somewhere?" Romeo reminded, walking towards them.

"no!" Elmer yelled, now protecting his juice, afraid that somebody might take it. Andi looked at him and grinned mischievously.

"aw Sweetheart, thank you for reminding me." She said, keeping her eyes on her boyfriend, who was pouting.

"alright! Drive-in let's go!" Jack exclaimed, and everybody ran out of the store, leaving Andi and Elmer alone. Andi walked to Elmer and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"face it, they're animals. The only time we'll actually get to be alone on a date is at three in the morning." Andi stated. She then grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the store when Elmer thought of an idea.

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