fun facts

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read all the way to the end for a surprise :)

- Andi's name was originally 'Delaney'. I had about three chapters written before changing her name.

wanna likeeee tell me which one you like better cuz now im curious LMAOOO)

- I COMPLETELY forgot that I had Elmer play baseball, so I'm changing the canon thingy and now he's just a fan of baseball

- when Andi and Elmer were nine, Andi snuck into his room and played dress up with his clothes

- did y'all catch Spot and Race suddenly becoming sort of close?

- Albert and Lilly's date was a picnic

- the group found out that something happened between Andi and Spot, but it wasn't said what happened

- so its like a mystery oooo

- Finch is Lexi's favourite one out of the friend group

- Crutchie occasionally throws cookies at Spot now

- I had absolutely no plans on plugging Lilly into this story

- Albert and Andi liked each other in their freshman year

- Jack is an oBsErVaNt PeRsOn

- Andi hasn't pulled a prank in a minute (by minute i mean the whole goddamn story)

- Spot doesn't like kids

- Andi, Albert, Finch, Elmer and Race use lollipops for anger management.

- No one in the group knows that Romeo and Eden are together, but Race is suspicious

- Andi almost killed probably every single person in the friend group at least once

- so did Spot

- once, Elmer spent four hundred dollars on one of those kid jeeps for Lexi

- Andi and Romeo got married when they were eight

- for Christmas, Romeo replaced Andi's paperclip anklet with an actual one

- Andi still wears the paperclip one along with the actual anklet.

- Andi and Elmer always celebrate each month anniversary the day before

- Andi and Albert's moms are best friends

- remember when Jack told their chemistry class that he liked Andi?

- Elmer's parents always buy an extra can of whipped cream just for Andi

- the nickname 'Di' and 'Didi' was inspired by my old volleyball coach (who's my best friend's sister)

- Race likes Gilmore Girls

- Spot used to be friends with Morris and Oscar

- Everyone (except Davey and Lilly ofc) met Katherine off of Jack

- Albert, Race and Elmer didn't get to have their track season and Finch didn't get to have a club volleyball season

- I mentioned Sarah like once and she never showed up again oopsie

- remember when Race got bullied?

- and do y'all remember why?

- I actually have a story on why I picked him and why I did that but idk if y'all wanna hear so I'll leave it at this for now

- Davey hit Finch's face with a volleyball

- Finch is a snitch

- Andi's cardigan obsession is actually based on me cuz I love cardigans

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