the one with "you're it."

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three more days:

Like earlier in the week, Andi and Elmer were back at the playground. It was late at night and they were laying down under the monkey bars again.

"why are here again?" Elmer wondered. Andi was laying on his chest and per usual, he was playing with her hair.

"'cause it's fun." Andi replied and sat up. "right, Race?" She asked Race, who was laying down a foot away from the two.

Race sat up. "yeah, it's weirdly relaxing."

"we should've brought a speaker though." Albert piped in, laying on the other side of Elmer and Andi.

"and some food." Finch added, laying a foot away from Albert. Suddenly, Spot and Lilly came with blankets. In Spot's hand was a small portable speaker. He then sat beside Race and connected his phone to the speaker.

"ya better not play Daniel Caesar and Frank Ocean, we ain't tryna be in our feels." Race demanded, giving him a stern look.

"I'll play whatever the hell I want." Spot replied. He then switched from his playlist named In my feels to another one, making sure Race didn't see. They then saw Jojo, Mush and Romeo walk towards them with two McDonald's bags.

"we brought fries!" Jojo beamed and ran to find himself a spot under the monkey bars. Andi shot up and grabbed the bag. She then pulled out two boxes and handed one to Elmer.

"really? Medium?" Elmer deadpanned.

Mush threw his hands up and let them fall. "we don't have that much money!" He defended and sat beside Lilly, who was beside Spot. (A/N: i have decided that Jojo and Mush are the food plugs of the group) Finally, Jack, Katherine, Crutchie and Davey showed up with hot chocolate from a coffee shop. The four handed everyone a cup and sat down.

"so, it's midnight and we're at a playground... why?" Katherine asked.

Andi shrugged. "it's fun."

"it's actually nice when there aren't little kids everywhere." Spot remarked and Albert agreed with him. He then jumped up. "hey, y'all wanna play grounders?" Spot's words made Jojo perk up.

"yeah!" He exclaimed and climbed to the top of the play structure. Spot followed him.

"what are y'all waitin' for? Last one up here is it." With that, everybody else scrambled up and ran to the top as fast as they could. Crutchie decided he wanted to "ref" the game so that he could still be included in it. Unfortunately, Mush was the last one because Albert pushed him. They used Andi's cardigan as a blindfold in case people *cough Jojo cough* peeked.

"Spot, I swear if you fucking push me off." Mush stated as he walked around the structure blindly.

"I'm mean, not evil." Spot replied, sitting on the monkey bars with Race. Race leaned towards Spot and showed him a picture on his phone.

"what about her? She's on the girls' track team." Race and Spot were going through each of their following on instagram and suggesting girls who they should go for. Race found some girls pretty and decided to follow them. Spot on the other hand... turned down every single girl Race showed to him.

Spot shrugged. "nah, not my type."

"you said that 'bout the last six girls!" Race accused. He then thought of an idea. He quickly typed somebody's instagram and showed him a picture of her.

"she's pretty." Spot observed.

"yes!" Race exclaimed.

"who is she?"

"Brooke Flaherty." He smiled. (yea yea i know)

Spot's eyes widened. "Brooke, as in that girl who's like, obsessed with you?" Race nodded frantically. "no, no, no, you can have her."

"Brooke's not obsessed with Race!" Andi chimed in. Spot and Race hadn't realized that she climbed on top of the monkey bars with them.

Spot scoffed. "oh yeah, she just flirts with him non stop." He answered sarcastically and Race laughed.

"did you try to turn her down?" Andi deadpanned, crossing her arms.

"ya think I didn't?!" When Race threw his hands up, he dropped his phone. "shit." He whispered and jumped off of the monkey bars to get it. Katherine, who was now it, heard his feet hit the ground.

"GROUNDERS!" She yelled. She ripped the cardigan off of her face and spotted Race on the ground.

"shit." Race repeated, louder this time.

"you're it!" Katherine was jumping up and down. She then threw him the cardigan, which he caught.

Race clicked his tongue. "alright." With that, he put the cardigan over his eyes and counted to ten while turning around in circles. They continued to play for about an hour more before they realized how late it was. Luckily for them, it was Friday. Nonetheless, they decided that they should go home when Andi thought of an idea.

"you want us to sleepover at yours?" Jack asked, raising his eyebrows.

"yeah, why not? Elmo does it." Andi replied.

"I'm your boyfriend." Elmer stated, giving Andi a deadpanned expression.

"okay... and?" She didn't see it, but she could feel Elmer rolling his eyes all the way to the back of his head. "come on, we've been friends for so long and we've never had like a huge sleepover."


"and that camping trip doesn't count." Andi interrupted Davey.

Katherine shrugged. "I'm in." She said. After five minutes of convincing, everybody gave in. They quickly texted their parents and everybody made their way to Andi's. By the time they got everything set up in the basement, it was a quarter past two in the morning. Andi was the last to go to the basement because she told her father that everyone was in her house. She also had a blanket in her hands that wasn't from her room.

"that's mine, isn't it?" Elmer asked as Andi went to lay down beside him.

"maybe." Andi smirked. Elmer rolled his eyes and her in for a tight hug. Five minutes of silence went by and Andi couldn't fall asleep. For some reason, she just wasn't tired. She sat up to see that half the group was laying there awake, or on their phones.

"alright," She started, resulting in Spot, Davey, Jojo, Lilly and Mush sitting up. "who's not tired?" Everyone in the room raised their hand up.

other than snow forts, grounders caused so much beef in elementary school.

they were just having funWhere stories live. Discover now