the one with the kiss

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"you're taking me out for ice cream?" Eden asked as she and Romeo walked into an ice cream shop.

"it seems necessary right now." Romeo replied.

"'cause I'm sad?" Eden deadpanned.

"no, 'cause ice cream is always necessary." He then pulled out his wallet. "what do you want?"

"you're not paying for me." She stated, crossing her arms.

"come on, what do you want?" Eden looked up at the options and took some time to decide.

"cherry cheesecake." She answered.

"you have good taste." Romeo remarked then ordered for Eden and himself. After getting their ice cream, the two went and sat down at a table. The two talked for a while and got to know each other a bit.

"hey Romeo?" Eden was playing with her spoon.


Eden looked up at him and tilted her head. "why are you being so nice to me?" She wondered.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I asked." She laughed before her smile faded. "I mean, I'm such a bitch and here you are, buying ice cream for me and listening to my problems about Skittery. Why?"

"'cause you're a nice girl, I know you are." Romeo replied.

"I'm a liter-"

"you're not a bitch, Eden." He interrupted.

"then why do I act like a bitch?" She asked and gave him a deadpanned look.

"you want me to be honest?" Romeo raised an eyebrow and Eden nodded. "I think you're scared of Gia."

"I'm not scared of Gia. If anything, she should be scared of me." Eden answered and crossed her arms. "why do you think I'm scared of Gia?"

"she's really... what's the word..."

"scary..." She lead off and clicked her tongue. "so I'm a bitch because I'm scared of Gia?"

"well, did you want to ruin Jack and Katherine's friendship?" Romeo asked, raising his eyebrows.

Eden scoffed. "no, of course not. I'm actually rooting for Jatherine." She admitted.

"then why did you try?"

"'cause Gia and Brooke wanted to fuck you guys up and she knew that ruining Jack and Katherine's friendship would split you guys up." She confessed, looking down at her empty bowl.

"why did she want to split us up anyway?" Romeo wondered, furrowing his eyebrows. Eden scoffed and picked up her backpack and binder.

"you're just gonna tell everyone else." She accused and stormed out of the shop.

"Eden-" Romeo picked his backpack up and ran out after her. "Eden!" He called. Eden turned around, dropped her things, ran up to him and kissed him. Without thinking about it, he kissed her back. After a few seconds, Eden pulled away.

"uh..." She stared at him blankly, hands still on his cheeks. "thanks.. for the ice cream." She said quietly before running away. She quickly picked her things back up and ran back home. Romeo stood there in shock.

"Eden Matthews?!" Crutchie asked for the third time, still surprised with what Romeo had just told him. After the kiss, Romeo ran straight to Crutchie's house. He hoped Jack was there too, but he decided that he'll tell him another time.

"yeah I- I took her out for ice cream 'cause she was bummed over Skittery an-"

"wait Skittery?" Crutchie interrupted.

"yeah why?"

"he goes to Millennium?"


Crutchie's eyes went wide. "I thought he disappeared."

"me now!" Romeo yelled and Crutchie motioned for his best friend to continue. "okay so we talked and we were actually you know, getting along. Shocking right?" Crutchie nodded. "anyways she asked me why I'm so nice to her an-"

"why are you nice to her?" Crutchie wondered.

"'cause she's a nice girl, Crutch. She just doesn't know it. She needs someone to remind her." Romeo replied and Crutchie motioned for him to continue. "okay so we were talking about why they wanted to fuck our group up and she- she just snapped and said that I'll tell everyone."

"but you would, right?" Crutchie asked, raising his eyebrows.

Romeo sighed. "yep." He admitted and pressed his lips into a thin line. "then she walked out and I ran after her then she ran back to me and kissed me." He finished his story.

"did you kiss her back?"

"yeah.." He lead off.

"do you like her?"

"I- I don't know. I mean, I flirt with her but it's just harmless flirting to annoy her. I didn't think I'd take her out and kiss her!" He rambled, threw his hands up and let them fall.

Crutchie clicked his tongue. "she kissed you." He remarked. He then went and sat beside him on his bed. "does she like you?" He asked.

"I don't know. She kissed me and ran away- well uh- she thanked me for the ice cream.. then ran away." Romeo answered. He then started to laugh, making Crutchie confused. "I wonder how Andi would react."

Crutchie started to laugh as well. "she'd freak." Soon, the two started laughing so much that they're stomachs started to hurt. They were laughing at every little thing they could think of, even though it wasn't funny.

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