the one with the bonfire

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"okay, now Jack and Kath, explain what happened between you two." Crutchie ordered and everybody's attention turned towards them.

"well, I was telling Kath that I like her. 'Cause I do." Jack started.

"then Brooke came up to us and asked Jack why he was telling me all this when he already asked Eden out." Katherine added on.

"but I didn't ask her out!" Jack defended. "you have to trust me, Kath!" He pleaded.

"do you really like me?" Katherine asked shyly.

"of course! Since that day in gym class when I made fun of you for writing in your journal." Jack smiled. A chorus of awh's was heard as Katherine crawled over to Jack and hugged him.

"I like you too." She confessed.

"I know."


"nothing." Jack said quickly.

"wait," She pulled away. "why was Eden flirting with you anyway?" She wondered.

"'cause she wanted to get in Jacky boy's pants." Spot replied for Jack and Crutchie threw a cookie at him.

"no!" Romeo yelled. "'cause she knows how jealous you get and she used that to try and ruin you and Jack's friendship." He explained. His eyes then went wide in realization. "g-guys... turns out Eden really isn't the only one trying to ruin friendships."

"what?" Albert asked.

"Eden was trying to ruin Jack and Katherine's friendship and Gia tried to ruin our friendship with Andi." Romeo replied.

"and they probably knew that it would lead to everyone fighting." Katherine added on.

"they were tryna fuck us up!" Race yelled.

"YEAH!" Everybody agreed in unison.

"no one messes with the Newsies!" Jack exclaimed, confusing everybody.

"Newsies?" Spot asked, trying to hold in a laugh

"yeah I just came up with a name for our group on the spot. I think it's cool, y'all like?" Jack shrugged.

"where'd you even get that name?" Finch wondered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"well, I saw this movie on the way here and-"

"yeah yeah, no need for details. We're the Newsies." Spot interrupted.

"YEAH!" Everybody cheered.

Race stood up. "okay, we're never gonna let Gia, Eden and their friends get to us ever again, promise?"


    What Elmer and Andi hadn't realized was that Lilly was still on call and she listened to the whole cute conversation.

"promise that we'll never let Gia try and ruin us ever again." Andi stated, still in Elmer's arms.

"I promise." Elmer promised and kissed her. Suddenly, they heard Lilly's voice.

"awhhh!" She gushed, making the two jump in their place.

"did you hear the whole thing?" Elmer asked Lilly.

"yep!" She smiled.

Andi laughed. "okay, we better go make up with everyone else."

"yeah we should."

"bye Lilster!" The two said in unison before hanging up. They then made their way to the sitting area, where everybody seemed to have made up with each other.

Race was the first to see the two. "Didi!" He exclaimed.

"Andi!!" Everybody yelled, smiling widely.

"wow, feel the love." Elmer muttered to himself and Andi elbowed his side. "what'd we miss?" He asked with a sudden smile.

"those two are together now!" Finch replied and pointed at Jack and Katherine.

"about time!" Andi beamed and went to sit beside Race. She then sighed. "I'm sorry 'bout Friday night. I shouldn't have listened to Gia." She apologized, leaning her head on Race's shoulder.

"your brain stops working when someone goes for people you care about, huh?" Race replied and wrapped an arm around her.

"I thought I lost all of you." She confessed.

"you never lost us in the first place." Albert smiled, crawled over to Andi and gave her a hug.

"seems like we're all made up. Y'all want me to call Ms. Medda?" Crutchie asked and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Everybody looked at each other before Andi thought of an idea.

"we all packed at least two days worth of clothes, right?" She reminded and everybody nodded. "and I'm sure Ms. Medda could use a vacation too."

"are you suggesting we go camping?" Spot wondered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"we're already camping. I'm suggesting we go for longer." Andi shrugged. Again, everybody looked at each other before agreeing.

Ms. Medda let them out and had somebody build a bonfire, so everybody was all sitting around it. Ms. Medda had brought marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate as if she planned to let them out at night.

"let's call Davey and Lilly down here." Jack suggested. He had an arm around Katherine, who just ate her twelfth marshmallow. Surprisingly, the sugar hasn't got to her yet.

Elmer scoffed. "please, it's Tuesday. Davey will never go out on a school night."

"Lilly would come no hesitation." Albert laughed and everybody gave him a teasing look. "what?!" He asked.

"you've been talking about Lilly like, all night." Katherine answered, smiling.

Albert blushed. "not true!" He defended. Race then started poking his cheek repeatedly. "stop that!" He swatted Race's hand away.

"yer blushin'." He teased.

"you like Lilly!" Andi beamed. She was laying her head on Elmer's stomach and he was playing with her hair.

"no I don't!" Albert retorted, trying to hide a smile. Of course he liked Lilly. How could he not? The two have gotten really close since she moved to Manhattan.

"come on Albie. We all know you do." Jojo deadpanned.

"I don't like Lilly!"

"ladies and gentlemen here is what we call, fucking bullshit." Jack announced in his fist like he was holding a microphone, making everybody laugh.

"we all know you like Lilly, all you have to do is admit it." Mush stated and accidentally set his marshmallow on fire. He yelled and Finch blew it out for him.

"is it really that obvious?" He asked shyly.

"yes." Everybody replied in unison.

"okay, maybe I like Lilly." He admitted quietly.

Katherine squealed. "OH MY GOD!" She exclaimed, the sugar finally getting to her. They talked for what seems like the whole night. Albert gushed over Lilly, Katherine and Jojo had a sugar rush and some secrets were poured out. Overall, it was perfect. Everybody couldn't be happier to have all made up again.

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