the one with the new kid

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flashback-ish-well-not-really-because-it-was-on-the-same-day-but-likeeee-lets-still-call-it-a-flashback chapter

    Today was David and Sarah's first day at a new school. For their first class, they were together, but for their second, they were separated, Sarah having history and David having chemistry. When he walked in, he saw that every desk was full, with pairs of two, except one. An empty desk in the front and middle of the class, so he decided it's better than nothing. But sometimes being tall doesn't have it's perks. When he sat down, a boy behind him called him.

"hey kid!" David whipped his head back to see what looks like siblings, behind him.

"ya too tall, you're blocking the whiteboard!" He stated.

"I-I'm sorry, but there aren't any other desks." David apologized.

"then sit on the floor." The boy demanded.

"I can't!" David answered.

"you heard him, he said beat it string-bean." The other one said loud enough for the whole class to hear and was now looking at what was going on in the front of the class.

Jack leaned towards Romeo. "get a load of this kid." He laughed.

"Jack Kelly!" Katherine scolded, hearing what he said while Andi laughed at the scene.

"what? Even Didi thinks it's funny, see!" He defended and motioned to Andi. Katherine rolled her eyes and luckily for the new kid, the teacher started class.

"alright everybody quiet down!" He yelled, making the class go completely silent.

He clasped his hands together. "now I believe we have a new student. David, care to introduce yourself?" He suggested, motioning to him.

"uh no thanks." David politely declined.

"come on, David," One of the same boys who were taunting him piped in.

"introduce yourself." The other one smiled menacingly.

"I said I didn't want to!" David retorted loudly, fed up with them.

"why not? Ya too-"

Andi stood up. "Mo!" She yelled, getting the attention of the class.

"for once can you stop acting like a piece of shit and just shut up!?" She raged. She then grabbed her things and walked to David's desk.

"go sit in the back, I'll sit here. I can handle 'em." She whispered.

"what makes you think I can't handle them?" David asked.

"yeah Andi, what makes ya think he can't handle us?" Oscar teased.

"fuck off." She snapped.

"Matilda, you know swearing isn't tolerated in my class." Their teacher scolded.

"yeah, Matilda." Morris mocked. Andi then grabbed him by the shirt, stood him up and put his face close to hers.

He then let out a quiet, menacing laugh. "you've got fire, I like fire."

"fuck off or I'll tell the school that you're cheating on Gia Quinn." She threatened.

"h-how do you-"

"you should try hiding it better next time." She smiled and dropped him back into his seat.

She then put her things on David's desk. "go, it's okay." She reassured. He grabbed his things and made his way to the back of the class. Before he could take a step, Morris stopped him.

"you're dead." He threatened.

"no he's not." Andi stated, sitting down.

"mind your own business." Oscar demanded.

She turned around to face him. "get a life." She retorted, rolling her eyes.

"you're dead too." Morris intimidated with a cold glare.

"you're not laying a fucking finger on her." Jack stood up.

"oh really, and what makes you think that?" Oscar sneered.

Jack laughed. "she's Andi Ferrari." He stated in a "duh!" tone.

"if anything, you're dead." He added and their teacher finally had enough.

"that's it! Matilda and Jack, you have detention for an hour this afternoon." He stated.

"WHAT?! WHY?!" They yelled at the same time.

"for the scene you caused," He explained, motioning to Andi.

"and for both of you swearing in my class, which is not allowed." He added.

Andi groaned loudly in her seat. "come on Mendoza! I was standing up for the new kid!" She defended.

"and I was standin' up for Di!" Jack added.

"doesn't matter, detention for an hour." Their teacher insisted and turned around to pick up a whiteboard marker. He then wrote "Matilda and Jack: detention after school," on the top right corner of the board.

"just in case you forget." He remarked. Again, Andi groaned and Jack walked back to his desk and slumped in his seat.
yea yea the teacher's a bitch i know

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