the one with Jack

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    The monday after that awkward weekend, Andi was approached by Gia.

"can't believe you'd sink so low that you would go after my ex just because I'm with Morris now." She said, giving her a bitchy stare.

"I have no idea what you're talking 'bout." Andi replied with a confused look on her face.

"don't act like you didn't hangout with Spot on saturday." Gia spat.

"oh," She snorted.

"you think I'm going for Spot." She stated laughing.

"well, are you?" Gia asked, cutting off her laughing.

"the world doesn't revolve around you, G. Anyone can go for Spot without knowing he was with you. Never in a million years would I go for Spot, but that doesn't stop you from going for him when he gets a girlfriend." Andi winked and walked away. Behind her, she could hear Gia groan in frustration, which made her laugh. When she spotted Elmer, she ran up to him to tell him what just happened.

"hey Dallas get this, Gia thought I liked Spot." She said while laughing a little.

"do you?" Elmer asked with a little jealousy in his tone.

"noooo way, never in a million years." She answered. She then accidentally dropped her binder so she bent down to pick it up.

"besides, there's... someone else I like..." She added shyly, looking back at him.

"oh." Elmer replied sadly. They soon spotted Jack and Crutchie and they spent the rest of their time with them before they had to go to class. Whenever Andi said something to Elmer, Jack noticed something off. Well, not off, but different. Jack noticed that Andi insulted Elmer more than usual, and Andi insults her friends a lot. What can Jack say? He's a very observant person.

    When Andi sat down with Katherine, Jack said something to Romeo who then stood up and walked towards them.

"Jack wants to sit with you today. So look's like you're stuck with me, Kath." He winked and Andi could practically feel Katherine roll her eyes. She picked up her binder and bag and walked over to Jack and Romeo's desk.

"little flirt told me you wanted me to sit with you today?" She asked.

"yup, sit." He said, tapping the chair next to his. Andi sat down and set her things up before Jack spoke, or more like smiled at her.

"the hell you smiling at?" She asked.

"I know you like him." He teased. Shit, does he know I like Elmer? He's probably thinking of somebody else, just act dumb. She thought

"Romeo?" not THAT DUMB! She internally scolded herself.

"you know who I'm talking 'bout." Jack replied in an obvious tone. Andi didn't reply, she didn't want to guess Elmer just in case Jack was still talking about somebody else. She instead faked a confused face so Jack could tell her what was in his mind.

"Elmer! I know you like him." He repeated.

"and what makes you think that?"

"you're meaner to him. Whenever you like someone, you're meaner to them than usual." He explained calmly.

"you have no proof of that, cowboy." Andi retorted.

"oh yeah? I'm an observant person. When you liked Albert-" Before Jack could finish, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to her.

"how do you know I liked Albert, the only person who knew was Elmer. So tell me how you found out or you're-" Andi was then interrupted by her teacher who caught them talking during the lesson.

"Matilda and Jack, do you have anything to share with the class?" He asked, silencing the whole class.

"no sir." They replied simultaneously.

"really? Because it seems like you two were talking quite a lot." Jack looked at Andi, who just shrugged.

"go on, tell the class what interesting things you were talking about, since you couldn't wait until after my class to talk about it." He ordered. The two looked at each other again before opening their mouths to say something.

"I uhhh..." Andi started, fidgeting with her pencil.

"well..." Jack trailed off.

"I was just uhh..." The teacher looked at Andi, motioning for her to go on.

"I was just tellin' Andi that I.... like her! Yeah, see I couldn't wait until after class." Jack blurted out instantly regretting it. Romeo gave him a "really?" look at which he just shrugged. The whole class, especially Andi, was shocked at what he just said.

"oookay maybe I shouldn't have pushed you." Their teacher whispered to himself.

"are you insane!?" Andi freaked, walking out of class.

"I didn't know what to say!" He defended.

"and relax, no one's gonna talk about it."

"we have Eden Matthews in our class. Pretty sure it's gonna go around the whole school!" She answered.

"what's the big deal? All people care about is the basketball team, football team and the popular hoes anyways." Jack stated.

"listen hee-haw, the big deal is that Elmer might hear about this! So you better make sure he doesn't hear about it and believe it or else the only way you're seeing Santa Fe is from up there!" She threatened, pointing towards the ceiling. It took a while for Jack to understand what she said, but when he did, he nodded frantically, visibly afraid. Andi prayed the rumour didn't get to Elmer because she'd then be done for.

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