the one with goodbye

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bruh i want this ring so bad ok anyways this is in the chapter.

    This is it. The day that nobody thought would come. Andi was leaving for London. Safe to say, she really didn't want to go. She never imagined that she'd have to leave her friends. Now that she has to, it's really going to be hard. She's been through so much with them, it's crazy. Every single one of them means so much to her, she doesn't know how she'll get through the day without seeing their faces.

Most of all, didn't want to leave Elmer. Her best friend. Her partner in crime. The first boy she's ever fallen in love with. Those two have been through a whole lifetime worth of events, and they were only seventeen. They've made so much memories together. However, they didn't know they were making memories, they were just having fun. She won't know what to do without him. She didn't think she was ever going to get used to not having him around.

Her and her father had to get up early to catch their flight. By early, I mean five in the morning. But little did she know, her friends got up earlier than them. When she and her father got to the airport, they saw all of Andi's friends sleeping on the chairs and sleeping. Except for Spot, who was on his phone while Lilly was sleeping with her head on his lap.

Andi dropped her things and ran to them. "when did you guys get here?" She asked Spot quietly.

"'bout twenty minutes ago." He replied with the same volume and looked up from his phone. "yikes, your hair's a mess." Andi rolled her eyes and scanned the group to find Elmer. He was taking up three chairs and was laying his head on Jojo's lap. She walked up to him and gently kissed his nose, waking him up.

He slowly woke up. "what are you doing in my room?" He asked groggily.

"you're at the airport, Dallas." Andi deadpanned, resulting in Elmer shooting up.

"how'd I get here?"

"you tell me." She chuckled softly. Suddenly, everybody else slowly started waking up.

"is the munchkin here yet?" Albert wondered. His eyes then lit up at the sight of Andi, so he jumped up, ran to her and engulfed her in a hug. "I was scared, for a sec, that you already left and I didn't get to say goodbye."

Andi hugged him back. "I'd never leave without saying goodbye to you." She promised. Suddenly, Lexi ran up her. She hadn't noticed that she was around since she wasn't with Elmer. Turns out, she was sleeping on Finch's lap.

"don't leave, Andi!" She cried, hugging her tightly, in which Andi picked her up and hugged her back.

"you heard her, dad!" Andi called to her father. Elmer then walked up to Andi and took his sister from her.

"Alexi, you know Andi has to leave." He stated.

"but I don't want her to!"

Elmer held her tight. "me too, kiddo. Me too." He whispered and felt tears form in his eyes.

Race was next to hug Andi. "hey Didi?"


"don't forget 'bout me, okay?" He pleaded, making Andi start to cry.

"of course I won't." She replied. How could she forget Race? He's got the brightest blue eyes she's ever seen. They were always full of happiness and energy, they'd be impossible to forget. All of the sudden, Jojo almost tackled Andi in a hug.

"you're gonna kill it in London!" He reassured, trying to keep his best smile on for her. But he knew that any second, he was going to burst into tears.

Spot walked up to them. "yeah, just make sure you won't kill anyone." He joked.

"there's only one person who I'd want to kill." Andi answered back and gave Spot a glare. "can you guess who?"

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