the one with the cardigan

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    "okay, what if we set them up?" Elmer suggested as he and Andi walked into a store. The two had just finished writing their last exam and as soon as Elmer walked out of his exam, Andi dragged his ass to the mall. Per usual, Andi did well on her pre cal and chemistry exam, but she wasn't too fond of writing, so she didn't know if she did good in english.

"we can't set them up." Andi stated, looking through clothes.

"why not?"

"Albert hates being set up, remember the last time we tried to set him up?" She reminded, raising her eyebrows.

"she ended up being one of those crazy theatre girls and got mad at him because he didn't know what Wicked was." Elmer remembered and laughed. "yikes."

"exactly." Andi then found a blue cropped cardigan, took it off of the rack and showed it to Elmer. "is this nice?" She asked.

"you have that in five different colours from this exact store and you're wearing one of them right now. Get something else." He replied, resulting in Andi rolling her eyes, which he noticed. "hey, you told me to be honest and if I wasn't honest, you'd be buying a sixth one."

"I'm getting it." Andi stated.

"they need to ban you from these cardigans."

"I need more blue in my closet!"

Elmer took the piece out of her hands. "and there are a lot more blue clothes in the world."

"but I like that!" Andi retorted, pointing at the cardigan.

"I'll get you something else blue." He promised and put the cardigan back. The two then walked out of the store. Andi grabbed Elmer's hand and laced her fingers in his.

"oh guess what, I did great on my pre cal exam. Didn't even need to use my cheat sheet!" She beamed.

Elmer kissed her temple. "I knew you would."

"now... one more semester and I'm off to London." She said sadly and looked down at their hands. "you sure we'll be fine?" She asked, now looking up at him.

"we'll be more than fine." He reassured.

"I'm still not over the homework theory."

"I'll do my homework while you talk to me."

"but you won't be listening to me." Andi whined.

"do you want me to fail grade twelve?" Elmer asked, raising an eyebrow.

"no but-"

"we'll have a lot of time to talk. I promise." He stated. "we'll even facetime." He added, making Andi smile.

"I'll visit as much as I can." She promised.

"you'll be busy twenty four-seven with school." Elmer replied.

"that's why I said as much as I can. And we're only going to highschool for one more year." She reminded. She then noticed that a store was having a sale event, so she dragged Elmer into the store.

After their shopping trip, Andi was walking in and out of her bathroom, modelling her new clothes to Elmer, who helped her pick most of the clothes.

"hey! Where'd that come from!?" Elmer asked when Andi walked out with the blue cardigan that he didn't let her buy.

"remember when I went to the bathroom?" Andi answered, with a mischievous smile on her face.

Elmer crossed his arms. "you went back for it, didn't you?"

"that would explain why I have this on my body." Suddenly, Katherine and Lilly crawled into Andi's room and immediately noticed her new cardigan.

"really, another one?" Katherine asked.

"I tried to stop her!" Elmer defended.

"then why does she have that on her body?" Lilly deadpanned, crossing her arms.

"she snuck off and went back for it!" He replied. "how many cardigans do you even need?"

"sky's the limit." Andi smiled innocently.

Elmer scoffed. "yeah, so's your wallet." He mumbled, resulting in Andi throwing a pillow at him. Unintentionally, it hit his head. All of a sudden, Jack and Romeo climbed in through the window. Seconds later, there was a knock on Andi's bedroom door, so she opened it to see Crutchie and Davey.

"why do they crawl through your window?" Davey wondered.

Andi chuckled. "I don't know, they just always did that." She replied.

"you should try it, lotta fun." Albert piped in as he crawled into Andi's room. Following him was Finch.

"no one told me about a party in my room." Andi remarked, raising an eyebrow. Soon, Jojo and Mush came in with a big bag.

"hey guys, whatcha got there?" Katherine asked, referring to the bag.

"burritos!" Jojo beamed and set the bag down on Andi's desk.

"I love you!" Andi exclaimed, pointing at the two boys who just came in.

"now it's actually a party." Romeo laughed. Race and Spot were the last ones to crawl into Andi's room.

"hey Rory and Lane, you're late for the party." Lilly joked when they came in, causing Spot to be confused.

"Rory and Lane?"

Race lightly whacked his head. "from Gilmore Girls!" He informed.

"you watch Gilmore Girls?" Katherine asked Race.

"yeah, it's a good show." He shrugged.

"marathon downstairs?" Andi suggested with a smile. Everybody then went downstairs, with the food and started the show, Gilmore Girls from episode one. They all really liked it. Andi, Katherine, Race and Lilly were all arguing about their opinions on the show.

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