the one with the prank

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"dumbass never locks his window." Andi laughed as she climbed into her ex's room. Elmer then followed her. Andi dumped the things they needed onto Morris' desk before starting. Elmer noticed a few more things that they didn't buy from the store.

"remember, his jerseys is off limits for the paint and glitter." She whispered, unwrapping one of three large fish. She then went into his closet and started putting paint in between layers of his folded clothes. She then proceeded to put glitter inside pockets of sweaters and pants and also in the insides of his clothes. After Morris' closet turned into a 4 year old's arts and crafts project, Andi stunk his closet up by squishing one of the fish in the middle of his folded shirts and the other one under all his clothes. Elmer had just finished putting paint and glitter on his bed and now he was squishing a fish under her pillow. After he was done pounding Morris' pillow, pretending it was him, he went on with Andi's plan.

"here's some blue hair dye, put it in Morris' lotion, I have some green for his shampoo." Andi said, handing him a tube of blue hair dye.

"and you said "we're not evil"." He mumbled.

"grow up." Andi laughed, spray painting an "F" on Morris' wall.

After Andi and Elmer were finished putting vaseline on every possible entrance to his house, Andi even went the extra mile and baby-proofed the front door and it was off to Gia's house!! Before going to the basement window, where her room was, she put paint and glitter on her clothes and set it down on the lawn. The two then went to Gia's car and wrapped cling wrap around her car where the handles were. Andi then sprayed painted a giant "F" on the back window. After, they went and sat at either side of the window, tossing the pack of cling wrap around and sticking it to the window frame.

"hand me your phone." Andi whispered.

"why?" Elmer asked.

"I need to call Gia's house number and her mom knows my number." She explained. Elmer nodded and tossed his phone to her. Andi turned it on, had a confused look on her face and tossed it back to Elmer. Not suspecting it, the phone hit Elmer's chest and fell to the ground.

"hey! Not nice!" He whined.

"password." Andi deadpanned.

"ohh." Elmer entered his password before tossing the phone back to her. Andi then hid in a bush before dialling Gia's house number. It started to ring and she motioned for Elmer to hide in the bush with her, so he crawled as fast as he can to her.

"hello?" They heard Gia's mother answer. Andi did all the talking, making her voice sound as grown up as she can.

"hi, this is your next door neighbour, Karen. I'm calling to report some unusual movement in your basement." She explained. Elmer couldn't help but laugh a little, but he kept his hand over his mouth.

"no, it's not human like. Frankly, it's terrifying me. You better check it out." She said before hanging up.

"GIA STEPHANIE QUINN!!" They heard her mother yell.

"run!" Andi whisper-yelled. With that, the two ran back to Elmer's car and got in as fast as they can. Elmer practically climbed onto Andi to see Morris crash into the cling wrap on Gia's window and run away, half naked. Elmer quickly snapped a picture of him and they both burst into laughter.

"oh god I can't believe you said that!" Elmer laughed, getting off of her.

"I can't believe you took a picture of Mo!" Andi replied, playfully hitting Elmer's shoulder.

"Race asked for a souvenir!" He retorted, throwing his hands up and letting them fall.

"nice to see Race hasn't changed." She said quietly, but loud enough for Elmer to hear.

"wanna get some slurpees?"

"read my mind." He smiled.

the prank was like half ish inspired by Paper towns like the stinking up a room with fish and the spray paint part. This story's mostly based on a Thomas Brodie Sangster au I wrote before, it's not on wattpad and it's gone now so yeah

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