the one back at school

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"I don't know, it's just that the farthest away I've been from him was in the ninth grade when I had classes way on the other side of the school." Andi spoke as she and Lilly walked down the halls to the cafeteria.

"what about Albert, how long have you guys been friends for?" Lilly wondered.

"oh," Andi laughed. "before we could even talk. My mom was best friends with his mom since middle school." She replied. "they somehow managed to get pregnant at the same time, that's why we have the same birthdays."

Lilly chuckled. "that's freaky." She stated.

"you tell me." Andi answered. "we like to think of each other as twins, but we look nothing alike so there's that." Soon, they walked into the cafeteria and to their usual table. When they got to their table, they heard Elmer rambling about who knows what.

"I mean the farthest away me and Andi has ever been was in grade nine when I had classes way on the other side of the school from her." He rambled. Andi figured that he was rambling about London, so she sat down beside him and kissed his cheek.

"Elmo, we'll be fine." She reassured. He then turned to face her.

"remember our third best friend, Skittery?"

"yeah, we called him Skittery 'cause he always had skittles on him." Andi smiled at the memory. "What happened to him?" She asked.

"we didn't get put in a class with him in grade four!" He yelled. Slowly, Andi leaned onto her boyfriend, in which he wrapped his arms around her.

"we're fucked." She mumbled.

Finch scoffed. "no you're not. You're Andi and Elmer." He stated.

Elmer laughed. "what does that mean?"

"it means that you're that pair of best friends you see on TV." Romeo explained, sitting down beside Andi.

"we're not a TV show, tell 'em Didi." Elmer retorted.

"yeah, we're not a TV show." Andi said half-heartedly, about to fall asleep on Elmer.

"oh yeah? Best friends since five, barely talks for 'bout a year, reunites, gets closer than y'all were before then starts dating." Finch lists.

Jojo clicked his tongue. "I'd watch that show."

"you are! It's them!" Race answered, dramatically motioning to Andi and Elmer.

"why can't it be called Elmer and Andi?" Elmer complained.

"'cause Andi and Elmer sounds better." Andi replied.

"she's right." Lilly laughed. Elmer then heard somebody sit beside him, so he turned his head to see Spot.

"Dotty!" He exclaimed.

"don't call me that." Spot groaned.

"what do you like better, Elmer and Andi, or Andi and Elmer?" Elmer asked.

"I'ma say Andi and Elmer so Andi doesn't kill me, even though she's asleep." Spot answered.

Elmer scoffed. "Andi's not-" He was interrupted when he heard light snoring. "...asleep." He enunciated. He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her head. Romeo's attention then turned to Eden, who was flirting with... Jack.

"y'all seeing this?" He asked.

"what?" Lilly asked.

"Eden Matthews is flirting with Jack." He replied.

Mush laughed. "okay, we don't know that." He stated. They then saw Eden playfully punch Jack in the shoulder.

"oh yeah, she's flirting." Lilly nodded. Suddenly, Katherine stomped to their table, jealousy taking over her.

"hey Kath... you good?" Crutchie wondered. She put her iced coffee on the table and sat down beside Romeo.

"me? Yeah, I'm great. Why wouldn't I be?" She lied and faked a smile. She then slammed her straw so hard into her drink, she broke the cup, all through a forced smile.

"uh... Kath..." Elmer trailed off, motioning to the drink that was now spilling onto the floor and table.


"this doesn't have anything to do with Eden flirting with Jack, right?" Race asked, resulting in Finch socking his shoulder.

"don't say that!" He whisper yelled. Katherine looked back at Eden and Jack, forced a laugh and turned back around.

"oh, look at that. It's Eden and Jack..." She forced a smile. "flirting." She said through her teeth.

"...yeah... okay." Elmer enunciated.

"it's just, Eden showed absolutely no acknowledgement towards Jack," Katherine started.

"here we go." Spot mumbled under his breath, resulting in Elmer hitting him.

"then all of the sudden she starts flirting with him? And he's totally buying it! I've liked Jack the moment he first talked to me and we've made no progress at all!" She ranted. "I'm just his "best friend," and it'll always be like that." She finished and slumped down on her chair. Jojo and Albert came back with napkins and cleaned up the mess.

"guys, I can clean that, it's my coffee." Katherine offered.

"no it's okay, we'll clean up your mess and after we'll clean up," Jojo made circles in the air in front of Katherine. "this mess." He laughed. Katherine slammed the table, causing Andi to wake up, and stared daggers into Jojo's eyes.

"or... maybe not." Jojo said quickly and hid behind Albert.

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