the one at the cabin

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Andi was the first to make a move. She picked up one of the Nespresso pods and stuck in into the Nespresso to make coffee. She found a medium glass in one of the cupboards and filled it with ice. Finally, she placed it under the little dispenser and waited until coffee came out. Everybody watched her put oat milk and sugar in.

"what are you guys looking at?" She asked them.

"we don't know how to make iced coffee." Spot replied.

"so we're watching you." Elmer shrugged. Andi rolled her eyes, picked up an Oreo pack and made her way to the furthest bunk with her cookies and coffee. She threw the cookies onto the top bunk and set her coffee down on a near table. She came back to the kitchen, found a jar of peanut butter, took her bag and threw those onto the bunk she claimed. Finally, with her coffee, she climbed up the bunk and pulled out her laptop.

"did Ms. Medda say anything about laptops?" Romeo asked.

"nope. But if you didn't bring one you'd have to be pretty stupid." Spot stated, picked up a cookie pack, his bag, and claimed a bunk. He then pulled out his laptop and plugged his earphones in.

"am I the only one who didn't bring a laptop!?" Romeo yelled. Everybody then pulled out their laptop, making Romeo groan. He then picked up a Nespresso pod and did what he had watched Andi do earlier.

    Andi was on facetime with Lilly when Elmer came up to her bunk.

She took an airpod out. "I don't like it when we fight." She told him softly. Elmer climbed onto her bunk and sat in front of her.

"I don't either." He replied and held her hands.

"are you really friends with me again 'cause you felt bad for me?" She asked quietly, keeping a tight grip on Elmer's hands.

"Andi.. of course not." He reassured. "we've always been friends, you know that."

Andi sighed. "I hoped so." She gave him a small smile. "I was just scared... you know." She shrugged shyly.


"I thought I lost all of you and I didn't know it." She replied and looked down at their hands.

"c'mere Sunshine." Andi crawled to Elmer and he engulfed her in a hug. "you have me. You'll always have me and you're never losing me." He promised and kissed her head. Andi held him even tighter.

"what about everyone else?"

"they've always been friends with you. You know that." Elmer answered. "especially Albert, Race and Finch. They're your best friends." He added.

"and Spot." Andi remarked.

Elmer chuckled softly. "and Spot."

Everybody else was sitting in a circle in the other room. Crutchie was in the middle, eating cookies.

"so we're going to go around the circle and tell two people one thing that we like about them. Okay?" He stated.

"why are you in the middle?" Spot asked.

"so's if you choose violence, I can stop you." Crutchie answered.

"will we need to bubble wrap you?" Katherine raised an eyebrow.

"we'll be fine." Crutchie reassured. "okay, I'll go first... Jojo, I like how you're always happy no matter what and Finch, I like how you're always the first to help somebody." He demonstrated with a smile. "see, that's not so hard is it? Your turn Spot." Everybody's attention turned to Spot.

"ditto." Spot stated with a deadpanned look on his face.

"Spot." Crutchie scolded.

"I choose violence."


"why aren't Andi and Elmer here?"

"SPOT CONLON!" Crutchie yelled and threw a cookie, hard, at him, making everybody jump in their place.

"new rule, if you don't cooperate I will hurt you with cookies." He stated and smiled like he did earlier.

"cookies won't-" Spot was interrupted when Crutchie threw another cookie at him.

"okay okay fine." He groaned. "Mush, I like your bag and Jack, I like when your sad" He said quickly. (A/N: victorious reference😉)

Race groaned and fell on his back. "we're never getting out of here!" He complained.

"okay we'll come back to you Spot. Race, your turn." Everyone's attention then turned to Race.

He sat up. "um okay... Crutchie, I like how you're making an effort to help us make up and Albert and Finch, I like the fact that you're my best friends." He stated, making his best friends smile slightly. "see, at least I'm trying unlike Spot." He mumbled under his breath. Unfortunately for Race, Spot was sitting right beside him.

"you wanna go, Higgins?!" Spot yelled, pounding his fist in his palm.

"where we goin', back home?" He asked sarcastically "oh wait, we can't do that 'cause you're not cooperating!" Race yelled back. Suddenly, the two boys started fighting and nobody couldn't stop them.

"STOP!" Crutchie shouted. "we're the closest group anyone has known. We've never fought like this before, now someone tell me how this all started!" Everybody exchanged looks for a moment before all bursting into chatter.


"after the volleyball game, Andi talked to Race and Mush." Albert started.

"then she walked out and got mad at us, saying things like how we're pretending to be her friend 'cause we feel bad for her." Finch added on.

"so's you think that we told her that y'all were pretending to be her friend?" Mush asked and tilted his head to the side.

"you were the last ones to talk to her." Spot shrugged.

"no we weren't." Race furrowed his eyebrows.

"what?" Finch asked.

"Gia was the last one to talk to her."

"WHAT?!" Everybody, but Jack and Katherine, yelled in unison.

"oh my god Race, I'm so sorry." Jojo apologized. A chorus of i'm sorry's were then said to Mush and Race.

"we didn't know, I'm sorry for yelling at you." Albert said and Race smiled.

"okay get this, what if Gia told Andi that y'all were pretending to be her friend?" Crutchie asked, making everybody's eyes go wide.

"but why would she do that?" Spot answered.

"'cause she's a cock sucking fucking biatch who-"

"Racer!" Albert yelled, making him stop.

"what? I didn't swear!"

"it makes sense. As soon as Andi walked out, she started yelling at us." Jojo stated.

"and Gia told me that whatever she told her was enough to make her mad.." Race added. Everybody looked at each other for a minute before their eyes went wide.

"ohhhhhh." They said in unison.

Crutchie smiled. "one problem solved."

crutchie the therapist

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