the one with the rumour

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    Elmo Kasprsak
| did you hear???
| no?
| Jack likes Andi
| you're fucking kidding
| no he doesn't
| apparently his teacher caught him and Andi talking
| he made them tell the class what they were talking about and Jack told the class he likes Andi
| dude how did you not hear about this yet you're one of the most popular guys at school
| dunno but ion believe it

    While waiting for Elmer to reply, Spot texted Andi.

Tiny Ferrari
| Jack likes you?
| NO
| it's just some dumbass rumour we accidentally started
| how?
| Mendoza caught us talking during class and made us "share what interesting things we were talking about since we couldn't wait until after class"
| just so happens we were talking about Elmer
| cowboy somehow knows that I'm in love with him
| anyways he made up this story that he's into me so Mendoza can get off our asses
| so jacky boy doesn't actually like you
| you know he likes Kath
| true
| did Elmo hear bout it?
| yeah
| he's the one who told me
| shit
| i'm coming over
| i'm at your aunt's bakery with Jack and Race
| we're doing homework
| as if you ever do your homework
| i'm coming over there

    "see what you did, cowboy?" Andi said, storming into the bakery and sitting beside Race.

"hey Di, why aren't you sitting beside your boyfriend?" He teased, nudging her side.

"shut it goldilocks." She demanded.

"kay there feisty." Race mocked quietly.

Jack threw his hands up. "what did I do?" He asked.

"you know what you did." She sneered.

"is this about chemistry earlier? Did it get to Elmer?!" He asked. Andi answered by giving him a half-deadpanned half-death stare look. He caught on quickly and mouthed "ohhh."

"well, it's been nice knowin' y'all. I'm finally gonna see Santa Fe." With that, he quickly got up and ran out of the bakery with Andi chasing behind him. But before she could get to him, a hand grabbed her wrist, holding her back.

"come back in, Jack. You're not dying today." A sweet voice called. Jack walked back in to see Andi's aunt, who her friends call "aunty Ferrari," gripping onto her niece's wrist.

"yeah, today. But look out huckleberry, aunty Ferrari won't be here to protect you next time." She menaced with a smirk.

"sit down Andi." She demanded, so Andi sat down beside Spot.

"Spot, make sure she doesn't kill Jack." Andi's aunt ordered, so Spot put his arm around her.

"what's this 'bout? Ohh is this 'bout the rumour going 'round 'bout you two?" Race asked, motioning to Andi and Jack when her mom left.

"yeah, and Andi said that if Elmer heard about it I'd be dead." Jack answered.


"Di's in love with Elmer." Spot replied and with that, Andi socked him in the shoulder.

"AUNTY FERRARI!" Spot tattled.

"Andi!" She scolded from the distance. She could hear Race and Jack snickering from across the table so she shot them a death glare making them stop.

"you're in love with Elmer?" Race asked, smiling because he knows that Elmer's in love with her. Andi then gave Spot a death glare

"what? You know I'm not one for secrets!" He defended.

"you're nothing compared to Race when it comes to telling secrets." She stated, looking across the table to Race.

"tell Elmer, or you're dead." She threatened keeping her eyes on the blonde. He knew that keeping this from Elmer would be hell because they're both in love with each other but they don't  know it and it killed him. But he also knew that Andi's scary, she's like the girl version of Albert, sweet and nice, but scary when you get on the wrong side of her. All Race can hope for is that he doesn't blurt it out, aaaand that they find out real soon because he doesn't know how long he could keep this secret in.
eeewwww filler chapters. Also I didn't mention, Didi or Di is Andi's nickname. It's cute so I put it :)

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