Chapter 3

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Your POV

- 5 hours later -

I went to a room and I see Dinah and two other girls "Hi" I said Dinah faced me "Heeeeey! guys this is Y/N Ally's best friend but MY best friend now" she said I laughed "This is Normani and Camila" she introduced the two girls, I smiled and waved "Hello" i said shyly "Aww! Don't be shy" Camila said hugging me, she's so cute though. "She's mine now" Camila said pulling me away from Dinah. Dinah gasp and pulling me back to her "No! She's mine" she said i laughed Camila pulled me back and they kept tugging my arm, suddenly i felt someone grab my waist pulling me away from Dinah and Camila "Guys stop doing that she might get hurt" Lauren said i smiled to myself. "Are you okay?" she put the strand of hair behind my ear i blushed "Yeah" she hugged me tight and i feel butterflies in my tummy. "Uhm... excuse me? Can i have my best friend back? I'm taking her home" Ally said pulling me away from Lauren but she grabbed my hand "No, can i take her? You can stay here all night if you want, i'll be with her until you come back" she said Ally raised an eyebrow "Why?" Lauren gulped and shrugged "Brad won't be in the car" Ally suspected something but nodded. Lauren smiled and intertwine our fingers pulling me downstairs.

Ally's POV

As Y/N and Lauren left i turn to the girls "Do you think Lauren likes her? Cause it looks like it" i asked they nodded "Yep definitely, when Y/N sang halo to her Lauren looks like she's so in love with her" i smirked and squealed "OH MY GOOOOOD!!!!! THAT'S SOOO CUTE!" they joined me but we all stopped "But Lauren's straight and she has Brad" Normani said we all groaned "I'm gonna kill that guy" Dinah said we sighed then suddenly someone barged in the room "Hey! Where's Lauren?" Brad asked we rolled our eyes "She's with Y/N" i said "Why? She didn't even say anything to me" he said "She's just with a friend" i said he rolled his eyes "Bye" he said bluntly and left. I stare at the girls for a minute and shrugged.

Your POV

We arrived at the house and i unlocked the door we both went inside and i threw the keys in the table "Wanna watch with me in my room?" i asked she nodded smiling i held her hand then we made our way upstairs. I changed into my shorts and sweater then went back to my room, i saw her watching Hunger Games "Do you want to borrow my clothes so you could be comfortable?" she faced me and smiled "Yes and thank you" i smiled and grab a sweater and shorts then toss it to her. I lay in my bed pulling the blanket up, minutes later she came back and slid next to me we both watched the movie and suddenly i felt sleepy. Then i finally fell asleep.

Lauren's POV

As i was watching i heard soft snores coming from Y/N she might be asleep now, i turn off the TV and close the lights. I placed my arm around her waist gently pulling her close to me, i snuggle my face into her neck. This feels so perfect, her body fits perfectly into mine and i'm spooning her but in a friendly way i can't have feelings for a girl. I closed my eyes but suddenly i heard someone banging on the door downstairs, it wasn't Ally cause she have key, who is it? I slowly got out of the bed placing a kiss on Y/N's cheek then went downstairs. I opened the door "Brad?" he pulled me into a kiss i could tell he's drunk "What are you doing here?" i asked "What are YOU doing here?" i sighed "I'm just here to wa-" "Are you cheating on me?" i furrowed my eyebrows "No, i was just watching Y/N" i said "Why are you in her clothes?" he asked "So i could get comfortable" i answered "Why did you leave without me?" i sighed then closed the door so Y/N won't hear us "I was about to tell you but i couldn't find you and i left you a bunch of messages" he looked down "Okay fine i'm going home" i pulled his hand "are you mad?" he shook his head no "Goodbye kiss?" he smiled then kissed me, i feel like i didn't really like the kiss i don't feel any sparks. "See you tomorrow" he said i smiled and he walked back to his car, i sighed then went inside but then i heard a car stopped in front of the house i turn to the car and it was Ally and Dinah "Hi Lauren, you can go now. I left early cause i'm tired" she said "Is Y/N okay?" she asked "Yes she is, she's sleeping" Ally sighed in relief and nodded. "Uhm.... i'm going inside now" she said goodbye to Dinah, and Dinah waited for me to get in her car but i didn't move. I didn't want to leave Y/N i want to be beside her, Ally looked at me and smiled "Lauren do you want to spend the night here?" Ally asked i smiled excitedly "Yes" she smirked then nodded. "Thanks Dj!" Dinah gaved a thumbs up and drove away, we both went inside and i walk to the stairs "Ally can i sleep with Y/N?" she gave me another smirk, what's up with the smirking? "Why?" i blushed and look down "Uh..well...i just want Y/N to be safe" i mumbled i look up and she has the biggest smile ever "Go then" i smiled and ran upstairs carefully not wanting Y/N to wake up. I went inside her room quietly and slid next to Y/N doing my previous position and slowly shutting my eyes falling asleep.

- Next Morning -

I woke up and open my eyes slowly stretching slightly, i look down and Y/N's head was now on my chest her arm around my waist her leg on top of my thighs i giggle i think she thinks i'm a pillow now. I kissed her head and pulled out my phone secretly taking a selfie with her but then my phone made the click sound causing me to shut my eyes tightly, "please don't wake up please don't wake up" i said to myself i quickly hid my phone under the pillow. She started to stir hugging me tightly still not opening her eyes, i saw her eyes slowly opening then she looked down she sat up quickly "Shit, i'm sorry Lauren, did i squish you?" she asked i laughed "Nope come here" i said pulling her back to me "Are you sure?" i nodded she slowly laid her head on my chest again "I heard someone took a picture do you know who it is?" she asked looking at me, my eyes went wide and look away she sat up and glared at me "Was it you?" i smirked "Oh my god! Delete it!" i quickly got my phone under the pillow and she reached for it, there is no way i'm deleting that picture. "Laureeeeen! Deleeete it!" she whine still reaching for my phone i pulled it back more then suddenly we both landed on the floor. We both laughed she was on top of me still reaching for my phone, she finally got it and opened it "Please don't delete it" i said pouting she squiinted her eyes "But i look ugly here" she said looking at the picture "No you don't, you look cute" i said smiling i saw her blush "Fine" she said placing the phone in the bed she looked at me and we both stare into each others eyes. We suddenly heard the door open "Guys are you okay? I hea-" we both look up seeing Ally standing there with her jaw on the floor, Y/N quickly stood up "Ally we fell" she said Ally started to smile but it turned to a smirk "Oookaaaay" she said exiting the room. I stood up "I- uh.... i'm sorry for that" she said looking down i smiled and hug her "It's okay...come on let's go downstairs" i said she looked at me with her beautiful (your eye color) eyes she smiled and nodded.

We all finished eating and Ally started washing the dishes, I went to the living room and saw Y/N laying down at the couch her shirt was a bit up so i could see her tummy. She looked at me and smiled "Hey Lauren, come and seat with me" she said patting the space beside her, i sat beside her and she laid her head on my lap i comb her hair with my fingers feeling her soft hair. We started watching a movie and i could tell she was sleepy but she kept her eyes open, she sat up and looked at me "Are you okay?" i asked "Can you lay down too? I wanna cuddle..... well if you don't want to i'll just call Ally" i smiled and laid down opening my arms for her "Come on you big baby" i joked she gave me a cute smile crawling inside my arms "Thank you for last night Lauren" she said smiling leaning down kissing my cheek softly before laying down closing her eyes. I blushed and stared at the beautiful girl on my arms- WAIT WHAT?! Why the hell am i blushing?! "Hey, she's asleep again isn't she?" Ally said i look up "Uhh.. hahah yeah and i became her pillow again" i shrugged she laughed sitting down on a bean bag "So Lauren, are you meeting Brad today?" she asked i shrugged "i don't know" she nodded "Do you love him? Tell me the truth" she said in a serious tone, i sighed "Yes i do Ally" she raised an eyebrow "Really?" i nodded looking at Y/N who is sleeping peacefully in my arms.

Ally's POV

Look at them, they look so cute together, i could tell Brad doesn't love Lauren at all. Like i mean it's pretty obvious you know? In the party while Lauren is with Y/N i could see Brad flirting with a girl. Like seriously i think Lauren's blind. I watched Lauren caress Y/N's cheek looking at her with such loving eyes, her arms wrapped around Y/N's body protectively like her actions is saying that 'the girl in my arms belongs to me so don't touch it'. I know Lauren is beggining to have a little crush on Y/N but i know she'll deny it, she'll just say that she loves Brad and she's straight. Look at her she looks at Y/N like she's the love of her life, why can't she see that they look so perfect together? And Brad is an asshole. "Whatcha thinking Allycat?" Lauren's voice suddenly brought me back to reality "Uh.... nothing" i shrugged she squinted her eyes "What is it?" i shook my head 'no' "Nothing" she nodded and kissed Y/N's head pulling Y/N closer to her then closing her eyes. See what i mean? Pssshh! Lauren you gotta wake up soon. I turned around and watched the movie that was still playing falling asleep slowly.

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