Chapter 18

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- 2 weeks later -

Lauren's POV:

2 weeks has passed and Y/N and i got suuuuuper close! Sometimes when the both of us hang out at night we sorta act like a couple. You know..... holding hands, kissing each other's cheek and cuddling. We don't even notice that we're acting like one but i think no one is backing out so it would be fine. For me, i'm actually in love with Y/N but Brad is still my boyfriend. I always sneak in Y/N's room every night just to cuddle and sleep with her but early in the morning i get up and go home before my parents notice i'm gone. Sometimes Y/N and i almost kissed like a lot of times but we always get interrupted plus i don't want to cheat, i know i love Y/N but it's unfair to Brad. Sometimes Y/N and i hang out just the two of us and go somewhere relaxing, cause she always studies! She's a bit of a nerd and i love it, she's my nerd. My parents and siblings got really close to Y/N too, well dad is super close with her since her dad and my dad are friends. Taylor kept on teasing us same with Chris, Mom always tells me to invite Y/N. Dad isn't really close with Brad so is my siblings and my mom but they always try to communicate. Anyway in school, Kevin and Y/N got close too. Kevin is actually flirting with her every time i'm not with her but when i'm with her he won't go near Y/N.

I'm now waiting for Y/N at her locker, school has already ended and i told her that we're going to the beach today. I was at my phone playing a game then i felt two small arms wrap around my waist "Lolooo!!" i smiled and turn to her "Hey baby girl" i said hugging her, oh yeah! and we always use pet names when we're alone. Sometimes i call her baby, babe or baby girl, she calls me Lolo, baby, babe. I don't know when that happened but it became natural to us when we started calling each other babe, she calls me Lolo in public places and i call her baby girl but when we're alone we use baby or babe. See.... we're acting like a couple but we're not even dating. "Babe, excuse me you're blocking my locker" Y/N whispered in my ear i giggle and moved aside "Thank you" she said then kissed my cheek. As she gets her books out i started checking her out her shorts are turning me on her butt is popping out and her top shows some of her belly, i bit my lip and turn away. "Finish" we both went to the car and drove to the beach.

We arrived at the beach and changed into our bikinis, as i was done i went to the water and swam. Few minutes later she came out then my jaw drop. Woah. She's gorgeous. She went to the water and i stuck out my hand for her to take she took my hand and went to me, she went under water then back up. "Stop looking at me" she said covering her stomach "I'm not" she smiled and jumped on my back. We both swam and tickled each other, i'm so having fun with her. It's already 5:45 pm and we're still in the beach laughing and joking around, i placed my hand on her waist and pulled her to me she wrap her arms around my neck smiling. "Gosh your smile is so beautiful" i said to her lovingly her cheeks turn pink "Baby stop it" she said slapping my arm i laughed and kissed her cheek. She started leaning in and i did the same when our lips were about to touch she pulled back and splash water at me, she started laughing and i gasp dramatically "you're gonna pay for that" she's still laughing i swam to her and pulled her legs causing her to fall. I stood up and laughed "LAUREN!" she screamed when she got up she pouted and turn her back on me. "oh come on Y/N!" i said then went in front of her and cup her face she tried to pull her face away but i started giving her small kisses around her face. She giggle "Okay okay stop!" I smiled and stopped "i love you" i said then embraced her "i love you too" i then felt her heart beat beating fast i smiled, i didn't know i had this effect on her.

We soon went home and i wanted to sleep over she said it was fine so we both went to her house and went to her room Ally wasn't home she was with her new boyfriend Troy. "Do you wanna shower first?" she ask i nodded "Do you wanna come shower with me?" i flirted "No, we might make a mess babe" she flirted back with a wink i laughed and kissed her cheek quickly before getting inside the bathroom.

Your POV:

Woah. Lauren and i are so acting like a couple and i'm not gonna lie but it felt really perfect and right. I feel like she's my girlfriend but that's just when we're alone, we don't do this when we're with friends or family. Every time she's with her boyfriend i always go to Kevin and just play basketball with him, him and i got close too. He actually told me he had feelings for me and i told him that i might also have feelings for him but i also told him i have strong feelings for Lauren. He understands it and told me to call him anytime when i'm alone or if i needed someone, he is so sweet. But of course i still love my Lolo.

Soon Lauren got out of the bathroom with her shorts and shorts bra "Uh Lauren? Are you sleeping with a bra?" i ask she nodded "Yep, got a problem with that baby?" she said hovering me i gulped "N-no.. it's fine. Go sleep with your bra" i said standing up she giggle and lay on my bed "Baby can i watch TV?" she ask "you don't have to ask Lauren" she smiled "Okay then, thanks!" i smile and showered. When i was done i just realised i forgot my towel i face palm myself and open the door slightly "Lolo?" she look up "Yeah?" she said walking to me "I forgot my towel can you please get it for me? it's just right there" she smirked "Baby why are you smirking?" she shook her head "nothing, but you gotta kiss me first" she said pointing to her cheek i rolled my eyes and gave her a wet kiss on her cheek "Ew" i laugh "I'm kidding" she said then kissed my cheek before getting the towel. "Thank you" i said as she gave me the towel, i dressed up into my shirt and shorts then went to my bed where Lauren is taking all the space.

"Lolo, move! Share the freakin' bed" i said moving her legs "NO!!!" i pouted and dived on top of her "Ow!" i laughed "Get off!!" i smiled "No, cause you won't share the bed" she sighed "Fine" she moved and i finally placed my back on my soft bed. Then suddenly her body pushed me causing me to fall on the carpet floor "Ouch! Lauren!" she laughed i tried getting on the bed but she always block me. I gave up and went to my couch reading a book, "Aww, baby come on! I was kidding" i ignored her "Baaaabbyyy!" she whine "Cuddleee!" i smirked and closed my eyes. I felt her come to me and lay beside me "Y/N?" i kept my eyes closed "Ugh! Wake up!! i wanna cuddle in your bed and watch movies" she said on a baby voice. Soon i was lifted up and my eyes opened "Lauren!" i squealed she threw me on the bed and hover me "You didn't want to move so i carried you" i wrap my arms and legs around her making our bodies collide. She started kissing my neck sucking it slightly on my spot i moaned quietly she then kissed my cheek. We both have no control, our hearts and body are doing it all, as she kissed the side of my lips there was a knock on the door making us jump "Of course" she mumble and got up laying on her back.

I sighed and walked to the door, i opened it and saw Ally "Hey when'd you get here?" i ask "Just few minutes ago, who are you with?" she ask i look over to Lauren who's being a lazy ass, she was reaching for the remote on the desk but it was too far. She reached it again but then landed on the floor with a loud thud "fuck" she hissed i laughed and faced Ally "Of course the one and only Jauregui" i said laughing "Hi Ally" Lauren said standing beside me rubbing her back. I placed my hand on her back and rub the spot she was rubbing feeling her soft skin. "Uh... do you wanna explain why you're just in a bra and shorts?" Ally asked Lauren "I don't know i just find it comfortable when i sleep with a bra and shorts" Ally squinted her eyes "Mhm...m'kay good night. I'm going to bed i'm so tired" she said exiting the room "Did you have fun with Troy Ally?"i smirked she blushed and wink at me "OOOH!!" she laugh and closed her door. Dang, Ally just got some with her boyfriend.

"Oooooohhh! Chocolates!!" Lauren squealed i turn to her and groan, Noooo! she found my secret bag where i hide my candies and chocolates in my secret place but looks like she found it. "Lauren! How'd you find my special bag?" i pouted "It was just under your bed" i rolled my eyes and placed it back but i gave Lauren a chocolate bar "Thank you babe" i kissed her nose and placed a movie. All night we just cuddled, flirted, laughed, joked, and of course having the best moment of our lives.

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