Chapter 13

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- Next Morning -

Your POV:

I finished my cereal and went out and waiting for Camila, i sat down and wave at Ally who went off to work, i pulled out my phone and played with random games i downloaded. "Hey Y/N" i heard Camila say i smile and went to her car "Heey Mila" i greeted she gave me a kiss on the cheek making me blush a little. We stopped on the red light and she reach for my hand and intertwine our fingers, i didn't mind it at all her hand is so soft like Lauren's though. "So, me and the girls are planning to go to this fair on Saturday wanna come?" she asked looking at me, i thought for a while "I'll try okay?" she nodded. We arrived to school a little late since we went to starbucks first "It's your fault we're late" i joked she laughed "No way! You wanted starbucks!" she stuck he tongue out i stuck mine too "You wanted to buy one too! We're both even!" i said and we both finally arrive in our class which of course greeted by a frowning and dissappointed teacher. We apologized and sat together at the back as i drink my starbucks i felt my phone vibrate, i took out my phone but hid it not wanting the teacher to confiscate it.

Lauren: Hey are you in school?
Me: Yeah i am, why?
Lauren: Oh i was waiting for you at your locker but you didn't arrive so i thought you weren't going to school.
Me: Oh i'm sorry for that i was late. I was with Camila.
Lauren: Why were you with her?
Me: She wanted to go to school together but we were late cause we went to starbucks
Lauren: Oh okay :) Well can we meet up?
Me: What now?
Lauren: Yep, just tell the teacher you're going to the restroom i'll be there in a sec
Me: Okay

I raised my hand and told the teacher if i can go to the restroom he nodded and i walk to the restroom waiting for Lauren. "Hey" i jump causing her to giggle "Gosh, that scared me" i said smiling she threw her arms around me hugging me tight "What's up Laur?" i ask hugging her back "I missed you" she whispered in my ear "What? We just saw each other yesterday Lauren" i said giggling i felt her smile "Yeah that was hours ago!" we hugged for like 5 minutes enjoying our bodies pressed together. "Can you go to the fair with us this Saturday?" she said finally letting go of the hug but sliding down to hold my hands "I'm not sure Lo, i might have things to do" i said she pouted and i stare at her plumpy lips having the urge to kiss her "Please?" i look away "I'll try okay?" she smiled "Okay" she then kissed my cheek "Oooh... 5 more minutes til the bell rings we better get back" she said i nodded and walked away but before i reach the door she yank me back and kissed my cheek again this time a little longer and wet i blushed and kissed her cheek running away i don't want her to see me blush.

As soon as i arrived at the classroom the bell rang so i got my bag and Camila said goodbye to me since she has a different class i hug her good bye and went to Math, as i entered the room i smiled i saw Lauren on her phone and she saved a seat next to her. I went to her and sat next to her "Sorry that is tak- oh hey" she said putting her phone away "I thought you were someone else" she said giggling i smiled "Why is someone sitting here?" i ask "No, i saved it for you" i blush then thanked her. As the teacher started talking i sighed and listened then i felt her slid her hand to mine, i felt my cheeks starting to get red when i felt her intertwine our fingers. We started working on the questions the teacher gave us and we're still holding hands she gave me a small squeeze and felt her thumb stroking the side of my hand. That is definitely not a friendship thing. Suddenly we heard a click causing everyone attention "What was that?" the teacher ask no one responded "Please turn off your phones" he said before going back to work.

As lunch came Lauren and i went to the cafeteria and sat on our usual table as Lauren was about to sit next to me she was stopped by.... of course her boyfriend. "Can i talk to you? Alone?" she furrowed her eyebrows and i could see Brad glaring at me. What'd i do? "Yeah, be right back Y/N" she said i nodded still not understanding why he was glaring at me. "Hey girl" the three girls greeted i smiled "heeeey" i greeted back "Where's our Lauren?" Dinah said sitting across me "With her boyfriend but she'll be back" they nodded and we all ate our lunch while chatting.

Lauren's POV:

Brad and i went to the hallway where nobody is cause they're all in the cafeteria, "What's wrong baby?" i ask "Are you cheating on me?" i was shocked, well am i? "No! How can you say that?!" he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture. My jaw drop when i saw the picture "Can you explain this then?" i gulped "Brad, it's just me holding hands with Y/N. What's wrong with that?" i ask "Friends don't do that" he argued "Brad you see me holding hands with the girls too!" i defended "You don't hold their hands like this Lauren!" i frown he's right, it's different. "Fine! What do you want me to do then?" i cross my arms "Lauren you are mine, and always be okay?" he said cupping my cheeks i nodded he leant forward and kissed me "You're mine Lauren" he mumble against our lips. "What do i do to make your jealousy away?" i ask "Avoid Y/N" he said simply "WHAT?! NO! SHE'S MY FRIEND BRAD!" i scream "Babe, i'm breaking up with you if you don't avoid her" i frown "Please don't" i beg "Then do what i say" i sighed and finally nodding causing my heart to break a little, yes i do have some small tiny feelings for her too but i don't want to break up with Brad. "Okay, i love you babe and i gotta go basketball practice" he said and gave me a peck on the lips "Avoid her okay?" "Yeah! whatever" i said he ran away to gym and i went back inside to the cafeteria.

As i saw Y/N smiling and laughing i can't help but feel pain, i have to avoid her just to make my boyfriend happy and not be jealous. She's my friend i have to talk to her sometimes plus i can't live without talking to her but then he might get angry, i frown as i was near the table, "Hey Laur" Y/N greeted here goes nothing, i'm so sorry Y/N. I sat down next to Dinah avoiding her like what Brad said "Hey Lo" Camila greeted "Hey" i smile at her then ate my lunch "Are you okay?" Y/N ask and once again i ignored her. I look up and saw hurt in her eyes, FUCK i'm hurting her! i look down so i would avoid her gaze. Through lunch the girls were chatting but Y/N and i were both silent probably her confused why i'm ignoring her, as much i want to hug her right now i can't. "Please come to the fair?" Camila said pouting at Y/N who giggle i smile a little at her cute giggle "Milaaaa! Stoooop!" she said covering her eyes "I won't stop til' you say yes" Y/N scrunch her nose up, fuck that was cute! Shit shut up Lauren! "I. will. try" the girls rolled their eyes playfully "Let Ally convince her, she's good at convincing Y/N here she's a toughy!" Dinah said giggling Y/N joined her "Shut up Dinah!" she turn to me then her smile drop since i look away from her. Oh boy, i don't think i can handle not talking to her.

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