Chapter 34

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Lauren's POV

It's been few days since the day my mom didn't accept us and until now i wasn't speaking to her. I was still mad, like why won't you just make your kid happy like mother's should do? i sighed and close my eyes for a while. Soon i felt my bed sink, i open my eyes and frown "What?" i snapped my mother smiled slightly "Lauren, i'm so sorry okay?" i crossed my arms "i can see that you really love her and she really loves you, and yes i'm gonna accept you both. I'm sorry Lauren, i want my children to be happy so if your happy i'm happy" i then smiled a little. "do you really accept us mom?" she nodded kissing my head, i sighed happily and hug her "thanks mommy" she rub my back "now, i want you to call Y/N and ask if she wanted to stay for the night" i smiled excitedly and kissed her cheek "Thank you" she nodded and exited my room. I got my phone out and called my girlfriend.

-on the phone-

You: Hey baby

Me: Hey! Are you free tonight?

You: Uh? yeah i am why?

Me: Can you come over?

You: Right now?

Me: Well if you want to

You: What about your mom?

Me: She's cool with it. Bring clothes!

You: Okay, i'll be there in a minute. I love you

Me: YAYY!! I love you more!

Then i hung up. Few minutes later i went down when i heard the doorbell rang, when i went downstairs i saw my mom apologising to Y/N. I smile and looked at them as they hug with smiles on their faces, i walk to them and hug my girlfriend "Heeeey" woah my voice "Mm.. that husky voice" she whispered i smile and peck her lips. "Okay girls, i'll call you if dinner is ready" i nodded and pull Y/N to my room. We both laid in my bed and just stared at each other lovingly, "do you miss your parents?" i asked randomly she frown "Yeah i do, it's been months now" i nodded and she cuddled next to me. "Do you wanna watch something or eat something?" i ask she smirked and straddled my lap, oh shit. I sat up and lean on the headboard of my bed, she reached for my phone and played a random song.

She then started moving her hips to the beat and i was there staring at her with my cheeks all red, she bit her bottom lip while she grinds into me making me gulped and cross my legs. She wrap her arms around my neck and continued dancing, my hands made it's way to her butt and gently squeeze them, she connected our lips and i can't help but moan. I lay her on the bed with me on top of her and kissed her neck, i began giving her open mouthed kisses on her soft skin sucking, and nipping it. I started grinding myself against her making her moan, her hand made its way to my back pocket and she slid her hands squeezing it a bit. She kissed my shoulder then my lips met hers, then when i was about to deepen the kiss but then my mom yelled "DINNER IS READY" i groan and bury my face on her neck. She giggle and wrap her legs around my waist, i smiled and got up with her on my arms. She giggle when i poked her sides, i started walking downstairs carefully and we successfully arrived at the kitchen. I gently placed her on the chair and peck her lips before i walk away to get our food, i saw Chris and Taylor ran and sat beside Y/N. I glare at Chris since he was beside Y/N and Taylor was in the other side, i shooed Chris away and sat beside my girlfriend. When my dad arrived we all sat down and ate our food.

When we finished, i took Y/N's hand and we went to Chris's room because he needed "help" for his stupid video game. I groan and sat Y/N between my legs, she got the controller and lean her back on my front and i wrap my arms around her waist placing my chin on her shoulder. She started playing i can't help but kiss her shoulder to her neck, i felt her shiver making me hug her tight smiling. I kissed her cheek then her head "i love you" i whispered i saw her smile while playing "Lauren, if you distract me your brother is gonna kill you" i giggle and suck on her neck. Her grip on her controller tighten "Stop it" i smirked and rub her legs, she glanced at me and gave me a small glare, when my fingers attacked her sides she squealed and drop the controller. "Lauren!" Chris whined i winked at him before crashing my lips against Y/N's, she was giggling into our kiss she broke the kiss and smiled goofily "You're an idiot" i wink at her "i'm your idiot baby" she peck my lips fast before getting the controller "Sorry Chris, your sister was distracting me" i smirked and hug her again "Ugh Lauren please!" i stuck my tongue out.


Your POV

I woke up and a grin was made on my lips. Yay!! It's my birthday!! I don't know what i'll do though. I shrugged and stretched my arms, i went to the bathroom and did a quick shower. When i got downstairs i smelt the deliciousness of Ally's pancakes, i ran to her and smiled widely "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" she ran to me and hug me tight "Aww thank you Ally!!" she pulled away and gave me a bouquet of roses. I smiled and hug her "Thank you!" she looked at me confused "What? That's not from me" she said giggling, i tilt my head to one side and saw a card.

'Happy Birthday my love,

I hope you like the bouquet of roses, Ally told me you love red so i bought you red roses. Those roses i gave you are beautiful just like you, they also smells so good like you. Don't worry there are more gifts. We have two weeks of break from school and i want to spend those weeks with you. By the way, pack some clothes, i'm gonna pick you up at 6. I love you so much baby and i will always love you forever and always. Happy Birthday once again and see you later beautiful. ;)

Your hot, beautiful, wonderful girlfriend

Lauren Jauregui. '

I smiled and blushed at the same time, aw Lauren! you're so fuckin' sweet. I squealed quietly and Ally saw me "Are you excited?" i nodded excitedly, she giggled and gave me a bag "Happy Birthday" i smiled and hug her "Thank you so much Ally" she kissed my cheek, i opened the bag and grin, two snapbacks that i love! those two snapbacks are the best! and two iPhone cases. "Omg thank you!" i squealed she nodded and laughed "Okay, i know it's your birthday but i have to go fix something" she said smiling i look at her confused "Why? where are you going?" i frown "Work?" she said but more likely a question. "uh? okay i guess?" she smiled and kissed my head quickly before rushing out of the house. I sighed and happily eat Ally's delicious pancake.

When i was done, i accidentally burped "Whoops, sorry damn Ally's pancakes" i said to myself before washing the dishes. I walk to the living room and searched for a movie, hmmm.... ugh! there is nothing interesting! Oooh! The Lion King, well, guys i don't care if it's a kiddie movie i'm still a mother fuckin' kid!!! Yeah. I smiled and plop down the couch and lay down on the couch enjoying the movie.

Few hours later i checked the time and it was already 5:30, well i think i should start packing? I stretched my arms and twist my body, my body was making cracking noise. I ran up and start to pack, then after that i changed my clothes, i wore a crop top and shorts and of course the snapback Ally gave me. Okay i look swag, i grab my bag and walk downstairs, as i walk down i started singing the hakuna matata song, i don't know but every time i watch a movie with songs in it after hours later i will start singing them i mean, that's me, not my problem. When i placed my bag down i felt someone wrap their arms around me, i jumped and shut my eyes tightly, i swear the doors are lock! "Please don't kill me" i mutter i heard the person giggle making me open my eyes when i heard the familiar sound. "Why will i kill you baby? It's your birthday! and i wouldn't do that because i love you too much" she said kissing my cheek i smiled excitedly and threw my arms around her neck "HEY BABY" she laughed and spin me around making giggle.

She placed me down and peck my lips "Happy Birthday" she whispered and caressing my cheek lovingly i blush and kissed her lips again and again "Thank you baby, oh thank you also for the beautiful bouquet of roses i love them" i said smiling. She hugged me tight "You're welcome beautiful" i'm so happy, like every time Lauren holds me or kisses me makes me crazy. She makes me crazy, if i'm her drug she's my drug too, i am addicted to her lips, her touch, her gorgeous eyes and everything. She makes me so happy all the time when i'm with her, she always makes me laugh when i'm sad. It's been a month now and i'm really excited for later.

She pulled away and got my bag, "are you ready?" i nodded excitedly "where are we going??" she laughed "It's a secret" she winked at me making me pout "tell me" she shook her head 'no' i pouted again this time she kissed my pout away. She opened the door for me and like i always do i kiss her saying 'thank you' "you look so beautiful" i blush "you look gorgeous" she smiled and went to her side. She started driving, and i can't help but my leg keeps on bouncing up and down, i'm really excited for this. She laughed when she saw my leg bouncing "Calm down baby" she said intertwining our fingers, "i can't i'm excited" i said smiling. She stopped on the red light and faced me, she kissed me then pulled back "why don't you take a nap first? this is a long ride so better get you're beauty nap" i pouted then nodded she squeezed my hand gently before saying an 'i love you' in a sweet tone "i love you too baby" she smiled and her eyes went back to the road. My eyes started to close then i fell asleep slowly.

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