Chapter 29

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Your POV:

I woke up to someone kissing my face i groan slightly and push the person's face "goo awaay" i groan facing my back at the person "Baby, we have school today." i heard Lauren say "Nooo!! Cuddle with me" i said lifting my arms. "No, come on Ally is calling us" she said i pouted and just lay on the bed "i don't want to go to school" she sighed and i felt her body close to me "What are you doing?" i ask she buried her face to my neck kissing it softly "I'm cuddling with you" she mumble "I thought your going to school?" i ask "I'm not leaving you here" i smiled and turn my body facing her "It's okay you can go to school" i said "Noo... i can't last a day without you" she said hugging me tighter. "Aw" i said looking at her she smiled at me sweetly "I love you" i bit my lip "i love you too" i lean in and kissed her. "Girls, we're wait- wait why aren't you guys dressed up?" Ally said barging in my room "Ally can we not go to school today?" i asked pouting "But Y/N!" she whine "Please? i wanna cuddle with Lauwen" i said in a baby voice. "No" Ally said crossing her arms, i sighed and place my hands on Lauren's arm and place my chin on top of my hands. I began to give her my best puppy face knowing it's her weakness, "Awww!" Lauren cooed Ally clenched her fists "UGH FINE!" she finally said i smile and jump on the bed like a happy puppy.

Ally gave me and Lauren a kiss on the cheek before closing my door, soon Lauren attacked me with kisses "Oh my god, you are so cute! I can't believe you can convince Ally with a simple puppy face! When Camila does that to her it won't work! You're face is so fucking cute" she said squealing i giggle "That's Ally's weakness" i said smirking "It might be my weakness too" she said giggling i peck her lips again and again making her laugh. "Lauren, i have a question that you might want to answer" she became serious "What is it?" seriousness and fear was in her eyes "Why are you scared?" she shrugged "I'm scared if it's negative" she said "Oh, it's very negative babe" i said smirking she looked so scared and i can't help but laugh a little "What is it???" she said impatiently i kneel in front of her on the bed and peck her lips. "Ugh what is it!!" she whine i went near her ear "Will you make me the happiest person in the world to be able to call you my girlfriend baby?" she squealed "You don't have to fucking ask babe! I'm already yours!" she said smiling widely "and i'm yours" i said hugging her tightly.

After hugging for like hours we finally pulled away "Oh my god! You're now my girlfriend!" she squealed again i laugh at her "We've been acting like one before babe, well we don't kiss before" i said she nodded "Well now, i'm feeling the best feeling ever!" i laugh and straddle her lap. "I. love. you. Lauren. Jauregui." i said between kisses, "Mmm.. i love you too" she mumble in our lips. So the whole morning Lauren made me and her lunch she was so sweet to me and I'm falling for her every second. "Baby, what do you want to do today?" She shrugged and stood between my legs stroking them "I don't know " she said pecking my lips. "Wanna go somewhere?" i ask "ooooh arcade!" i smiled and nodded "Wanna go now or?" she shrugged "later, let's sleep for a few hours first before we go to the arcade!" she said spooning me again. I kissed her lips before we both fell asleep again.

Few hours later we woke up at 1 pm we went downstairs and made lunch together, i took a shower first since she offered to wash the dishes. Soon she showered and i was waiting for her downstairs, i quickly played some games on my phone then she came back looking gorgeous as always. "Ooooh... you look beautiful" i complimented she blushed and kissed me, we drove to the arcade and Lauren pulled me in quickly. We started playing random games sometimes i just watch Lauren play since she looks so adorable when she plays, "Baby, stop looking at me!" she said looking at me she had a big smile on her face "Sorry beautiful" i said wrapping my arms around her waist as she plays.

It was now 6 pm and finally Lauren decided to stop playing, "come on" she said pulling me to a pizza place. She let me sit down and told me to wait for her as she ordered this girl is so special to me i thought i smile as she came back with our food. "Are you okay?" she asked me concerned i nodded and kissed her cheek "Just kiss me" i said puckering me lips closing my eyes. Soon i didn't feel her lips i opened my eyes and saw her eating her pizza already i pout at her "Fine" i mutter and began eating my pizza. When we were done she faced me and was about to kiss me but i turn my face making her kiss my cheek. "Baby?" she whispered i look at her "Hm?" she pouted at me "Kissy?" i stuck my tongue out at her "No" she frown "Whyyy??? I want my kissy!" she said in a baby voice. "I wanted my kissy a while ago but you didn't give it to me" i said raising an eyebrow at her "But i was hungry" she said "Well, i'm going to get ice cream" i said standing up making my way to the ice cream shop.

Lauren's POV
As Y/N went to go get her ice cream i just sat there sad, i want my kissy!! i frown and sighed getting impatient. I lean my head on the side of the wall and stare at the empty chair. Soon it was occupied by a random person "Uh hey?" i awkwardly greeted i admit he looks pretty cute but of course my Y/N is the hottest. "Hey, mind if i sit here?" i sat there awkwardly "Uh- i'm actually.... with... s-someone" i stutter he gave me a cute smile "So i can't sit here?" i didn't want to be rude "I d-don't-" i was cut by Y/N thank god "Who's this Lauren?" she asked looking at the guy up an down. "i honestly don't know" i managed to say "Uhm.. who are you?" she asked the guy "Oh, this beautiful lady was just sitting by herself looking bored so i just wanted to give her a smile" he said looking at me. Y/N sat next to me "Okay... uh not to be rude but why are you still here?" Y/N asked "Can i stay here for a bit? I just wanted to stare at her beautiful green eyes" he said staring at me and i awkwardly look at Y/N who was glaring at him. "Uhm... i'm not single" i said to him "I don't care you just look so pretty" okay this guy is being a creep. "Baby let's go he's creepy" i whispered in Y/N's ear we both ran away from the guy laughing as we saw his face he was shocked.

We sat outside the cafe and stared at the beautiful view, "I still didn't get my kissy" i said pouting she laughed "Fine, i'm giving it to you because you look so cute" she said sitting on my lap and i happily wrap my arms around her waist. We stared into each other's eyes smiling like we were idiots but we don't care if people think we're idiots. "Aw, your eyes are shining" she said caressing my cheeks, and it was true my eyes were shining i was happy, i'm happy that she's already mine. I'm happy to finally have the girl of my dreams on my arms, she makes me happy, without her i'm nothing. "Is it?" i played she giggle and rub our noses together, dang! she's so adorable! "Yes they're shining. It's light green and it's beautiful i really love your eyes Lo" she said staring at my eyes lovingly my cheeks turned pink and i couldn't stop the huge smile on my face. "Shut up, and kiss me before i turn to a tomato because of the compliments you give me" i said making her laugh "Bossy" she joked i smirked "Yup, i'm your BO$$! Now kiss me before i fire your beautiful ass" i said biting my lip making her face pink "Lauren!" i giggle "I love you" i said hugging her "I love you too" she said before connecting our lips. She always gives her love in our kiss and it's making my heart go whoooooshh! yup, like a rocket.

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