Chapter 36

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Your POV

When I woke up I felt Lauren's arms around me tighten, I open my eyes and was met by her gorgeous hypnotizing green eyes. I smiled slightly "Hey" she said with her sexy voice "Hi" I said shyly "Aw" she cooed before kissing my cheek. She caressed my cheek "Why are you so beautuful?" She asked i giggle "Am I?" She nodded "Of course" she said giggling. After staring into each others eyes we finally decided to go out of the room. When we went to the kitchen and saw our moms cooking breakfast, "Hey" Lauren greeted i waved at them our moms smiled "Hey Lovebirds" my mom said hugging us both. I walk to the cabinet and tried grabbing a cookie but i couldn't reach it, i let out a groan and i felt hands on my hips then lifted me up. I got the cookie jar and Lauren slowly placed me down, i smiled and kissed her "Thank you" i mumble against our lips she smirked and winked at me.

When we finished eating our breakfast i remember the girls and Chris haven't eaten their breakfast yet, "Baby, can we wake the others up?" i asked she nodded and we went to the room where Taylor and the girls are. I jumped on top of Dinah and Camila while Lauren jump on Normani and Ally, they all groaned and Dinah pushed me, I was about to fall but I felt strong arms caught me. "Dinah watch it!" Lauren snapped Dinah looked at me apologetically "Sorry Y/N" I smiled "It's fine Dinah" Lauren carried me and placed me in a bed with Ally. "I'm so gonna wrestle you" she said then dived into Dinah why was taken by surprise. They started wrestling but in a playful wrestle i rest my head on Ally's shoulder and her head on top of mine "So, how are you and Lauren?" she asked i smiled and sighed "Perfect" she giggle "Really now?" i nodded "So tell me who is the guy one in your relationship?" Ally asked "ME!" we heard Lauren shouted we laughed.

Lauren fell on the floor and rub her butt "Yeah, she's the guy" i said looking at my pouting girlfriend, i saw Lauren stood up and walk to me and Ally. Lauren slid between my legs and went on top of me, she buried her face in the crook of my neck and i brush her hair. "That position is so weird" Ally said looking at Lauren "Nah" i heard Lauren say i giggle and kissed her head "It's really comfortable" she said burying her face into my neck more. Ally shrugged "So Lauren are you being a gentleman to my sister here?" i felt Lauren nod "Yes, of course" i giggle and played with my necklace. Ally looked at my necklace "Wow, who gave that to you?" i look at her and smiled "My boyfriend" i said smirking Lauren instantly sat up "Boyfriend?!" they all said i laughed "Really guys? Lauren is the guy in our relationship so why can't i call her my boyfriend? it was just a joke, but she did give this to me" i said kissing the dragonfly.

They all sighed and Lauren went back to her previous position "That is actually so beautiful" Ally said looking at me necklace "Thank you" she smiled soon i heard soft snores from Lauren. I giggle "Is she asleep?" i ask Ally "Yeah" i look at her and she is indeed asleep, oh Lauren why on top of me? "Dinah help me please" i said pointing to Lauren she laughed and nodded. She walk to me and was about to carry Lauren but i felt Lauren's grip on me tighten, "Fuck off Dinah" she mumble "Hey you're not asleep!" i said poking her nose. She open her eyes and smiled at me "It's comfy here" she said closing her eyes again.

"Oh yeah guys, go downstairs to eat" i said they all nodded and exited the room, Lauren lifted her head and placed her pink lips on mine, i quickly broke the kiss making her frown "we haven't brushed our teeth" i said she rolled her eyes "Shut up baby" she said before kissing me again. I giggle making her smile into our kiss "Ew" i mumble she broke the kiss and stuck her tongue out, we both stare into each other's eyes lovingly. I saw her eyes shining again i bit my lip looking at them, they are so beautiful like seriously! I saw her cheeks turn pink when i was just staring at her with loving eyes. "Why are you staring at me like that?" she whispered i shrugged "I don't know, it's just when i look into your eyes it's always shining and i can't help but stare into them they're so beautiful" i said staring at her eyes once again she blushed "Stop it" she said hiding her face.

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