Chapter 23

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Your POV:

Next morning, Kevin and i were in my locker to get some books for first period. Kevin spent the night to help me calm down about what happened yesterday. As I got my book out i heard someone called my name "Y/N?" I turn to the person and it was Camila. "Is it true? you like Lauren?" She asked trying her best not to smile "She told you?" She nodded "Then yes Camila. I do have feelings for her but I'm gonna try to move on since she rejected me and I have a boyfriend now." I said looking at Kevin who was shyly waving at Camila. "Don't move on please!" I look at her confused "She loves you! She's just too blind to see that" I sighed sadly "No Camila she already told me she won't love me she hates me now." I look away when tears were forming on my eyes. "No she doesn't! She loves you Y/N please don't give up?" She plead "Yeah Y/N I know I'm your boyfriend but I want you to be happy with her someday you know?" Kevin said smiling "That's crazy, you're pushing me to her?" I ask "Well... If she makes you happy then yes" I look at him weirdly "Okay?" he chuckled and kissed my forehead "hey, i just wanted to try to have a relationship with you cause yeah i do have a crush on you but i know Lauren is your one and only i can stay as your friend if you go with Lauren, i'll still support you" fuck he is such a nice guy! "Fuck i love you" i said hugging him "i love you too" he kissed my cheek.

Kevin drop me off on my first class which is Math, i kissed him goodbye and entered my classroom. When i got in the first thing i saw is the most beautiful girl in the world of course the Jauregui girl, i smile at her slightly but she look away ignoring me. I walk to where i was seating, next to her. "C-can....i sit here?" i asked she didn't reply "Lauren?" she turn to me with the annoyed look "Whatever! I don't give a fuck." she snapped making all the attention on us i gulped my tears trying my best not to cry. "N-nevermind" i said then went out of the classroom and to the restroom, i lock the door and went to one of the cubicles and slid down. I started crying again, i can't take this anymore! It hurt so much knowing she hates me and annoyed at me. Fuck, my heart hurts like hell! it has been stabbed with so much knives i don't think i can live anymore. I want to die.

Camila's POV

It's lunch time!!! YES! i ran to the cafeteria and to our table where i saw all the girls except for one, Where's Y/N? "guys where is Y/N?" they all shrugged but Lauren who didn't respond she was just eating her food. "Lauren?" she look up "What?" i crossed my arms "Do you know where Y/N is?" she rolled her eyes "No Camila and i don't care! I don't care about her she is nothing to me" she said stabbing her plate with a fork. I clench my fists and ran away from them "MILA!" i heard the girls yelled but i kept running looking for Y/N. Fuck where are you, you dumb ass! i let out a frustrated sigh and went to the restroom but it was locked. I knock on the door and no one is answering it, is Y/N here? "Y/N??" i ask knocking on the door. I called the janitor and he opened the door for me i thanked him and went inside, i heard sobs from a girl "Y/N?" i ask "Fuck" she mutter "Y/N i know it's you please open the door" i knock on her door. "P-please...g-go away, leave m-me like what L-lauren did" her voice was weak, i called Kevin and soon he arrived but can't go in the girls restroom. "Baby? Please come out" he said out loud "No" i rolled my eyes and put my bag down, i squeezed myself under the cubicle door and finally succeeding going in.

There she was sitting on the lid of the toilet crying her eyes out "Oh my god" i hugged her "How did you get in?" she asked looking at me with puffy eyes and a red nose. "That doesn't matter" i said hugging her tighter "Since when are you here?" she shrugged "Since first period?" woah "Holy shit really?" she nodded "why?" she took a deep breath "Because, when i went to Math i usually sit next to Lauren so i asked her a while ago if i could sit next to her. She looked at me with an annoyed look and snapped at me. So i decided to leave the classroom and cry here until the day ends so that she won't get annoyed at me." she said looking down "GUYS IM COMIN IN I CANT TAKE THIS!" we heard Kevin said out loud he knocked on the door and i opened it for him. "Baby" he rushed beside her and hug her kissing her head, i smile sadly and went out giving them some time for themselves. This is fucked up! Lauren what the fuck? why the fuck will you hurt this innocent sweet little girl? You gotta wake up soon Laur you are so god damn blind.

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