Chapter 32

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Your POV:

I was also nervous when Lauren and i sat across her parents, i really wanted to hold Lauren's hand but we have to tell them first. "What is this Lauren?" her father asked "It's about u-us" she said pointing to both of us. "What about it?" Clara asked "Mom, Dad.......i fell in love with Y/N since the day i first saw her. I know you both know i'm straight and that i love Brad but, i don't love Brad anymore. I'm still straight but i'll be gay for her just for her, please accept us? If you truly love me you will. I love her so much." Lauren said quickly in one breath. I look up and saw a shocked reaction from her mom and a smile on her dad, well at least the tough one is smiling right? "Lauren, when did you guys being together?" Clara asked "Few days ago" i said she nodded "Lauren, i think i have to think about it. This is all to much for me. I'll tell you if i accept your relationship tomorrow" she said walking upstairs, i look at Lauren and tears were about to fall i embrace her and she cried on my shoulder. "Shh... it's okay baby" i said rubbing her back "Lauren" a deep voice said we both look at Mike and listened "Are you happy with her? Does she make you happy?" he asked Lauren who quickly nodded "Does she love you? Does she show how much she loves you more than Brad?" Lauren nodded again "Dad, she's my happiness. I'm in love with her, and she's better than Brad. Brad just wants me for sex but i could tell Y/N really loves me." Lauren said "It's true sir, i'm deeply in love with your daughter. She's my everything and without her i'm nothing. I love her so much sir" i said smiling at her.

He sighed and look at us both "Okay, i accept you two. I could see Y/N makes you really happy Lauren but i hope she'll stay with you forever." i nodded "Of course i will" i said he nodded "I'm happy your both happy so yeah I accept you both I'll just talk to your mom" he said Lauren stood up and hug his dad "Thank you daddy! i love you" she said hugging him, Mike smiled at his daughter and hugged her back "I love you too Lauren" they both pulled away and smile at me "Please, take care of my daughter" he said to me "Yes of course sir" he patted my shoulder and went upstairs following Clara. Lauren sighed and rest her head on my lap "i wish mom accepts us" she whispered i brush her hair with my fingers just the way she likes it. "We accept you guys Laur" we both turn to the other Jauregui kids who has huge grins "Thanks monkeys" Lauren said hugging them they smiled and hug their sister back. Taylor ran to me and sat on my lap "She's my girlfriend now Laur" she joked i laughed "yeah Lauren, she looks hotter than you anyway i think i'm going with her" i played along. Lauren gave both of us death glares and Chris laughing, Lauren pulled Taylor away from me then cuddled next to me "No, she's mine!" she said hugging me tight.

We all continued to tease Lauren and i was enjoying her adorable face, "stoop! Y/N is mine" i gave up and cup her cheeks "You're mine too" i said before crashing our lips together. "Guys! No!" they said laughing i broke the kiss and sat on her lap "Fuck off monkeys" Lauren said smiling i kissed her cheek "you're so hot when you swear" i whispered in her ear i felt her shiver making me smile. "come on guys let's watch a movie!" Chris closed the lights and opened the TV, i lean back on Lauren's front and she held into me tight. As we watch the movie Lauren was playing with my fingers mindlessly, i look at her and she was focused in the movie same with the other two. Aww! honestly the Jauregui kids looks so adorable! I'm so in love with them but of course i love the first Jauregui kid and that's Lauren Michelle Jauregui. I kissed her cheek to distract her but it didn't work, i squint my eyes and slightly face her she was still focused on the screen and i was there trying to get some attention.

I kissed her cheek multiple times but nothing is working i sighed and pout "Loloo!" i whine she still didn't look at me i frown and drop my head on her neck sighing in defeat. She started giggling "You're too cute Y/N" she said softly i look up and glare at her she then just gave me a peck. "Y/N?" i turned around and saw Clara, i quickly stood up and faced her "Y-yes?" I stutter well that was embarrassing, Lauren sat there confused. "You're sleeping in the guest room if it's okay with you?" Lauren immediately stood up "No mom! i want her to sleep with me" she said "Look, you can't sleep in one bed. I haven't given you my answer yet so therefore she's sleeping in the guest room or in Taylor's room but not yours Lauren." she said crossing her arms. Lauren crossed her arms too "Mom this isn't fair!" Clara sighed "Can't you wait for tomorrow?" i took Lauren's hand "Baby, it's okay. I'll see you tomorrow" i said kissing her cheek softly her grip tighten "No Y/N. Please come with me" i smiled "Come on Lauren, you can do it. I'll see you tomorrow" i kissed her soft lips before going to the guest room.

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