Chapter 20

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Your POV:

Saturday morning. Ally said the party starts at 6 i went downstairs to grab something to eat, i got cereal and a banana and went to the living room. "Y/N, i'm going to go to work okay? I'll be back at 4:30 is it okay if you're alone?" she ask "Can i invite the girls?" she frown "But the girls are with their boyfriends well i don't know with Lauren maybe you can go ask her okay?" she said i nodded she kissed me in the cheek goodbye and left the house. I pick up my phone and called Lauren's number.

- On the phone -

Lauren: Sup babe?

Me: Hey Lolo, am i disturbing you?

Lauren: No no why? is everything okay?

Me: Yeah it's just..... i'm alone and lonely

Lauren: Want me to come to your house? I'm free

Me: Sure, well if you wanna

Lauren: Pssssh! Of course i do! see yah in a minute!

We then hung up i finished my cereal and banana and took a shower. When i was done i went back downstairs and went to the door when i heard a knock. "Hey Lauren" i greeted she smile and hug me "Hello baby" she closed the door with her foot and continued hugging me. "Are you hungry?" i asked "Nah, i just ate thanks tho" i nodded and we both went to the living room. I plop down and Lauren followed she was sitting next to me "So, how are you and B-Brad" i ask nervously she look at me confused "Why do you ask?" i shrugged "Just want to know" she turn to me "Well... we're getting strong. We went to the movies yesterday and it was just sweet." she said smiling a little i'm actually hurt but i'm not showing it "Oh nice. Romantic guy" i laugh slightly she smiled at me "By the way... how about you? Any crush??" she asked wiggling her eyebrows i laugh and thought. Well yes i do, and it's you Lauren but there is no way i'm saying that to her. "Well i do have feelings for someone but i can't have her" she frown and look hurt psshhh... you won't have that frown when you know exactly who i'm talking about Lauren. "Oh.. uhmm.. who?" i smiled "Secret." she rolled her eyes "Well... what do you like about her?" i could sense jealousy in her tone "Okay. hmm... where should i begin?? Oooh! Well i love it when we lock eyes cause her eyes are just so darn beautiful it's so hypnotizing. Her smile and giggles makes my heart melt it always made my day. When i hug her and kiss her cheek butterflies always attacks my tummy. Everything about her is just perfect. Her face, body and personality." i said dreamily smiling at the ceiling as i say those things about Lauren.

it was quiet so i turn to Lauren she was looking down and look so sad "Hey you okay?" i ask "What? Yeah i'm perfectly fine" she lied "Is she p-pretty?" she ask not looking at me i smile and stare at her lovingly "She's beautiful and i would tell her that everyday if i have a chance to be her girlfriend" i said she sighed deeply "Do i know her?" she asked looking at me this time "No, not really" she nodded "But why can't you have her?" i sighed sadly "Well... she has a BOYFRIEND and she's STRAIGHT so i don't really have a chance with her. We do sometimes act like a couple but it's really natural to us." i'm actually saying my feelings towards her but she doesn't know it was her i'm talking about "Wow. Well if she really loves you she would be with you i mean who would not? You're beautiful inside and out" i blushed at her words "Thanks babe" she smiled at me sadly and kissed my forehead.

Lauren's POV
As Y/N told me about her mystery girl i can't help but feel jealous, yeah i do have feelings for her and i'm actually beginning to fall for her but she has this mystery girl. Do i know her? I wish i hadn't ask about her love life now i'm starting to break. Come on Lauren you have Brad and you love him so much. Yeah i do love him, i love him so much. "Are you sure you're okay?" she ask "Yes" she smiled and turn to the TV. She laid down and i laid down behind her wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her so close to me like there's no space between us. "Y/N" i said "Hm?" i smiled and kissed her shoulder "Te quiero (i love you)" yes i do speak Spanish "What?" i smirked oh yeah she doesn't speak any languages except for English. "Te quiero mucho mi amor! (i love you so much my love)" i said kissing her cheek "What the hell are you saying?" she asked confused i laughed "Eres tan hermoso! (you are so beautiful)" she pouted "Stooop! i don't understand you" i smiled and peck her nose "Exactly babe" she pout again gosh i want to kiss that pout away. "¿Puedo besarte? (Can i kiss you?)" she continued to pout and glare at me "Porque yo quiero besarte (Because i want to kiss you)" she began to whine "I don't speak Spanish Lauren! Please speak English again?" i laugh "¿Por qué? (Why?)" she sighed and frown "I don't understand you" she mumble "Te quiero mi amor! (I love you my love)" i said kissed her cheek she still doesn't know what i said and i wanted it to stay that way so i can say that i love her so much without her knowing.

The rest of the afternoon we spent the day baking cupcakes which made a really big mess since we threw ingredients at Each other but soon we cleaned up, we also watched a lot of movies and ate the cupcake we made and of course cuddling while watching. It is now 4:30 and Ally will be home soon, we were watching our fifth movie as the front door open "Y/N?" ally called "Living room! With Lauren!" She yelled soon we saw Ally walk in the living room. "Hey... I think you guys had fun" she said smirking "Well just baking and movies" Y/N said "And cuddling" I whispered in her ear making her shiver "what?" Ally asked me "Nothing, we just made cup cakes if you want" I said smiling. As Y/N stood up i pulled her back down "Wait I have to get my phone" she said standing up again but I pulled her back down "Nooo... Staaay" i whine i don't know but I couldn't keep my hands off her it's just like magnet. "Lolo, I'll be fast please?" She gave me her puppy face "Fine" I frown and let go "Thanks baby" she said kissing my cheek. I waited for Y/N and I saw Ally smirking with a cupcake in her hand. "What?" I ask "You like her don't you?" I look at her like if she was crazy "No! Why on earth will that happen?" I said and laughed nervously. "Really Lauren? It's pretty obvious you like her" I frown "No i don't like her Ally well as a friend yes but in a relationship? No. Ally I have Brad and he's a perfect boyfriend it's not like I'm saying Y/N is not perfect but you know I'm not a lesbian" I said then I saw Y/N climb down with sadness and hurt on her eyes but she blocked it with a smile. She sat down in the other couch looking at her phone i stood up and walk to her but she moved away "Uh... No p-please don't I just want space for a minute" she said her voice was a little shaky. I gulped and sat down beside her anyway "Lauren i told you not to" she said "But I want to" i said pouting I was about to hug her but she stood up "I'm going to change for the party" she said quickly then ran upstairs leaving me. Ouch. "Pssshh! Don't go ouch Lauren you said you're not a lesbian so you don't get to say ouch" Ally said reading my mind.

It was 5:30 and I changed into my party clothes and waited for them in the living room. Y/N haven't left her room yet but few minutes later she did with the most gorgeous dress and she stunning. I'm actually drooling over her but I look away quickly, she got downstairs and went to the kitchen i followed her. "Hey" I greeted she turn to me and gave me a fake smile "Hi" she said "Why are you like this babe?" She frown "Nothing Lauren. I'm just not in the mood that's all" she smiled again before walking pass me. Wow. Where are the pet names? dang! "wait" I said and held her hand "Yes?" She ask "Are you mad at me?" She look down "I'm not, like I said not in the mood Lauren" she walked away again. "She heard what you said Lauren" Ally said avoiding eye contact with me. I sighed and we all went to the car Ally went in and started the car when I saw Y/N walk out the door i held her hand and I felt her tense "Sit with me at the back please?" I begged she looks hesitant "O-okay" she said unsure. We sat down at the back and I pull her to me but she moved away i was getting annoyed by her actions now. I let go of her and sat by myself looking at the window, i couldn't take her not talking to me properly I want to cuddle with her. I sighed sadly I want to hug her right now.

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