Chapter 52

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A/N: I'm sorry for skipping time XD


Your POV

It's been what 7 months now? Two more days and it's gonna be 8. Lauren's belly is now big and sometimes she tells me that she's fat and i hated her but i always tell her that i love her so much she sometimes believes me but she still think she's fat. It makes me sad when she thinks i don't love her anymore but i always i kiss and do anything for her just to make her feel loved. I know some pregnant women feels the same, sometimes they feel fat or they think their lover doesn't love them anymore so it was just normal for a pregnant woman. Lauren's parents and the girls and i are always with Lauren since she needed help and to be honest i feel so excited to see the baby boy, Lauren is excited too she cries at night since she was happy and everything.

"Y/N?" i look up and saw Clara helping Lauren down i smile and help Lauren too i help her sit on the couch and gave her an apple cause i know she's hungry, "No" she said pushing the apple away "Why not?" i ask "I might get fatter" she said pouting i frown. "Baby, i already told you that you're just pregnant i still love you." i said caressing her cheek "Come on eat the apple you want the baby boy to be healthy right?" i ask she nodded slowly "Eat it then" i said she sighed and finally ate the apple. I smiled and kissed her cheek she looked at me with sad eyes "You are beautiful okay? you are, and i know this baby boy is handsome because the mom is gorgeous" she blushed "Do you really think i'm pretty?" she asked i giggle "Gorgeous" i said pecking her lips she finally smiled and nodded. She lift her hand up and cup my cheek and i lean to her touch "You're a mommy too" she said i nodded "Yes i am" she giggled and finished her apple.

"Hi guys!" we look up and saw the girls "Hey!" we both greeted they sat across us and smiled at Lauren "how is Lauren doing?" Dinah said kissing Lauren's forehead "I'm doing fine, am i beautiful to you guys?" she asked the girls smiled and nodded "Yes Lauren, you're hot" they said making me giggle Lauren blushed and look down. "So do you guys have any names to call this cute little boy?" Camila said rubbing Lauren's tummy, Lauren smiled and looked at me "Well i told Y/N to make his first name and i'll make his second name" she said smiling. "Well what are they?" Dinah asked "I chose Ethan" i said smiling "and i chose Miles" Lauren said "So it's Ethan Miles (your last name) Jauregui" Lauren said the girls awed and i kissed Lauren's cheek. "But you guys aren't married" Normani said "Yeah, but soon i will propose to her" i said "No way i will propose to you first!" she argued back "Nah uh! i will!" i argued back "NO I WILL!" she pouted "Let's see" i said smiling she nodded and look back at her tummy.

"Hey there little Ethan" Ally cooed "Ohhh i can feel him kicking!!" Camila squealed and all the girls placed there hands on Lauren's stomach making Lauren laugh they all gasped "He is kicking" Ally squealed. I smiled and kissed Lauren's tummy "Hi baby Ethan it's me your mommy" i cooed and Lauren ran her fingers to my hair, and then once again the baby is kicking, "Oh Ethan you're hurting me" Lauren said pouting. I kissed her tummy "Don't hurt Mama okay?" then it didn't kick i smiled and kissed Lauren, "Aw, cute family" the girls awed. I smile and hug Lauren as we all watch a movie in Netflix, "Girls, i'm going out please take care of Lauren and Ethan" Clara said "Yes ma'am" the girl said making Clara laugh and exit the door.

Once the movie is done we all ate dinner we then heard a squeal we all turned to Dinah who already saw the baby's room "Do you guys have a baby room in your house too?" Ally asked "Yeah we do, Chris and Mike built his crib and Clara and Taylor designed the room. But Clara wanted a baby room here too since Lauren and i are staying here for a while since she's still pregnant and she need all the help. But we're going back to our house soon" i said they nodded and checked the room. "It's so cute!! all blue" Camila squealed i laughed and we all talked while eating.

"Yeah Mom and Tay went shopping and they bought baby stuff" Lauren said giggling "Honestly guys, i'm so excited to see the baby" Dinah said "Us too" we all nodded Lauren smiled and rub her tummy. "Guys i'm sleepy" Lauren whined "Okay, come i'll help you" i said the girls and i helped Lauren up to her room and gently lay her down. "Cuddle with me" she looked at me pouting i smiled and kissed her "you girls okay down there or are you guys leaving?" i ask "We're leaving we'll text you tomorrow" i nodded and cuddled back with Lauren. She snuggled closer to me and i can't help but smile at her cuteness, "I love you so much baby" i said kissing her forehead "Me or Ethan?" she asked i giggle "Both of you" she blushed and kissed my lips. "We love you too" she said i smile and we both fell asleep.


Lauren's POV

I'm now 8 months.....gosh!!! I'm so huge! Ugh why do i always feel fat? But i'm so in love Ethan, good thing Brad is now on jail so Ethan couldn't see him. I love it when Y/N talks to Ethan cause seeing her smiling and talking lovingly to our future son is so cute, but i want to have a baby with her. Soon, i hope it's a girl and i want her to carry it, and soon i will propose to her. She's been really helpful for me  she's always there when i needed her she's really loving and caring to me. She's so perfect! i'm so lucky to have her! "Lauren?" i look up and smiled "Hi" i said she smiled and kissed my cheek "Your mom said you can choose the clothes that you want Ethan to wear" she said smiling giving me the phone which is full of baby clothes.

"Ooohh i like those" i smiled it was a cute blue onesie and chose other clothes for Ethan, "Hey sis!" Taylor greeted i smiled "Hi!! oh i chose those" i said giving her the pictures she nodded "They're so cute! omg!! i'm so excited to see baby Ethan!" i laughed "Relax Tay, i'm still 8 months" i said she rolled her eyes "One more month idiot!" i giggle. "Pick some shoes" she said i then browse some of the shoes and i picked some, "Mom she already chose them can we buy it now?!" Taylor yelled i rolled my eyes "Yeah sure!" she then ran to mom and they both exited the house. "Y/N?" i called she then came to me "Yes baby?" i smile "can you cuddle with me?" i asked pouting "i have to wash the dishes Laur Camila is on her way" she said i frown. When she walked away, i tried standing up and walk to her and when she saw me her eyes widen "No Lauren you should sit" she said guiding me back to the couch "I want to cuddle" i said crossing my arms.

She sighed and finally nodded she sat next to me and i cuddled next to her, and then i felt like she was annoyed at me now i then felt tears running down my cheeks. When she saw me she cup my cheeks "Why are you crying baby?" she asked kissing my tears away "I feel like i'm annoying you" i mumble more tears were forming. "Oh no baby, i was just stressed i'm sorry" she said kissing my lips "You're not annoying babe, it's just me" i look at her while she wipe my tears away "Why are you stressed?" i asked "Uh....i changed my job" she said smiling. "To what? please not something big i told you to just get a small job we don't need so much money" "Uh...i'm now a waitress at a restaurant" she said i nodded "Oh okay, that's good" i said smiling she sighed. "It's stressful because my shift is 6 to7:40 and i come back here and help you and every thing." i frown "It's okay if you don't help me" i said getting hurt a little "No no i mean i do want to help you baby so i told my manager if i could take a month off since i explained you were pregnant" she said i nodded.

"Okay" i said and look away "Baby, i do want to help you because i love you and baby Ethan" she said kissing my cheek softly "Please don't think that i didn't want to help you" she said frowning i sighed and smiled "I don't, thank you for helping me" i said she smiled "Of course, he's my son too" i giggle and kissed her with love and passion. We pull away and smiled at each other "you cutie" I said smiling "Ethan is cuter" she said giggling. "I'm so excited to seeee him!!!" Y/N squealed, I giggle "Me too, I wanna meet our baby boy" I said she smiled and then we heard a knock on the door. Y/N stood up and walked to the door and then I saw Camila again. "Hi Lo, hi baby Ethan" she greeted I smiled "Hey Camz, where are the others?" I asked "They are at the studio right now but they'll be here later" she said sitting next to me. "LAUREN WE'RE BACK" I heard Taylor yelled she then entered the living room. She then showed me all the baby stuff they bought "Really? That is so many" I said looking at the things. "It's not for you Lauren it's for baby Ethan" she said sticking her tongue out. I giggle and kissed her cheek "Thanks though" she smiled and hug me.

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