Chapter 9

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Your POV:

I sighed and walk home i lied to Lauren so that i don't see them being cute in front of me or making out in front of me. I fix my hair and went to an ice cream shop, i ordered a cookies and cream flavor and sat down on one of the tables. I took out and my phone and went to twitter retweeting good quotes, then my phone rang i answered it and it was Ally.

- On the phone -

Ally: Hey? Where are you? Are you still at Lauren's?

Me: Uh.... no well i left cause Brad was coming over and i didn't want to see them make out like the last time

Ally: *laughing* yeah i feel you, good thing you left though

Me: Well i told her i'll help you with chores but right now i'm in a ice cream shop.

Ally: Well?? Are you coming home and help me??

Me: Later *laughing*

Ally: Kay fine hhahaha! see ya later

Me: Byeee

then i hung up "Oh hey Y/N" i look up and saw Kevin i smiled "Hey Kevin" he sat across me eating his ice cream "So why are you here alone?" he ask i shrugged "Just on my way home but on my way i stop by here" he nodded we both started to get to know each other and he is such a good listener and really funny. Few hours later I look at my phone and whoa it's already 8? Well time flies fast "Do you want to go home? i can take you home if you want" he ask smiling "Aww! few more minutes" i pouted he laughed and nodded we started chatting again and he bought me another ice cream. "Hey Y/N" i look up and saw Lauren "Uh how'd you know i'm here?" i ask she sat beside me "I went to your house and Ally told me you were here but i didn't know you weren't alone" i could hear jealousy? in her tone? "Oh, well when i was on my way home i stopped here to get an ice cream then i saw him then we just started chatting" i smiled "Can i talk to you?" she ask i nodded"I'll be back" i said to Kevin who nodded. We went outside and she faced me "What time did you get here?" she ask "uh... 5?" i said looking at my watch "You both chatted for 3 hours?" i furrowed my eyesbrows "What's wrong with chatting with a friend for 3 hours Laur?" she was silent "Nothing" she cross her arms on her chest she looks so pissed and upset "Lauren? What's wrong?" i ask rubbing her arm up and down i felt her relax when she felt my touch. "Nothing" she sighed i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, i shrugged it off and just hug her "Whatever it is and if it's my fault i'm sorry okay?" i felt her hug tighten "Feel better?" i felt her nod as she did i let go of the hug and smiled at her.

We both went inside and i could see Kevin is still waiting for us to come back, i sat across him and Lauren sat next to me. She crossed her legs and arms looking at Kevin, "Hey again" i greeted with a giggle he join me and wave back "Hi Lauren" Lauren gave him a small and fake smile. As i finished my ice cream i lick my lips and in the corner of my eyes i could see Lauren and Kevin staring at my lips as i lick them. I feel my face heat i cleared my throat and wipe my mouth with a tissue, i stood up and smiled at them "Oh i could bring you home" Kevin said placing his hand on my left hip Lauren eyed his hand then stood up beside me pulling me to her "It's fine, i'll bring her home" she said pulling my arm but the arm was pulled my Kevin "Wait, i promised her i'll bring her home" he said Lauren gave him a death glare "I'll bring her home since i'm going to hang with her and Ally for a while" she said pulling me back to her. "Y/N?" Kevin looked at me and Lauren did the same "Uh, i think i'll go with Lauren? Cause she did want to hang with Ally too. I'm sorry Kev" i said hugging him he hug me tight lifting me up a bit "It's okay princess" i saw Lauren clutch on her phone tight so i let go and smiled at him "See ya tomorrow" i said waving.

As we were near the car Lauren ran and open the door for me i blush and thanked her she just nodded her head at me and closed the door once i was inside. She went to her side then started driving "Are you okay Laur?" i ask she nodded not looking at me i frown and turn to the window. What did i do? Did i do something wrong? Did i make her upset? I let out a frustrated sigh and lean my head on the window still frowning.

Lauren's POV:

I saw Y/N turn to the window frowning, i'm not mad at her i'm just mad at the guy who was hitting on her. I rolled my eyes when that guy placed his hand on her hip and giving her a nick name like princess, i'm the only one who can call her princess. Wait hold on...... Am i being jealous again? Holy shit! My feelings for her is growing, this can't be happening. No i can't love a girl, i can't! Shit! i facepalm myself and took a deep breath "Lauren are you sure you're okay?" Y/N asked again i glanced at her then back to the road. As i drive i felt her hand rub my arm up and down i slightly felt relaxed. "Yeah i'm fine" i finally let out i gave her a small smile and she smiled back "I thought you were mad at me" she said quietly i shake my head 'no' "I'm not mad at you" she sighed in relief "What is it then?" i gulped and shrugged "Not in the mood i guess?" i lied "Are you sure?" she ask again i sighed "it's Kevin, now please don't ask anymore questions?" i snap but immedietly regretted it when i saw her face fell then look back to the window.

When we finally arrived at her and Ally's home we both went to the front door and Y/N searched for the key "Isn't Ally inside?" i ask she didn't look at me "Yeah she is, maybe she's asleep i didn't want to disturb her" she said quietly unlocking the door. She motioned me to go in so i did then watch her as she close the door walking with her head hanging low, she sighed and placed the keys in the counter. "Uh... you could wait for her here, i'll just call her" she smiled at me weakly then went upstairs, i so regret what i said to her! i facepalm myself, she just wanted to know why i was not talking to her but i snapped at her. I went to living room sitting at one of the bean bags, i look around and a smile curved in my lips when i saw a picture of Ally and Y/N hugging each other when they were kids. Y/N looks so fucking adorable, those squishy cheeks! then i look at the next picture it was Y/N giving Ally a piggy back ride they look so happy.

The next one made my jaw drop, my cheeks started to red when i saw Ally and Y/N in their bikini, they were in the beach their hair is wet and so was their body. My eyes went up and down on Y/N's body feeling myself drool, she looks so freakin' hot and i'm not lying. I went to the next one and it was pictures in the beach i look at them closely staring at Y/N, "Hey Lauren" i jumped and placed the picture frame back where it was i smiled "Hey" i greeted back. Ally stood across me "What happened to Y/N? she looks so.... not hyper and weird" she scrunch her face i bit my lip and look down "It" she looked at me questioningly "Why? What'd you do?" i sighed and met her eyes "Uh...well i was pissed at something then she was asking if i was okay then my stupid mouth snapped at her" she nodded "She was just curious why you were not talking to her" she said i nodded "i know, and it was wrong when i snap at her with no reason" she smiled and nod her head motioning me to go to her room. I chew on my bottom lip slowly going up the stairs.

I reached her bedroom and slowly knock on her door i heard her say "Just a minute" then she opened the door "Oh hey" she smiled at me but i could tell it was forced "I'm sorry for snapping Y/N" i apologized "It's fine" she said smiling, she's lying. "No it's not, i'm sorry Y/N seriously" she nodded looking down "I know you were just curious to know why i was not talking to you earlier or what was bothering me" she nodded again "Look i'm sorry Kevin was just... pissing me off a little" i said quietly she met my eyes "Why were you pissed off at Kevin? He didn't do anything to you" i gulped "Well...i have reason why i'm pissed off at him but i'm not telling you" she nodded "and i was not mad at you and i'm so sorry Y/N" she smiled at me this time it wasn't forced i sighed in relief and threw my arms around her waist hers on my neck. "I forgive you Lauren" i grin and kissed her cheek i saw her blush but she tried to hide it, "Let's go downstairs" i said pulling her arm "I can't, i have things to do since we ditched school today" i stuck my bottom lip out and did my puppy eyes "Pwease?" i ask in a baby voice she squinted her eyes "Lo, that's not gonna work" she said giggling "Pweaseiiee!! Leggo downstaiws and do that later" i said pulling her arm like child she laughed and finally gave in i clap my hands then carried her bridal style she squealed and told me to let her down but i refuse to do it and ran downstairs carefully not wanting to hurt my princess.

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