Chapter 39

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Your POV

I shyly look up and she was smiling at me sweetly "That was so cute and really beautiful Y/N" she said hugging me "Is it g-good?" i asked she giggle "Baby, it was so dang AMAZING! It's more than that but really you are so talented and thank you so much" she said kissing me. I smile and pulled away "Thank you, that was absolutely beautiful. You are the most beautiful, gorgeous, talented girlfriend EVER. I fucking love you so much, and you have no idea what i'm feeling right now. I feel so loved and special, i feel so happy. I love you" she said caressing my cheeks "I love you" i said before crashing our lips back together. Soon we pulled away and smiled at each other, "We should sleep" i said she nodded and began changing in the bathroom and i changed in my room. When we finished we went to my bed and cuddled up to each other. We said our goodnights and slowly falling asleep with a big smile on our face.


Next morning, i woke up and slowly open my eyes seeing my girlfriend letting out her soft little snores, she looks so adorable like her mouth is slightly open and her arm was on my stomach. I turn my body to her and poke her nose, when i poked her nose again i saw her scrunch her face a bit before going back to sleep. I smiled and poke her nose again but this time she swat my hand away i laughed and saw her eyes slowly open, "stop" she said i smirked and poke her nose again. When i poke her nose for the 6th time she got my finger between her teeth and i squealed she smiled and let go of my finger, "owwie" i pout she open her eyes and smile "Yeah now sleep" she then close her eyes again. I frown and cross my arms thinking of a way to wake her up, few minutes later i smirked and slowly get out of bed and when i reach the door i felt arms around my waist dragging me back to the bed "No you stay here" she said hugging me tight.

I groan and laid down for a bit thinking of a way out of her arms, i sigh and try to wiggle out but it only makes her arms around me tighten even more. "Lauren i need to pee" i lied i squeezed my thighs together so that it looked real she open her eyes "Really?" i nodded eagerly "Yes hurry i really need to go" i said really fast. She sighed and mutter a quiet 'fine' and let me go, i ran outside of the room and slowly got a bucket. I poured the bucket with cold water only the half of the bucket and quietly went back to my room, i saw her back facing me and my smirk grew bigger. "Lauren wake up" i said already behind her with the bucket "No, now come back here cause i need your body close to me" she said patting the spot beside her, "i'm sorry and i love you" i said smiling she finally look at me and that was the time i poured the bucket to her. She squealed and i ran downstairs laughing, i saw Ally looking at me like i was crazy "Y/N!!" i heard Lauren screamed i smiled and ran to the living room.

I hid behind the couch and saw her walk in the living room she looked pissed and soaked with water "Y/N?!" i chuckled making her look at me behind the couch, she ran to me and i screamed "ALLY HELP!!" running to her to the kitchen. "What the hell? Why are you wet Lauren?" Lauren glared at me "Ask Y/N over here" she said before chasing me again, i ran upstairs to the bathroom and lock the door. I slid down the wall and giggle when i heard her trying to open the door "Y/N that is so unfair baby" she said "Open the damn door!" she started banging on the door "No! You'll kill me" i said smiling she laughed sarcastically "Ha! Of course i will!" she said trying to open the door again. After 15 minutes she finally stopped, i unlock the door and thought she was gone to dress up but fuck i was wrong! i was pushed against the cold wall harshly and felt her lips against mine forcefully. I smile and kissed her back with the same force.

"You do not wake me up like that" she said panting when we pulled away, i smile and look at her she was glaring at me. "Oh come on baby it was fun right?" she continued glaring "Right?" "No, that fucking water was cold as ice!" i frown she looked really pissed "i'm sorry" i said quietly before walking out of the bathroom. "I'll just get you some dry clothes and you can just shower now" i said walking out, but then i was yanked back and was pushed against the wall again. She placed her lips against mine and this time it was a soft kiss "I was messin' with you baby, that was fun but i wish i caught you and just tickled you instead"she said smiling. I smiled "Which reminds me" she said smirking "OH NO! NO NO LAUREN!" i squealed then her fingers began attacking my sides and i burst out of laughter.

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