Chapter 1

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Your POV
"Y/N!!!! PUT ME DOWN NOW!" Ally squealed I laughed then put her down. "Will you talk to him?" She pouted "Fine!" i smiled then kissed her cheek. Ally and i were sitting in our porch staring at a tall guy across our house "Coooomee oooon!!!!!" i whine she laughed "No Y/N! I'm shy" she crossed her arms on her chest "Since when did Ally Brooke Hernandez became shy?" she shrugged "Now?" i laughed. Ally and i live together it's not like our parents hated us. Ally's office is far from her house so her parents wants her to move, her parents already payed all the things we needed. I moved with her cause she told me she feels lonely i asked my parents and my parents argeed, cause they've known Ally since we were babies, our parents were best friends since high school so they trust Ally. We moved here last week and when Ally was carrying a heavy box the dude across our house helped her bring the box to the house. He started chatting with Ally while i put all the boxes in the house, i don't even know his name "Hey what's his name?" she didn't answer i faced her and she was staring at the guy again who was shirtless and washing his car. I laughed causing her to look at me "Why are you laughing?" i bit my lip so i would stop "Stop staring" i said smiling she blushed "I can't help it" she whispered "I told you to talk to him" she took a deep breath "Okay.. here i go" i smiled she stood up then went down but went back then sat next to me "I change my mind i can't do it" i laughed "Come on.... we're living here forever you can't ignore him forever" she nodded "You're right..." i nodded "Yes i am" she smiled " i go" she stood up then made her way to the guy but went back again "I can't do it i can't do it! I can't talk to him looking like that!" she sat at the floor covering her face i laughed loudly "I'll call him for you?" she sat next to me "Yes please" i smiled "HEY DUDE! COULD YOU COME HERE PLEASE?" i yelled he faced me and smiled then nodded. I could feel Ally's grip on my arm tighten "Oh god" she said as the dude made his way near us "What's up? Hey Ally" his deep voice made Ally squeezed my arm more i winced in pain and finally she let go. He waved at Ally i looked at her and she was frozen her eyes looking up and down on his body. "Ally?" i whispered she cleared her throat then crossed her legs making a model pose i stiffle a laugh "Hey Troy" she said he laughed "Are you okay?" i covered my mouth to hold my laughter "Pssshhh....yeah or course! Yeah so i'll just go in there and get something" Ally said standing up and walking clumsily inside the house she looked at Troy then smiled widely closing the door "WHAT THE HECK?!" she yelled inside. I laughed loudly i couldn't hold it anymore Troy joined me "Uh... i'm so sorry about her" i said smiling "Oh it's okay...she's actually really cute and funny" He said looking at the door smiling. "Really?" he blushed "Yeah...she's really beautiful" she whispered i smirked "Oh yeah?" he blinked then look at me "did you hear?" he said nervously i wiggled my eyebrows still smirking "Shit" i laughed then put a hand on his shoulder "Do you like her?" he blushed even more "Uhm.....maybe?" i giggle "Maybe?" he face palm himself "A lot" he said i laughed "Alright! Look...if you're planning to date her make her happy okay?" i said he nodded i smiled "Alright... you're really a gentleman huh? You're the right guy for Ally" he blushed again "Okay...i'm going inside now, remember what i told you if you're planning on dating her okay?" he nodded then i said goodbye to him.

As i went inside i saw Ally on the couch up side down with a pillow on her face i laughed "Ally....are you okay?" the pillow fell "NO! i feel so stupid" she said i sat next to her patting her tummy "He likes you" i said she immidietly sat up facing me "WHAT?!" she yelled "" she squealed causing her to falll backwards landing on the carpet floor "Ow! Fuck!" she said rubbing her head she stood up running upstairs "WHEN YOU'RE READY COME AND GET ME!" she sung i laughed then grabbed the remote then chose a movie.

The movie ended and i saw Ally standing up "Where are you going?" i asked "Kitchen duh" she said in an obvious tone i giggle and turn on the stereo playing some songs that we both love. Give Your Heart A Break was playing by Demi Lovato and Ally started singing "The day i first met you, you told me you'd never fall in love..." i continued "But now that i get you i know fear is what it really was" we both sang together as she cook. "Don't wanna break your heart wanna give your heart a break, i know you're scared it's wrong like you might make a mistake. There just one life to live and there's no time to wait, to waste. So let me give your heart a break, your heart a break, let me give your a heart break, your heart a break oh yeah yeah" we sung the chorus loudly. The song finished then Bang bang started playing i saw Ally dancing i laughed then i saw her phone lit up i look at it and it's a message from Lauren? Who's Lauren? "Ally this Lauren girl texted you" i said she glance at me "Read it to me please" i opened her phone then read the message. "Hey Ally, i'm on my way to your new house to drop your jacket cause you left it in Normani's house yesterday" i said she nodded "Tell her okay" i texted her okay then put her phone down.

We finished eating and I went up to get my phone then went back down, as i was about to sit when the doorbell rang "Y/N can you please open the door?" Ally said i sighed then stood up walking to the door. I opened the door seeing a tall girl with gorgeous green eyes, i must admit she's gorgeous i smiled politley "Hello you must be Lauren?" i said in a sweet voice she stood there her mouth was slightly open she stared at me like 3 minutes now. "Uhm... Hello?" i laughed slightly she blinked "Uh...hey! You must be Ally's best friend?" she said i smiled then nodded "Yes. i'm Y/N by the way" i said sticking my hand out for her to shake she slowly held my hand then shake it squeezing my hand gently i look at her and smiled she gave me a cute smile. "Hey Lauren" Ally said behind me causing me to pull back my hand "Uh.. here" she said giving the jacket to Ally "Thanks, wanna come in Lo?" Ally asked i look at Lauren "Uhm.. sure" Lauren said i open the door for her. "Nice place Ally" she said looking around "Thanks" she said i walked to the kitchen then grabbed a cupcake eating it then walk to them. I bent down to switch the song on the stereo then plopped down at the couch grabbing my phone.

Lauren's POV

As Y/N bent down i can't help but stare at her ass but look away quickly not wanting to be caught by Ally who is sitting across me. "So how's Brad?" Ally asked i smiled "He's good we have a date tomorrow" she sighed i know they really don't like Brad but i don't know why. "Why do you guys hate Brad anyway?" she look at me "We don't know, we just don't like him for some reason" i frown "Ally i love Brad" i said she gave me a small smile. "We know Lauren we know" she said "Y/N?" Y/N look up "Yeah?" she has chocolate all over her mouth i smiled at how cute she is Ally laughed Y/N frowned "Why are you laughing?" Ally grabbed the tissue box giving it to her then pointing at her mouth "Wipe your mouth it's full of chocolate and how dare you not give me?!" Ally said standing up "Lo do you want one?" i shake my head "No it's fine thank you though" i said she nodded then went to the kitchen. Y/N licked her lips and i can't help but stare at her soft lips then she wiped it with a tissue "Are you sure you don't want?" Y/N asked i smiled then shook my head 'no' she rolled her eyes and sat beside me i suddenly felt nervous "Here try it" she said placing her cupcake near my mouth "Come on" she pouted i finally gave in and took a bit she pulled it back then laughed. She got a tissue and slowly wiped my mouth i stare at her while she wipe my mouth she's so beautiful and cute since she's small but not too small. She pulled the tissue away and look at me with her cute smile "So how was it?" i blinked "Uhm... it's delicious" i said smiling she giggle "Told youuu!!" she said then stood up going to the kitchen. Holy shit. She's so beautiful and her eyes damn!

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