Chapter 60

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A/N: Sorry i'm skipping the wedding. 😂
Lauren's POV

The wedding and our honeymoon is done!!!! and i feel so fucking happy and free!!!! i'm fucking happy that Y/N Jauregui is now my wife!!!! We came home and Ethan ran to us crying "Aw what happened?" i asked him "i just missed my mommy and mama" he said rubbing his eyes. "Aw i'm sorry baby me and mommy were just in a fancy hotel okay? and we'll bring you soon okay?" i said kissing his chubby cheek he nodded and hugged me. I smile when i saw Y/N's wedding ring on her finger as tie her hair and then i look down at mine. She turn to me and kissed my lips "Come on Ethan time to sleep baby" she said kissing my lips again. I sighed and laid down on our bed "Life is good" i said to myself "it is" Y/N said crawling to the bed beside me. "Well, Mrs Jauregui how are you feeling?" i said smirking she laughed "Well i'm super happy since you're now my wife" she said pecking my lips. "Y/N?" she looked at me "Do you want to have another baby?" i asked she smiled and nodded "with you yes" i smile "i want one too, i want a girl" i said she nodded "that's gonna be good Ethan will be a big brother" she said straddling my lap. "Wow, wasn't the honeymoon enough?" i joked "Nope" she said i laugh and just attacked her with a kiss.

"Ethan give me back my barbie!!!!" my little 5yr old girl screamed "No Chloe!! i don't like it!" my 9yr old boy said y'all know him... Ethan. "Ethan, give your sister's barbie back" i said he pouted and gave it back. Yes Chloe, Chloe Gabriella Jauregui, she is the mini version of Y/N and she was pregnant years ago and she did carry Chloe. Ethan is the boy mini version of me, and honestly the best feeling ever is when you see the little mini yous running around. It makes my hear melt every time Ethan ad Chloe sleeps together in a bed with me and Y/N reading them a story.

"I'm home" i heard i smile and walk to the door but our two kids already beat me to it. They already attacked their mommy with hugs and kisses and i was there smiling at them. "Hey baby" i said smiling she stood up and the kids began playing again. "Hi" she said and kissed my lips, "how was work?" yeah she changed her work again she now works in an office where my dad is the BO$$ and she is his assistant. "Ugh tiring, too much papers" she said i laughed a hug her tight. "Did you prepare dinner?" she asked i nodded "yup, come on" i said "Kids, dinner" i called and they both ran to the kitchen making me and Y/N laugh. When we were eating Ethan and Chloe always play with their food but we always tell them to stop. "Mama, is there ice cream?" Chloe asked me i nodded "yeah i think so, go check" i said and they ran to the fridge. "I want the chocolate one!!" Ethan argue "No!! Vanilla!!" Chloe argued back "How about you fet chocolate and you get Vanilla?" Y/N said they nodded and gave the ice cream to Y/N to put them in mugs.

After dinner the kids are now in their rooms and i was in ours, i was so tired and so is Y/N. "Come cuddle babe" i said opening my arms she crawled to me and kiss my neck. "Oh baby, i'm tired" i said "please" i sighed and nodded we kissed and things got really heated until "MAMA!! MOMMY!!" they were on the door trying to open it. "Shit, i'm naked" she said dressing up quickly and i dressed up too, and then she opened the door, "Hey" she said panting and i was too. Damn kids, we were in the middle of something! "Can we sleep here? we're scared" they said with puppy eyes, they only want to sleep here since we were here and they love joking on bed. I nodded and they went to the bed and attacked me with pillows, see joking on bed. I smiled and tickled them making them laugh. Y/N then joined us and she help me tickled our children, "come on let's sleep" Y/N said laying down and the kids got under the blanket between me and Y/N. "Goodnight my angels" i said kissing their heads "Goodnight baby" i said was about to kiss Y/N but look at the kids "Close your eyes" i said they did and i peck her lips quickly. I wink at her and she kissed the kids goodnight too and we all fell asleep.

We were at the park and Ethan is now 12yrs old and Chloe is 8yrs old, we were with the girls!!! And they all have kids now and i can see that Ethan has a thing with Ally and Troy's daughter Catherine. Catherine is 11 and Ethan is 12 and they always hang out with each other. Camila and Connor's 6yr old son Coby, and Dinah and Normani's 7yr old daughter Denise are playing with Chloe. Ethan, he's growing and i could see that he's becoming like me but boy version and everyone thinks it's cute and Chloe the little mini Y/N is the cutest girl ever!!

Ethan and Catherine sat with Ally, Troy, Y/N and i and they were smiling at us. "Ethan, do you like Catherine?" i asked him he blushed and looked away "No" he said we all laughed "He's so cute" Ally said "Come on it's cute Ethan" i said he nodded "I like Catherine aunt Ally" we all awed. "How did you meet mommy mama?" he asked me, i smile at the memories "Well, mommy here was aunt's best friend. So aunt Ally is so protective over mommy here before." he nodded "How did you say you love mommy to aunt Ally?" i giggle "Well, i think i remember what i said.... i think i said..... Ally what i'm trying to say is... i'm in love with your bestfriend. And then we started being together and then years later we got you an got married and Chloe and then here we are" i said he smiled and nodded. "I wanna marry Catherine someday" our jaws dropped "Soon mama" we laugh and nodded. Y/N sat on my lap and kiss me with full of love "I love all the memories with you" i nodded "me too, thank you for being with me" she kissed me again "i love you" "i love you too" we then cuddled.


A/N: So guys, this is the end of I'm in love with your Best Friend and i posted all the chapters now. So now it's complete. Thank you so much for reading!!! also thank you for voting and commenting. I'm so sorry if i had mistakes and everything i'm sorry if it sucks but yeah THANK YOU FOR READING. Y'all can check my other book since i've finished this. Go check 'Please Don't Leave Me Again' it's also a Lauren/You story. I love Fifth Harmony so much and yeah i love Lauren!! GOODBYE GUYS!! 😘😘😘❤️💕💙

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