Chapter 51

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A/N: I don't really know how to work the pregnancy thing so i'm so sorry if it sucks and everything. I'm also gonna end this story soon so yeah few more chapters to go. So i might have to skip time. Thank you guys for reading, voting and commenting. :) Love you guys!


Your POV

Camila came back and i gave Lauren the pregnancy test and she went to the bathroom, i sat on the bed with Camila and she looked at me "Is she gonna keep it?" she asked "Yeah, she doesn't want to kill a baby but she'll try and forget the father. She wanted me to help her as another mom and i agreed i will help Lauren with this because i love her." i said nodding and looked at Camila who was smiling "You're so sweet" i giggle "We love each other so we do anything for each other" i said smiling. She nodded and the bathroom door opened, i took a deep breath when Lauren sat between us, "Did you look?" i asked "No not yet" she sighed and look down. "I'm scared" she mumble "Don't be the girls and i are here for you" i said holding her hand Camila nodded smiling and then i saw the girls on the door. "Come in" i said they all sat in front of us and look at Lauren smiling, "we still love you Lauren" they said Lauren smiled and hug them all.

"Ready?" she asked we nodded and then she showed it.............Positive..... she bit her lip and smiled "i have a child" she said rubbing her tummy, "Are you keeping it Laur?" Dinah asked she nodded and explained why she wanted to keep it. "What about our parents?" she asked i sighed and nodded "We should call them later for a meeting?" she nodded "I'm really scared" she said i hugged her "I promise they'll help us" i hope they will. She sighed and look down at her tummy "Are you hungry?" Norman asked "Yeah" Lauren said smiling, they nodded and went out of the room and started cooking. "We can do this" i said smiling she nodded "Yeah, please don't leave me" she said pouting "Baby, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU" i said she giggle and kissed me "I love you" she mumble "I love you too" i said and we both went to the kitchen where everybody is.

It's now afternoon and we went to the hospital to check if Lauren is really pregnant and the doctor said she is pregnant. Now we're home and i decided that i'll tell my parents first since they're not with us they're far away from me so i decided to call them first, i kissed Lauren's cheek and walked outside to sit in one of the chair. Then i started calling my mom, oh gosh i hope she supports us...... "Hello sweetie" i heard my mom's voice "Hi mom" i said looking down on my lap, "Is something wrong baby?" i sighed "Mom, Lauren's.........pregnant" i said "What? You don't have a dick" she said calmly "I know she got raped and she's pregnant and i wanted to help her raise it you know to be a mom?" i said nervously it was silent on the other line it means they're thinking. I saw Lauren looking at me and i gestured her to sit on my lap she smiled and sat on my lap, she cuddled up to me as i wait for my mom's reply. "Y/N?" i heard her say "Mom?" i asked "Your dad and i....we you and yes i think you should help her raise it. I want you to be a mommy soon darling. I want a grandchild" she said giggling, i was shocked did she just? is she happy?

"Mom you're not mad?" i asked still shocked "No, i want you to help Lauren baby. She loves you and i know you do too so why not help her raise it? and be a perfect family soon" i blushed since Lauren heard what mom said she was smiling at me widely. "I will mom i'll definitely help her raise it" i said "That's our girl, now we have to go alright? we love you" i smile "i love you both too" we then hung up. "Well, mom's not mad of me helping you raise it" i said smiling "Now for my parents" Lauren said biting her lip nervously. "Hey, i'll be with you when you say it" she sighed and nodded, Lauren's family are coming soon we were both on the living room cuddled up to each other and watching The Simpsons. Then there was a knock on the door, i sighed and opened the door seeing the Jauregui family, "Hi, Good afternoon" i said smiling they all attacked me with hugs and said good afternoon back. We then went to the living room and they sat on the couches, "So why do you want to talk to us?" Clara asked i took a deep breath and sat next to Lauren.

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