Chapter 19

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- Thursday -

Your POV:

I was walking to 3 period class when i felt some strong arms wrap around my body i turn to the person and relaxed "i thought you were somebody else" Kevin laughed and got my books. "I'm sorry" he then kissed my cheek and i smiled at him, we walk to Science class and i could see Lauren and Brad together i sighed and just ignored it. Kevin and i sat together in one table and started chatting he placed one arm on my chair and i really don't mind. We did some experiments and laughed when Kevin did some stuff wrong "I think we're doing it wrong" i giggle and slap his arm "You're doing it wrong!" i said laughing he smiled and continued what he was doing. I got my book and wrote some things from the experiment then soft arms wrapped around my waist and a chin on my shoulder "Hey babe" Lauren whispered i turn to her and wrap my arms around her neck "Heeyy... are you okay?" she nodded, she buried her face into my neck and began sniffing my scent "You smell so good" i giggle "Oh really?" our faces are so close she look at my lips then to my eyes "Yes" then we heard Kevin cleared his throat making us pull away. Lauren glared at him and Kevin awkwardly stood next to me "Baby, are you jealous?" i whispered in Lauren's ear "N-no" i smirked and pulled her outside the classroom the teacher is too busy helping other students. As we went outside "What's wrong baby?" i ask brushing her hair with my fingers she placed her hands on my hips pulling me close to her. "Kevin was just ruining our precious moment" she joked i laughed slightly and pulled her into an embrace. "You are jealous" she began tickling me and i begged her to stop "Okay.. okay fine i'll stop" i said she smiled at me and kissed my forehead. The door opened and Lauren and i pulled away quickly "Ms. Jauregui and Ms. Y/L/N why are you both outside my classroom?" the teacher asked "Uh... i was just about to give Lauren my laptop since she needed it" i lied but it looks like he's convinced "Well... hurry up" he said then went inside. Lauren and i laughed and i got my laptop and gave it to her "just give it back later" she nodded "that was good" i smiled "Thanks" we both went inside and went to our seats.

In every class Lauren and i always lock eyes and wink at each other secretly, she looks so hot in her outfit today. She was wearing a cute dress and cute flats with her hair down, she's just really look hot today well everyday. Lauren looked at me once more and i felt someone tap my shoulder "for you" a random person said i furrow my eyebrows and opened the paper.

"Hey cutie, do you wanna go to the party this Saturday night? Please come the girls are coming. If you don't come i'll be sad and i'll just cry in the corner of the room.

- Your baby Lauren! xP

I laughed at her note and look at her she began to do puppy eyes and pulling her bottom lip out. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Me: You know we could just text? You didn't need to pass me a note babe

Lauren: Hahaha! i know, i just wanted to try it. So about the party, you down for it?

Me: I don't know, i feel lazy

Lauren: Ugh! Come on! i'll pick you up. Brad is already at the party when i get you don't worry

Me: But!

Lauren: No butts! ;)

Me: Hahaha! Wow Lo! Fine

Lauren: Yuuuss! Alrightyy then talk to you later at lunch.

I smiled and put my phone down, i placed my head on Kevin's shoulder and slowly close my eyes. "Hey, no sleeping in class" he joked i stuck my tongue out at him "I do what i want" i said before wrapping my hands around his arm, woah too much muscles! I bit my lip and close my eyes good thing the lights are closed and we were all watching a movie.

- Lunch -

Finally it's lunch i ran to the cafeteria but soon i was lifted up "Woahh... calm down Y/N" Lauren said "Ugh! i'm hungry Lauren" i whine getting out of her grip "I didn't get to prepare my food" she let go of me "Fine, but i'm paying for your food. What do you want?" she ask "Laur, you don't have to" "I want to" i sighed and told her what i want she nodded and told me to sit on the table and wait for the food. I saw the girls eating their food and i hug all of them. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Camila asked "Oh yeah, i'm just waiting for Lauren" i said they all aw'ed and i didn't understand why "That's so sweet" my eyes widen "What? No! I mean she bought my food so i'm waiting for it" i explained they nodded smirking i sigh and bowed my head. Few minutes later i felt someone sat beside me i look up and smile "YAY FOOD!" they giggled "Aww.. baby girl you're so cute" Lauren cooed "Baby girl you're so cute" the three girls imitated Lauren i laughed and Lauren just glare at them

As i finished my lunch Lauren gave me a box of cookies i smile "Is this for me?" i ask "No no it's for me" she said i glare at her making her laugh "Of course it's for you" she said kissing my cheek. I smiled widely and hug her "Thank you Lolo!" she giggle and i began eating my cookies. Then the three started teasing Lauren and i, i rolled my eyes at them. As we listened to Dinah's story about her and boyfriend on their date Lauren's hand held mine. I wasn't really surprised we do this all the time but the difference is we're not alone and someone might take a picture and i won't be able to talk to her again. I gently moved my hand away from hers and i saw her frown and sadness spread on her eyes. "Baby, we can't people might take a picture of our hands again and if Brad saw it again we won't be able to talk to each other again" i said sadly she nodded and kissed my cheek instead letting it linger. They all started talking about the party and i told them i was lazy they all tried to convince me and did their best puppy face. I laughed "Y'all look like an idiot" i said "Baby, please come i thought you said you'll come?" Lauren whispered in my ear she then quickly kiss my earlobe making me blush "UGH FINE" I said giving up. Lauren smiled in victory "Woah, how'd you convince her?" Dinah asked Lauren who shrugged her shoulders "I have powers" she joked i rolled m eyes.

After school we all went to the mall cause the girls wanted to buy new dresses for the party i didn't buy anything since i'm not really in a mood for shopping. They all went back and forth in the changing rooms, i sat there playing on my phone. "Y/N?" i heard Lauren say "Yeah?" i answered "Uhm... can you come in here?" my eyes widen "W-what?" i stutter "I'm not naked calm down" she said giggling i sigh in relief and got confused since i didn't know which she is in "Where are you?" "In here" i followed her voice and went in. She was on a red dress and i'm literally drooling over her, "is this okay? or i should try the black one?" she said pointing to the black dress. "Woah, i think you should try this, this is pretty" i said examining the black dress "Okay" i was about to leave but she pulled me back "Stay here" my eyes widen again "Just turn around" she said i gulped and turned around. Few minutes later i thought she was finished so i turned around slowly but regretted doing it. Great. Now i can't stop staring. She has the dress already half of her body but i could still see her bra and a little of her butt, my cheeks went pink and i turn around again, oh come on Y/N! It's not like you haven't seen her in her bra.....but her ass is so new to me. Shit shut up Y/N! "Hey babe? Can you zip me up please?" i turn to her "Sure" i slowly zip her dress and my finger was sliding to her smooth skin i felt her shiver as my finger slid on her back. I smirked and finished zipping her dress i look at the mirror and.......yup! definitely hot! Hotter than the last one and of course i'm drooling again.

"Is this better?" she ask looking at me "Y-yup" i stutter her cleavage was showing at this dress but it look so hot on her i tore my eyes away from her chest and smile at her nervously "I think i should go outside" i said she pouted "Nooo... i need you here" she said pulling my arm "Why don't you ask the girls?" she shrugged "They're also changing babe" i bit my lip and sat down in the chair as she smiled at me. The reason why i wanted to go outside is to make me forget Lauren's ass and cleavage i can't look at her again, i'm so turned on, i can't take it, i just want to push her against the wall and kiss her passionately but i can't. She began undressing her self and putting back her old clothes on, "thanks for helping me choose baby" she whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek softly. Oh Lauren is so gonna kill me with her sexiness.

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