Chapter 46

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Lauren's POV
I woke up with a big smile on my face when I smelled my favorite scent and my favorite cuddle buddy beside me. I immediately buried my face on her hair and kiss her shoulder and I saw her shiver. "Are you awake baby?" I ask in response she pulled my arms forward so my front collides with her back I smile and hug her tight. "Good Morning" she said "Good Morning" I replied "I missed waking up like this" I said sighing "Me too, well good thing you're with me now" she said intertwining our fingers. "What do you wanna do baby? It's a Saturday" I said peppering her shoulder with kisses. She giggle and tried to get out of my grip but I held her tighter "You will never leave me again! Muhaha" I laughed evilly "Babe, you're such a dork!" She said laughing I laugh and kiss her cheek "I'm your dork" I said smiling at her. "Kissy?" I ask puckering my lips "Nope, brush!" She said standing up "Come on baby" she said pulling me up. "Nooooo" I whine "Fine no kisses for today" she said brushing her teeth I glare at her and just laid there. Soon she came back crossing her arms on her chest glaring at me playfully "I'm gonna count to 10 and if you don't get your sexy ass here then I won't kiss you today." she said "1" she started I look away and smirked. "2" I laid there sleeping "3" still didn't move "4" ... "5" ... "6" I stretch and just face her "7" I bit my lip and think if I go now "8" "WAIT!" I said standing up "9" she said smirking I ran to the bathroom "10, done!" She said and I just got in the bathroom "I still have my kisses right?" She smirked "Nope, you're late my darling. Now you have to wait for tomorrow." I pout and groan "Don't do this to me! It's torture! Look I'm brushing!" I said getting my toothbrush and toothpaste then brushed my teeth. She laugh and shake her head "Nah, too late baby girl" she said winking then went downstairs.

When i was done brushing i went downstairs and look for Y/N, i frown when i didn't find her. "Baby?" i called no response "Baby?!" still no response i went to the living room and she wasn't there. I went to the kitchen and frown when i don't see her there "Y/N?" i'm starting to get worried but suddenly i felt a weight on my back making me fall on the ground. I then hear laughter i groan and tried to roll but she straddled me "I love you baby" she cooed "I love you too... please get off" she giggle and rolled off. When she rolled off i straddle her and pin her wrist above her head. She bit her lip and kissed my cheek "No kissy for today" she whispered i roll my eyes and slowly lean forward. She turn her head to the side making me kiss her cheek "Nooo! Kissy!" I whine she giggle I captured her lips and she was laughing against our lips. When we pulled away I smirked "Ugh! You can't wait huh?" I giggle and shake my head "Nope, with that pink gorgeous lips? not a chance" I said kissing her again. "Uhm... Guys? stop with kissing please" we heard Ally said we laugh and I help Y/N up.

As Ally and Y/N started cooking I was there sitting just watching them, then Y/N turned to me and hug me "You alright?" i ask "Yeah, it's just, it's your birthday next next week" she said smiling "Oh really? i forgot about that" i truthfully said making her giggle "Really Lauren?" i nodded "Honest." she laughed and cup my cheeks before giving me a soft kiss. "Well... what do you want for your birthday baby?" she asked "Honestly, i don't know." i said pouting  "You know? I'll just surprise you" she said smiling "I wanna celebrate my birthday with just you and i don't want to go somewhere fancy" i said she smirked and just kiss me. Our kiss is starting to get heated but then we were interrupted by Ally "Guys, stop it!" i giggle into the kiss and pulled away, we started eating and i intertwine my fingers with Y/N. 


- Lauren's Birthday -

Lauren's POV

I woke up when i felt someone kissing my face i groan and stretch my arms "Baby wake up" i heard Y/N said i smile and finally opened my eyes "Happy Birthday!!" she said jumping up and down on the bed i giggle and saw she was straddling me. I switched our positions and now i'm on top of her "Aw, thank you so much baby girl" i said leaning down and waited for her to stop me since i have to brush my teeth but surprisingly she didn't say anything. I look at her confused "What's wrong?" she asked cupping my cheeks "Aren't you gonna tell me to brush my teeth?" i ask she laughed "Lauren, it's your birthday so you can do whatever you want" she said smiling "So can i kiss you?" she rolled her eyes "Kiss me if you want baby" she said i bit my lip and lean down. "I love you" i mumble i felt her smile into our kiss and just deepened it "I love you too birthday girl" she mumble back i giggle and continued kissing her. After our little heated make out session i finally pulled away, "Ready to start your birthday baby?" she asked i nodded "Yes" she sat up and peck my lips "Okay, first we go downstairs to eat and after that i want you to change into your comfortable clothes" she said i nodded and pulled her up. I brush my teeth and my hair while she wait for me in my room, when i got back she was on her phone i walk to her and kiss her forehead "Whatchadoin?" i ask she look up and smiled "Nothing babe" she stood up and wrap her arms around my neck then kissed me. 

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