Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

We went back home and as we open the door our jaws dropped, "holy shit" Y/N and i muttered Ally and this Troy dude are in the couch making love. Y/N pulled my hand and we went to the backyard, we sat on this huge swing for sleeping that is attached to two trees. I sat down and pulled her down with me, we took off our shoes and i began swinging us while we cuddle. We look up and stared at the stars, we're both in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other's company. Y/N was mindlessly tracing letters and hearts on my tummy as i brush her hair with my fingers. Then my phone started to ring i groaned and reached for my phone, it was my mom.

Me: Hey Mom

Mom: Where are you?

Me: Chill, i'm just with Y/N mom *i hugged Y/N tighter*

Mom: Oh, phew. I thought you were with someone else. So where are you?

Me: I'm at her house why?

Mom: Are you coming home tonight?

Me: Uhhhh..... i don't want to leave her mom

Mom: Well... it's your choice, i'm allowing you since i trust her. Come here and get some clothes and don't make Ally clean your mess!

Me: Okay okay! See ya later!

I hung up, "What does your mommy want?" Y/N teased i smile and face her "Nothing, i'm spending the night here again since i didn't want to leave you" i said kissing her forehead "Aw! But what if your family misses you?" i scoff "Nah. i'll go home later just to get clothes then back here with you" she smiled and peck my lips. "That's it? A little peck? Really Ms. Jauregui?" i joked she blushed then giggle and nodded "You don't deserve my kisses anyway" i gasp dramatically "Oh hell no!" i began tickling her making her laugh loudly "I need my kisses" i said stopping she was panting "No" i tickled her again making her laugh even louder i smile enjoying the sight of her laughing because of me. I stopped again and just stared at her smiling "Kissy?" she rolled her eyes and just pulled my face to her "I love you" she mumble i smile into the kiss and began kissing her neck "I love you more" i said sucking her neck she gulped, we started making out. I was biting her lip gently and tugging it slowly, she did the same to me. It's actually hot when she bites my lip it was turning me on, every time she does something sexy i always get turned on.

Soon we were interrupted we both look up our lips are swollen from kissing, "Hey, when did you guys get here?" Ally asked i smirked "You know when you were having your sexy time with your boyfie on the couch" her eyes widen "Fuck" she muttered Y/N and i laughed "Just clean the sheets cause i don't wanna sit on that couch with your.... thing on it" Y/N said making Ally blush hard "Fine! i'll clean it! By the way there's hot chocolate inside if you want it's cold out here" she said going inside.

Y/N stood up and face me "Do you want some hot cocoa?" i shook my head 'no' "Sure?" i nodded she smiled and kissed me one more time "Okay, i'll get one just for me" she said walking away but i kept staring at her ass as she walk, what? i can't help myself okay? she's just fucking perfect!

She went back wearing my jacket and another jacket on her arm and her hot cocoa on her hand. "Here" i smiled and put on her hoodie, she sat down sipping on her cocoa she pulled away scrunching her face making me laugh at her adorable face. "Why?" she pout "It's hot" i kissed her head "Of course it's hot, that's why it's called HOT cocoa right?" i said she glare at me "I knew that!" i laugh and kissed her cheek. She looks so fucking adorable when she drinks her cocoa, i don't know but everything about her is just adorable! Like what the fuck! I got her cup making her pout, and i drank some of her cocoa "Lauren!!!" she whine i giggle and gave her back the cup "I love you and thank you" i said smiling she frown and finished her cocoa.

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