Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

Two weeks, two fuckin' weeks and in those weeks and i must admit i really miss my baby, yeah Y/N Y/SN ( your surname). She's still with Kevin and here i am trying to ignore them but i can't sometimes Y/N catches me staring at her and it's beginning to be awkward. Well i can't help it i miss everything about her, i know the words i said to her is really hurtful and that slap! FUCK! i regret that slap i didn't mean to slap her. I am so fuckin' stupid! Right now Y/N is really cold to me, so basically we still ignore each other but i secretly stare at her but it looks like she had moved on. I wish she still have feelings for me, yeah i decided i'm gonna listen to my heart, i can't take not holding her hand or kissing her cheek and it's just UGH. I miss her so fuckin' much! School has ended like few minutes ago, and i needed to see Brad since he wanted me to bring his bag to him.

As i arrived at the gym i open the door and drop the bag when i saw my boyfriend making out with someone, it looks like they hadn't notice me since they're still touching each other. "Mm baby you're so hot! Hotter than Lauren!" he moaned, excuse me? "Am i baby?" he giggled and squeezed her butt. "Yeah, she looks like shit and you're gorgeous!" they continued making out. "Brad?" i ask he jumped "Fuck Lauren! I can ex-" i cut him "No shut up! you don't need to explain" i said throwing the bag to him. Fuck, the picture Y/N sent me were real! And the stupid me believed that it was fake! Oh my god why the hell am i so stupid?! "Lauren i'm so sorry" i slapped him harder than what i did to Y/N "We're over Brad" he pulled me into an embrace and i was trying to get out "No please baby i'm so sorry. I won't do it again i promise!" i punch his chest "Fuck it! I'm so done with you! You're a mother fucking cheater! Tell me are you both together?" i crossed my arms.

He sighed sadly "y-yes" i laughed sarcastically "Wow, Brad. You never loved me then?" he look at me "I do love you" i shook my head no "Just shut up we're over Brad. Go back to your fuckin' whore" i said "Laure-" i cut him by running away. I ran to my car and tears flowed down my cheeks, my boyfriend just cheated on me and i fuckin' didn't believe the photos! I need Y/N right now, i need her arms around me, i need her saying comforting things in my ear. I need her so much. I then drove to their house, i knock on the door and saw Ally her facial expression changed she looked pissed "What?" she snapped "Can i please talk to Y/N?" i beg then i heard her voice "Ally can we buy pizza?!" then when she saw me her facial expression changed as well. "Y/N can i please talk to you?" i asked looking at her eyes she look away "Ally can we buy pizza?? Please?" she said to Ally totally ignoring me "ugh yeah go call them" she jumped happily and kissed her cheek before going back inside "Wait" i frown "No Lauren, she had finally moved on from you. Don't make this difficult for her she's finally happy so don't ruin this for her." she said "Please Ally, i finally know what i'm feeling towards her. i love her Ally please let me talk to her" she slam the door on my face and i stood there with tears running down my cheeks.

I went home and laid on my bed, i do love her why did i just notice this now? i should have broken up with Brad when i saw the photos and if i did broke up with him Y/N and i will be together right now. I need her, my heart is broken and it needs to be healed, my heart was right when i found my feelings towards her she had moved on and she is the only one who can heal my heart. I curl into a ball and cried and cried until i fall asleep, why am i so stupid?

Your POV

"Why was she at our front door?" i asked Ally "She wanted to talk to you but i said no i don't want another drama here in this house" she said sitting next to me "Me too, but i miss her Ally" i admitted she nodded "i know" i sighed and laid my head other shoulder. "When is the pizza coming?" she asked "Uh about 10 minutes" she nodded and switched channels. Soon the doorbell rang i stood up and grabbed some money and opened the door, "3 boxes Pepperoni pizzas" he said i smile and gave him the money "Thank you so much" he nodded and i close the door. "Hey pizzas here" i said placing them down to the table, Ally was looking for some movies to watch so i just sat there eating pizza.

Lauren: I miss you and i'm really sorry.

Me: Why are you talking to me? I thought we should be ignoring each other?

Lauren: Y/N i'm so stupid! I'm so sorry please forgive me? I need you.

Me: Sorry Lauren you're too late. I've moved on.

Lauren: Baby, i know you still love me please just tell me you love me.

I then didn't reply back i don't wanna fall for Lauren again, i have Kevin and i'm not gonna fall for her again. I do miss her and deep down i do still love her but i had moved on.

Dinah's POV

"Guys, i'm bored" i whine Camila and Normani are both playing video games on my brother's xbox and i was just sitting her bored as fuck. Then my phone started ringing.

- on the phone -

Dinah: Hello?

Lauren: Dinah? Please come to my house

Dinah: Woah what happen to you dawg?

Lauren: Just please, i need someone right now

DInah: Can Camila and Normani come?

Lauren: Camila hates me

Dinah: No she doesn't she's just pissed because you won't fix the problem

Lauren: I've apologised Dinah

Dinah: Really when?

Lauren: Please come here

Dinah: Ugh fine! be there in a minute

we then hung up, "come on bitches we're going to the Jauregui house" they nodded and we all piled up in a car and drove to Lauren's house. When we arrived Mr and Mrs Jauregui are not home so is Taylor and Chris we shrugged and went upstairs. We saw Lauren crying looking at pictures on her phone "Hey, whatchadoin?" I ask hugging her the others did the same. "I miss her guys" she mumble we sat beside her and she showed the pictures of her and Y/N "I miss her so fuckin' much" she started shaking "She moved on already and I'm too late why am I stupid guys? Why? Tell me why!" Camila hugged her and Lauren cried on her shoulder (camren 😂) "It's okay Lauren, I'm sure she'll love you again you just have to wait" i nodded sadly and hug her tighter. "Hey what about we go swimming or somewhere?" ️Normani suggested I shrugged "Pizza?"i sighed and just close my eyes "Oh Lauren!" Camila tried pulling her up but she wouldn't budge.

When we finally got her on her feet she groan and finally go with us, we went to this swimming pool and i changed into my bikini.

Lauren's POV

I really miss Y/N right now!!! Camila pushed me on the pool making me squeal, she laughed and i pulled her too. This time i laughed she pulled me into a hug "Lauren please don't be sad i don't like seeing you sad, i want my sister to be happy okay? She'll love you again just be patient. Okay?" i nodded and smiled a little "Hey girls" i look up and saw Y/N and Ally, damn it Y/N! You're killing me! That bikini looks so hot on you. I hit my forehead repeatedly saying how stupid a i am. "Why didn't you tell me they were coming?!" i whispered/ yelled at Camila who shrugged "i think Normani called them" i sighed and look at Y/N. As the day continues i was always quiet and always look at Y/N while she eats, i smile when she drop the pizza and pouted she looks so fuckin' adorable. I miss her gosh! I really want to hug her right now, i just wanna feel her touch and her lips on my cheek. She stood up and said she was going to the bathroom, i followed her after like 5 minutes.

When i was on the hallway i saw her fixing her hair "Y/N" i called she froze and slowly turn to me "Lauren?" tears again were forming on my eyes "I-i'm s-sorry" i cried her eyes were looking at my glossy ones and it looks like she wanted to hug me or comfort me. "I'm mad at you Lauren" she said crossing her arms "Can i at lease just feel your arms around me?" she shook her head no "No no no! No Lauren!" i frown and beg but she always say no. I gave her puppy eyes "Please Y/N? Just hug me then you can ignore me" i beg she look hesitant and slightly open her arms which i ran to. I hug her tight, it feels so safe when her arms are around me. She slowly wrap her arms around my neck burying her face on my neck, "i miss you" i mumble "Lauren please don't. I've moved on i don't wanna fall for you again" she then pulled away and ran to the girls, i stood there upset. Y/N i know you still love me.

Author's Note: Sorry guys Chapter 23 and 24 are lame 😂 thank you for reading though! 😘💕

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