Chapter 10

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- Next Morning -

Your POV:

Ally came in my room and pat my back "Come on girl, you gotta wake up time for school" i groan and faced my back at her she poke my side making me flinch since it was ticklish "Stoooop" i whine "Wake up then" i frown and groan again before lazily standing up. When i got dressed i went downstairs and ate my breakfast then waited for Ally outside. "Hey let's go" Ally and i went to the car and she drove me to school. As we got there she hugged me goodbye then i went inside but my clumsy me tripped on the last step of the stairs causing my bag and some papers to fall. I sighed and tuck my hair behind my hair and began collecting my stuff then a pair of hands started to help me i look up and smiled "Hey and thanks" i giggle, Kevin smiled and nodded "Sure thing, what happened to you anyway?" he giggle i shrug "I'm just really clumsy" he nodded smiling "That's cute" i blushed slightly. After we fixed my things he helped me carry it inside to my locker, as we arrived at my locker i saw Lauren leaning on my locker probably waiting for me i sighed and smiled at her. "Good Morning Lauren" i greeted she look up and her eyes instantly landed on Kevin who smiled at her awkwardly, i faced him and got my things "Thanks Kevin" he nodded and began walking away. I put all the things to my locker except for the books for the first period, i turn to Lauren and she was staring at me with her hypmotizing eyes. I bit my lip and her eyes landed on my lips but quickly to my eyes, "So where are the girls?" i ask trying to make a conversation "Already in their classes" she said still staring at me i cough awkwardly "Uh... wanna go to class?" she smiled and nodded we both walk to our class and sat next to each other.

As the teachers was talking i was a little distracted by Lauren staring at me again, i sighed and tried to ignore her by taking some notes. Since this was Math class i'm starting to get a headache, 3rd day and i'm getting headaches whooo... Go me. As the teacher gave us questions to copy and answer i bit my lip getting stress with the questions, i'm not gonna lie but i really hate Math, i understand it but i hate hate it. I let out a frustrating sigh and bit my lip as i work, i don't know but i do that when i concentrate on stuff.

Lauren's POV:

While the people do their work i was sitting here distracted by the beauty princess next to me, i haven't even answered one question yet i was staring at Y/N as she works. "Ms Jauregui please do your work" the teacher said i sighed and began doing my work, i sighed again since i really don't understand the questions, i didn't really pay attention to the teacher. I frown and put my pen down i think Y/N noticed since she looked at me "Are you okay Lauren?" she ask i shake my head 'no' "i don't understand the questions" i frown again she smiled and scooted closer to me. "At first i got a headache at this too" she giggle i smiled "Then i study my notes here then i begin to understand it slowly. Here i'll show you" she said as she pulled my work between us. As she began talking about the Math shit i can't help but watch her lips move, they look so soft and kissable. Her face was a little close to mine as she explain the Math questions but I was honestly not listening just admiring her face. "Lauren" i blinked and look at her "Yeah?" she glare at me "What?" she continues to glare at me "You weren't listening" "i was" i lied she raised an eyebrow at me, gosh she looks so cute "Lauren i could tell you weren't listening cause you've been staring at me while i was explaining" she said i frown "I'm sorry, i'm not really in a learning mood right now" she smiled "It's okay, but i'll teach you some so you could at least answer some questions here i don't want your grades to go down alright? Please listen to me this time?" i sighed then nodded she began explaining again then this time i was listening but sometimes glancing at her lips.

As she was done explaining which was quicker than the first one i finally got some of it i smiled at her "Do you get it now?" i nodded "Yes i do" she raised an eyebrow at me again "I'm being honest this time" she giggle then nodded "Maybe you could teach me this later after school?" i ask she smiled "Sure, where?" "My place?" she nodded again then contnuing her work. 30 minutes later i finally answered 8 questions out of 10 i was proud of myself thank you Y/N. The teacher collected our works then i sighed in relief "FINALLY" i heard Y/N laugh then i playfully glare at her "You still have to help me later" she nodded then the bell rang.

Lunch time finally arrived i ran to Y/N's locker waiting for her, i took my phone out and texted Mani to buy me a sandwich before the lines gets long. When i look up i saw Y/N walking with her phone in front of her face then i saw the spot on the floor is wet, she was about to step but i ran to her then she slid but landed in my arms. "Shit, please don't use your phone when you're walking Y/N" i said standing her up i saw her cheeks going red of the embarrassment "I'm sorry, that was the 2nd fall for today" she said quietly laughing slightly still red. I bit my lip she looks so cute "Thank you" she said smiling shyly i giggle and got her books from her arms "Anytime babe" i immedietly regretted what i said when i saw her smile fall but soon her cheeks turn bright red she took a deep breath and put her code then opened her locker. i put her things in and got her lunch then she closed her locker "Thanks, again" she giggle i nodded not wanting to humiliate myself again.

We met the others at our table "Here Lauren" she gave the sandwich to me i smiled and hug her "Thanks Mani" she smiled back "Sure" i look up and Y/N sat between Camila and Dinah i frown and sat next to Normani. I started to eat my food quietly as the girls started making a conversation i pulled out my phone and went to twitter retweeting stuff then i felt a big hand on my back i look up and it was my boyfriend "Hey baby" i smiled then he sat next to me. He leaned closer then attacked my lips i felt his hand on thigh rubbing it up and down i gently push it away "Don't be naughty babe" i mumbled against our lips he giggle and instead he placed his hand on my waist. We pulled away and he kissed my cheek, my lips were swollen i look up to Y/N and she gave me a very small smile which i really don't know if she did smile. I smiled back and she turn to Camila when she tug on her arm to take a selfie she smiled and made funny faces which were so cute i like the one when she scrunch her face and stick her tongue on one side. Damn i just realized i have no selfies with her yet, well i'm too shy to ask her to take a selfie with me "babe i have to go, i have basketball training" Brad said i nodded and he kissed me goodbye.

"So what are your hobbies Y/N?" Dinah asked she smiled and sip her water "Uh... i like singing and dancing and a little acting" she said i raised my eyebrows in surprise "Why little of acting?" she shrug "I can't really act but i could cry without any reason. I've pranked Ally a lot of times already" she said laughing we smiled and laugh with her "Really? What'd you say?" i ask "Well one time we were at home and i like ran downstairs then on the last step i jumped and landed on the floor with a loud thud, then pretended i fell and grab my ankle tears were falling then, i called Ally. She ran to me and began asking me if i was okay, i kept saying no it hurts so bad, she was so worried and got an ice pack and placed it in my ankle. I quickly stood up and laughed, she looked at me confused then i can't help but laugh i said i pranked her then she just slap my arm and pouted" she finished we laughed then clapped.

"Wow i would like to learn how to cry" Camila said we agreed with her "Do you play any sports?" i ask she nodded "I play basketball and volleyball" the girls and i were shock "Woah, i haven't really met a girl who can shoot balls in hoops" Dinah said "Yeah" the three of us agreed "Well basketball for girls" Y/N said smiling "My dad taught me how to play when i was a kid, now it's my favorite sport" she said smiling "Ha! Now you could beat Brad's ass" Dinah said flipping her hair i rolled my eyes "Yeah you should play with him" i said "Someday" she said then suddenly i saw Dinah, Camila and Normani gave each others looks which made Y/N and i confuse. We were both lost and we really wanted to join the unspoken communication between these three, the next thing we know we were both dragged and ran to the court.

As we arrived at the court i could see Brad and his friends playing "What are we doing here?" Y/N and i asked in unison we looked at each other and giggle then back to the girls. "Well we wanted to see you play Y/N" her eyes got wide and shake her head 'no' "What? not now" she said backing up Dinah went behind her and pushed her to Brad "Yo, can you and Y/N play?" Brad nodded and gave the ball to Y/N who hesitantly took it. As Dinah and the girls sat down on the bench i sat beside them and watched my boyfriend and Y/N play.

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