Chapter 41

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Your POV

When Lauren and Lily came back i can't help but wonder what they talked about, i shrugged when Camila pulled my arm "Hey Y/N we're playing chubby bunny are you in?" she asked i smile and nodded. "I'll be in your team" i said sitting next to her, it's me and Camila vs Normani and Dinah. Ally is at work and of course Lauren is with Lily. Camila and Dinah are first i smile and watch them stuff marshmallows in their cheeks, i laugh when they were up to 6, Camila was about to do the seven but she got the cup and spit it all out "Ew!" i said laughing. Dinah did the 7th one and of course they one, now it's my turn with Normani. I took a deep breath and began placing a marshmallow, then when we reach up to 6, my cheeks are so painful! Then when Normani was about to do 7 she spit it out, i was about to do seven and i succeeded now one more "GO Y/N!" Camila cheered i put the last one and BAM i did it!

Camila started doing her happy dance and i stood up to get water, i walk to the kitchen and saw Lauren and Lily "Oh am i interrupting something?" i asked awkwardly Lauren quickly grab my hand and intertwine our fingers "No babe, we're just talking" i nodded and walk past her letting go of her hand. I got a glass and poured it with water, i felt her snake her arms on my waist and her chin on my shoulder "Hey you okay?" i nodded and gulped the water. "Yeah why?" i ask "I'll tell you later" she whispered in my ear i nodded once again before turning to Lily. She was looking at her phone ignoring me i shrugged, whatever. "I'm going home in 30 minutes okay? Ally's coming home so i have to be there" i said she pouted "Nooo stay here" she said burying her face on my neck i wrap my arms around her neck "We'll see each other soon alright?" she sighed "Fine" she mumble and let go of me still pouting.

"Babyyy" i whine pinching her cute cheeks but she swatted it away "No" she then turn her back on me, i raised an eyebrow at her and hug her from behind "I love you" i said she wiggled out "No" she said again. I sighed "Fine then i'm leaving now" i said going to the back to say goodbye to the girls and finally going to the front door. "Bye Lauren" i said smiling she was looking at me like she wanted to run after me and her feet were shifting a bit, she has still her arms crossed and a pout on her lips. When i was about to close the door i heard running then i felt arms around me "Noooo! You still have 26 minutes!" i smile and hug her back "I'm just messing with you" i said caressing her cheeks. "Walk with me to that park?" she asked pointing to the park across her house "Sure" she smile and took my hand.

We arrived at this small lake and the sun was already setting this is so beautiful "What are you doing tomorrow? I mean it's a Saturday" she said i shrugged "Maybe, just laying in my comfy bed and sleep till afternoon? Cuddling with (your ship name)" i said smiling "Aw!" she kissing my nose "I'm gonna take you out tomorrow night just you and me" she said pulling me closer to her. I look at her eyes and smiled widely "Okay" i peck her lips "But i'm going to your house maybe..... when you're still asleep?" i giggle "okay just don't wake me up" she glared at me playfully and began tickling me. "Noooooo!!" i squealed she laughed and lifted me up spinning me around i started squealing and laughing, she slowly slid me down and i look down at her cupping her cheeks "You are the best girlfriend ever you know?" she said i gave her a sweet smile and kissed her.

"Aw" we heard someone cooed making us pull away, she placed me down and caress my cheek and i lean in to her touch "We're perfect for each other, we complete each other" i whispered and started to smile looking at her lovingly "Yes we are perfect for each other and we do complete each other baby" i sighed happily and hug her tight.

Then we heard something like a slap in the arm and an 'ow' i giggle "are they watching us?" i whispered "Yup" i giggle again "Girls we can hear you" Lauren said out loud we heard a 'shh' "We really can hear you and i can see y'all hiding behind that big tree" Lauren said still hugging me. I look over to the tree and finally saw 3 heads popping out and Lily behind them crossing her arms, "i think it's past 30 minutes Lolo" i said "Oh sorry, here i'll drive you home" she said "No it's fine" "Nope come on" "No seriously Lo i can- WHAT THE HECK!!" i said when she carried me bridal style and began to walk to her car. "I'll be back girls!" she yelled.

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