Chapter 35

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Your POV

I felt someone shaking me slightly then I felt a pair of lips on mine, I smiled and kiss back. When she pulled away I rub my sleepy eyes and finally saw my girlfriend. "Hey we're here beautiful" I look around and smiled widely, we were at the beach. She went out of the car and grabbed my bag then opened my door. We started walking on the sand and she led me to this huge beach house. "Are we staying here??" I asked excitedly she pecked my nose and nodded "Yes baby girl" I jump up and down. She intertwine our fingers and we walked to the front door, "I have a surprise for you" she said I can't help but squeeze her hand excitedly. "Go open the door" she said I opened the door and my eyes went wide, my jaw dropped.

Happy tears were forming on my eyes, "mom, dad?" I ran to them hugged them tight "Happy Birthday baby girl" I was so happy, my haven't seen my parents ever since I've moved with Ally I missed them so much. "I missed you guys so much" I mumble they kissed my head and hug me tight "we missed you to Y/N" dad said. I let go and hug the girls "Happy Birthday girly!" They all said I smiled and hug each one of them. "Thank you so much!" I then turn to Lauren's parents and Lauren's siblings who was also here as they greeted me I smiled and thanked them. After that they all started giving me presents "guys, you don't have to" I said "we want to" they all said giggling I thanked them all and got their presents. I saw Lauren walking towards me then wrap her arms around my waist, "wanna see our room?" I nodded she smiled and helped me with my presents.

When we reach our room i can't help but admire the beautiful big room, "woah, who owns this house? Who owns this room?" i ask looking around "My parents and the room is mine but now ours" i look at her shocked "really??" she nodded "dang!" she giggle and pushed me against the wall. "I still have three more gifts to give you" she said kissing my cheek "Lauren you don't have to" she shushed me "Baby, i want to okay? i want to be the best girlfriend you ever had" i smiled shyly "You're already one" she smiled widely "Am i?" i nodded "Aw. you are the best and hottest girlfriend ever" she said rubbing our noses together. "Go to our bed and you'll find your two gifts the last one will have to wait" she said pulling away from me, i smiled excitedly and ran to the bed.

Lauren's POV

As she ran like a kid to our bed i can't help but giggle at her childish actions, i followed her when i heard her squeal, i saw her hugging the huge teddy bear i gave her. I smiled and lean on the wall enjoying the sight of my girlfriend adorably hugging her big teddy bear, "OH MY GOD!! THIS IS SO CUTE!!" she squished the head of the bear. "I'm gonna call you (your ship name)" she said kissing the nose, i smile and sat on the bed beside her "Why (your ship name)?" she shrugged "I don't know, it just sounds so cute, you know my name and your name mixed up" i giggle again and nodded. I gave her my second gift, she kissed the bear before letting go and opening the gift, her eyes widen as she saw the dress i gave her. "This is actually an expensive dress baby" she said looking at it "No it's not" she looked at me like i was crazy "Seriously?" i nodded "This is too much Lauren" i hovered her and kissed her "No, i bought that for you. Whether you like it or not you're keeping it or you'll be wasting my money then" she sighed and kissed me caressing my cheeks lovingly. "I love you so much. Thank you for all this baby" she said in a sweet tone "You are welcome beautiful and i love you more" i said before crashing our lips together.

We pulled away and smiled at each other, "When did my parents arrive? and how did they get here?" she asked i smiled "Well, it was me, i asked Ally to call your parents so they could come here before your birthday. I know you missed your parents so much so i told Ally to call them. I talked to your parents about us, they said that they're happy when you're happy and i promised that i will love you for the rest of my life and i will not get tired that. I planned the beach house and you'll see the others later" i said kissing her nose making her scrunch it and giggle. "You. are. the. best. girlfriend. ever." she said between kisses i smile and began kissing her cheek to her jawline then traveled down to her neck, i sucked and lick her neck giving her a hickey. "Did you just?" i look at her smirking and nodded "Baby!" i laughed "Why? Our parents will ask!" i shrugged "I don't care, they all know you're mine so what's the big deal Mrs Jauregui?" i said raising an eyebrow. She blushed hard "calling me Mrs Jauregui makes me blush hard Lo" she said covering her face "Exactly babe" i said giggling.

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