Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV:

I look over to Y/N and she has tears flowing down her cheeks i smile at her and wipe her tears away, she pulled me to an embrace and i wrap my arms around her. I rub her back calming her down, when she calmed down i pulled away slightly and cup her cheeks "I love you. I love you so much Y/F/N (your full name) and i will love you always and forever, because you're mine and i can't wait to be able to call you my girlfriend" i said lovingly to her caressing her cheeks. She sighed happily and pressed her lips against mine, our kiss was so full of love and passion she was giving all of her love in the kiss of course i gave mine too. We both pulled away and smile at each other "i love you too so much" i grin and we both faced Ally. Her face was softened, she was enjoying our moment and her lips were fighting to smile but she tried not to. "I'm sorry Ally, i'm sorry i've hurt your best friend." i apologised she finally broke and smiled at us "Shut up! Stop apologising! I've seen the truth behind your explanation and yeah i really see you love her and you really meant those words" she said nodding i smile "Of course i meant those words" i said giggling she nodded again "I forgive you, just please take good care of her" she said i nodded "i will always be there for her if she needed me" i said Ally gave both of us a hug.

We pulled away and finally seeing a happy Ally "I'm glad that y'all are back together, but wait you said you couldn't wait to be able to call her your girlfriend? What do you mean?" she asked me i look at Y/N who look in another direction blushing slightly. I giggle "Well Ally, your best friend over here said that she needed time and said to take things slow so of course i'll follow her decision." i said laughing and Ally joined me "Okay then, well i wish you guys are girlfriends now since the girls kept on bugging me and asking me what happens to both of you." Y/N and i laughed "Soon Ally, i'll tell her when i'm ready" Y/N said and i nodded "I'm also happy to see you both happy. Cause you know Lauren, without you she's a wreck. She does have a boyfriend but she still cries over you every night too so i go to her room and calm her down. And by the way what about Kevin Y/N?" Ally asked Y/N "Oh we broke up this morning but it's not a bad break up we're still friends. He said that it's okay since he knows i still love Lauren and he said that at least he got a chance with me so we're fine." Ally nodded "Okay good cause i can't take another drama in this house" we laughed "Oh well, y'all enjoy yourselves while i enjoy myself in my bed sleeping" ally said we nodded and she went upstairs.

I plop down the couch pulling Y/N to me, she went on top of me and kissed me i roam my hands around her back to her butt then she breaks the kiss "Why do you always touch my ass?" she asked giggling "I don't know, it's just so addicting" i wink at her making her laugh "By the way, i'm taking you out tonight" i said caressing her cheek. "I wanna eat dinner outside with you and just you" i said she nodded before pecking my lips. She rolled off but she fell on the floor i laughed and carried her to the couch "Why'd you do that?" i said laughing "Because i thought i was gonna land on the side of the couch" she said pouting. I laughed "Aw, my baby is so clumsy and that is one thing i love about her" her cheeks turned pink "Stoop with your charms! You're killing me with it!" she said laughing "Oh yeah?" i began tickling her "NOO!" she squealed and began laughing again "BABY STOP PLEASE!" she squealed i stop and gave her kisses all over her face.

"What if our children looks like you? Aww! That'll be so cute! a mini Lauren running around and eating all the pizza" Y/N squealed i giggle "It'll be cute when it looks like you!" i argued playfully she stuck her tongue out and we continued arguing. "But Lauren i really want a mini you running around" she said smiling "I want them to have your beautiful green eyes and your soft brown hair" she said brushing my hair with her fingers again. We started talking about our future children i know it's still a little early but hey we just wanted to talk about it.

Your POV:

Few hours later Lauren went home to change into her own clothes and she told me to bing extra clothes too I didn't know why but i just did what she told me. So now i was dressed in a beautiful blue dress and blue heels, i waited for Lauren in the living room while Ally is on her laptop doing her work. Soon the doorbell rang i said goodbye to Ally and opened the door. I smiled at the sight, Lauren was holding a rose, a box of chocolates and a small cute teddy bear "For my beautiful lady" she said i bit my bottom lip sighing happily "You know we're just eating dinner right?" she shrugged. I got the gifts she got me and place them on my room, i went downstairs seeing Ally saying that we should be here before 11. "Yeah mom" i said walking pass Ally she stuck her tongue out and closed the door. I pulled Lauren into a kiss making her breath hitched in surprise. I pulled away and smile at her sweetly "Thank you for the gifts baby" i said cupping her cheeks "Anything for you babe" i kissed her again before going to car. We arrived at this fancy hotel after a looooong ride and my jaw drop "Lo, are we eating here?" i ask she faced me and placed her finger on my chin making me look at her "Yes baby, and i'm paying" she said before pecking my lips then got out off the car. She went to my side snd opened my door, she locked the car and place her hand on my waist then we walk inside. "Reservation for Lauren Jauregui" she said to the girl, the girl nodded and began walking and we both followed. I was looking around as we walk this hotel is huge! We arrived at this huge room an i was so confused why we're here. "Baby? Why are we here?" i ask "We're sleeping here tonight that's why i told you to bring clothes" she said my jaw dropped again "Lo, i can't pay for this" i said looking at her she giggle and wrap her arms around my waist "Baby, i'm paying okay?" i bit my lip "Lo, this is too much" i said worriedly "No baby, this isn't too much. We will sleep here tonight and i'll bring you home tomorrow at 11." he said kissing my forehead. "Wow, this date is so WOW" she laughed "Well... anything for you baby" i smile "Are you sure you're okay paying this? I can help" she shook her head 'no' "No, i'm fine now come on let's eat" she said i took a deep breath and followed her.

We sat near the window where we can see the view, i was mesmerized by the view. "Lauren this is so beautiful" i said looking at the view "Not as beautiful as you" she said i faced her and smiled "Stop with the charms Lolo!" she laugh "I can't help it baby" i rested my head on her shoulder and her arm around my neck. We said our orders and waited for our food, she got my hand under the table and intertwine our fingers, this is so perfect. "Lauren..... this is so prefect" i said i felt her nod "It is" we began having a deep conversation before we were interrupted by the food. "Gracias" Lauren said the girl nodded and left, "Wait that was a thank you right?" Lauren smiled then nodded "Do you understand me now?" i shrugged "That's the only word i know in Spanish well i know Hola and that's it" i said frowning she giggle. "Te quiero mi amor!" she said i rolled my eyes "Not this again" i groan she laughed and wrap her arms around my waist "Te quiero mucho" she then kissed my cheek. "What does that mean baby?" i ask "It means, i love you so much" she finally said i smile "Aw, i love you too baby" i kissed her then we both eat our food having another deep conversation.

As we finished the food we went to our room and Lauren changed into her bikini "Baby, will join me in the bathtub?" she said hugging me from behind. "Sure, wait for me there while i change okay?" she nod and kissed my cheek. I change into my bikini and joined Lauren in the bathtub, it was a huge bathtub oh my god! Lauren pulled my arm and let me sit between her legs and i lean my back at her front. She held my hands and intertwine our fingers then place them on my stomach. "You know, i fell in love with you ever since i've laid my eyes at you" she said on my ear "Really?" she nodded "It was like love at first sight, but then Brad was stopping me. Good thing i woke up now." she said i looked at our intertwined fingers and spoke "How did you find Brad cheating on you?" she sighed "Well... after school i went and go find him since i was about to give his sport bag. So i went to the gym and saw him squeezing another girl's ass while kissing her. He said that she was hotter than me, he kept saying that i look like shit and Vianca is gorgeous. He said that Vianca is good in bed and i wasn't well i didn't really like him touching me since i feel really uncomfortable when it comes to sex with him. We did it maybe twice but he kept on begging for more but i didn't want to, you know cause the fear of getting pregnant. So i threw the bag on him and slapped him harder than i did to you and said we're done he kept saying that it's not what it looks like but i ran away." she finished as she tells the story i was squeezing Lauren's hands i was angry at Brad why the fuck will you hurt this beautiful young lady?! "That fucking asshole" i mumble i was so pissed and Lauren noticed so she began giving me small kisses on my neck and surprisingly it did make me calm down. "It's okay, i don't care about him anymore he's my past now. You're my present and future" she said kissing my cheek i straddle her lap and she placed her hands on my thighs and i wrap my arms around her neck. "You're my present and future too." i said before kissing her.

We began making out and her hands were roaming around my body and of course i was enjoying the feeling. She began rubbing my thighs "Mm.. do you remember the time when we were in the car and then the car behind us honked us?" she ask i nodded panting "Yeah why?" she started giggling "Well it's because of your legs" i furrowed my eyebrows "Huh? Why?" i ask "Well when we stopped at the red light you were mindlessly rubbing your legs of course that was getting my attention" i laughed "My baby is such a pervert" i said pinching her cheeks. She kissed my collarbone and her hands are going down again to my butt but i stopped her. "No ass grabbing babe" i said giggling she groaned "Ugh please! it's so addicting everything about you is addicting! You're m drug Y/N! Even your kisses are addicting!" she said pouting i laughed "I hate you" i said before letting go of her hands she smirked and gently placed her hands on my ass. "Why do i love you?" i joked she shrugged "Because i'm awesome and hot?" i laugh "You wish Jauregui! Your last name isn't hot either" i joked and stuck my tongue out. "Oh baby trust me you wouldn't say that if i were you" she said "Why not?" i asked she smirked "Because, it'll be your last name soon if we're married. So your saying your last name is not hot" she said i blushed hard "Fuck, i hate you so much!" she giggle "I love you too babe!" she said kissing my nose.

After our bath we finally got out and got dressed in our pajamas before cuddling in bed. We watched some love story movies but we didn't really watch we just stared into each other's eyes or make out. I don't know but Lauren can't keep her hands to herself.

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