Chapter 17

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- Next Morning -

Lauren's POV:

I woke up and look at my surroundings everyone is asleep except for Y/N. She was playing in her phone in the other couch, i remember last night she was in my arms how'd she get over there? "Oh good morning sleepy head" she said giggling i smile "Hey. Why are you there? I'm pretty sure you were with me last night" i said she stood up and lift the blanket going in and faced me. "I woke up early and study for a few minutes then went back here and played with my phone" she shrugged "Why didn't you wake me up?" i ask "I didn't want to disturb you" i smile and kissed her nose making her scrunch it. We started chatting and actually flirting with each other, i love it when i compliment her she blushes then hide her face she's so adorable. We heard someone groaning cause us to look at the person. Dinah was pushing Camila in her sleep "Move your fat ass" she said Camila slapped her arm "Stop it Dinah! You're hurting me!" they both fell asleep quickly. We both laughed "Wanna go up to my room? It's more comfortable in bed" she said i smile then nodded.

We went to her room and we both dived in her bed "I'm bored" she groaned i went on top of her and tickle her "NOOO!!! PLEASE STOP!!" she squealed i smile then stop "Why do you always do that?" she ask "I don't know honestly" i said giggling "Psshh! You just missed me don't you?" she smirk, well yes i missed you so much. "No i don't" i answered smirking "Oh really?" i nodded getting off her lap. "Fine, i'll ignore you the rest of the day" she said in a serious tone she started walking to the door but i closed it "Woah, are you serious? I was joking. Of course i missed you." i said blocking the door she didn't look at me "Get out of the way Lauren" i frown "No i'm sorry" i said hugging her few minutes later she started laughing i pulled away looking at her confused "Why in the world are you laughing?" she continued to laugh i carried her and threw her on the bed "Why are you laughing?" i ask she's still laughing "Lauren, i was acting." i glare at her "Seriously?" she nodded laughing "Your face Lauren is funny" i pout "i hate you" i said facing the wall. "Aww Lolo! I love you too" she said hugging me, for some reason i felt happy and flattered and felt love when she said that even though she's not my girlfriend. I faced her and pulled her into an embrace "I was kidding i love you" i felt like i'm really saying i love her but maybe she just thinks it's in a friendship way. We always say i love you to the others but this is my first time saying it to her and it felt more than a friendship way. I sighed, she's driving me nuts!

"Hello?!" we heard Dinah called Y/N let go of me and ran to her door "Hey Dinah!" she said smiling "Oooooh! What are y'all doing in here?" she said smirking Y/N and i glared at her "Are you serious?" i said she shrug "You both really make a cute and a perfect couple. I'm not saying that you and Brad don't but i'm just saying that you both are better!" Dinah said before leaving the room "JUST SAYIN' DAWGS! PEACE!" we heard her say Y/N and i were blushing and a little awkward. "Uh? hahaha! Nice one Dinah" Y/N laughing nervously "Don't worry you and Brad are the best couple" she said forcing a smile before leaving the room. I was left there thinking. I let out a frustrating sigh, i think i'm in love with Y/N! I can't help my feelings towards her. This is messed up! I do feel safe and loved when i'm with her but Brad is always in my mind stopping me to feel this way towards her. This. is. fucked. up.

Your POV:

I walk downstairs and ate a banana. I'm actually falling in love with Lauren, i know i can't cause she won't catch me because of Brad and she's straight. But her actions doesn't look like a straight person. I could feel she likes me too but i think it's just my imagination. I really do hope she likes me more than a friend, i love Lauren and it hurts just seeing her with that guy. I was interrupted from my thoughts as i felt someone hug me from behind "Hey....are you mad at me?" i turn to Lauren and threw the banana in the bin "No why?" she shrug "You left me up there" she said pouting "Right, i was....hungry" i wrap my arms around her neck and hers on my waist. See.... friends don't do this kind of things. Does she like me? "Y/N?" i blink "Huh? Sorry" i said giggling she smiled and kissed my cheek "it's fine, i'm gonna get a banana" she said letting go to grab a banana. As she opened the banana i smirk and bit on her banana causing her eyes to widen "You bit on my nutella sandwich last night babe" i said winking at her then left the kitchen. "Holy fuck" i heard her say i laugh to myself and lay on top of a sleeping Ally.

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