Chapter 47

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Lauren's POV

When we were on our way back home i realised that we went in another way "Where are we going?" i ask she smiled and we arrive at this restaurant "Are we eating here?" she nodded and took my hand and we both went inside. "Yes baby we are, now come on" she said and took me to a table, we ordered what we wanted and she smirked "are you okay?" i asked "yup perfectly fine" she said nodding. The food came and we just talked, laughed and held each other's hand while we eat, i love these kind of moments it's just perfect, when i'm with her it feels perfect. When we finished i was so full i sighed happily and smile at Y/N "i'm so full baby" i said rubbing my tummy she laughed and kissed my lips. "Are you tired?" she asked i nodded she smirked and nodded "Come on, let's go home" "Your house please" i said she nodded and we went back to the car and drove home. 

When we arrived home we entered the house and it was empty, "Perfect" she said i look at her confused she guided me upstairs and told me to stay so i did, i sighed and just rolled and rolled on the bed. Hmm... what is she planning to do? then the door opened and saw her with a box "Here you go baby" she said kissing my forehead "Is this mine?" she giggle and nodded "Thank you" i said kissing her "Come on open it!" i smiled and rip the wrapping paper and opened the box. I squealed when i saw my favorite heels! "Omg thank you!" i said and attacked her with a hug "i always knew you loved shoes baby" she said kissing my cheek "But there's one more gift" i look at her "No more gifts baby" i said "Oh trust me you'll like this one" she said winking at me. She smirked and open the lamp and close the big light she turned on her speaker and sex songs beginning to play i look at her with wide eyes is uh...

She took off her shirt and her shorts seductively "uh baby?" she smirked and straddled my lap my face is probably red now "Ready to get started with your gift baby?" i bit my lip "Birthday sex?" she giggle "Good guess my love but i'm making love with you" she then attacked my lips. Oh gosh! she's so fucking hot! holy shit! i'm getting turned on! she slowly undress me and made me lay down on the soft bed and my breath hitched. "A-ally might...come b-back" i said between moans as she suck and kiss my neck, "I locked the door and i know if she ruined this she would regret it" she said sucking on my neck harder making me moan louder. My hands travelled down to her ass and squeezed it "ugh shit" she moaned "you're so hot baby" she said kissing  cleavage. "are you ready for this baby?" she asked "y-yes.." i moaned out she smirked and took off my bra and panties i took off hers as well, now we're both naked. I bit my lip when i saw her hot body and tried to grab her boob but she pin my wrists above my head, "It's your birthday baby so i'm gonna pleasure you first" she seductively cooed in my ear. I moaned as her thigh beginning rubbing my centre. She kissed me passionately and continued grinding on me, this feels amazing her skin against mine feels so fucking amazing! she kissed me down until she was near my centre she smirked and look at me "Baby please don't tease me" i said she nodded and kiss my lips "I love you" she said i was about to say it but i was cut by her fingers. So you know what happens next.......... 

After like 5 orgasms that was released i was now panting and so is Y/N beside me "" she said i smiled and kissed her "Thank you so much and this was the best birthday ever thanks to you" i said kissing her nose she smiled and cuddled up to my side. I kissed her head and pull the blanket on top of us "We might have to change the bed sheets tomorrow cause i know she'll complain about the smell" she said laughing i laugh too and nodded "Yeah i'll help you" i said then yawned "Let's sleep" she said kissing my cheek before falling asleep i smile and fell asleep with her.


Next morning, i woke up and rub my eyes, i look at the time and it was 9:24am i look down and saw Y/N still sleeping, her chest rising and falling but's still exposed i bit my lips and just giggled. I kiss her nose repeatedly then few seconds later she was scrunching her cute adorable nose, "Good Morning" i greeted she smiled sleepily "Morning" she said and kissed my lips. "We smell like sex huh?" she said i giggle "Yup"she nodded and sat up showing her chest i look at it making her roll her eyes "Ugh! you're still a pervert i see" she said then kissed me. I smiled goofily and sat up too "There's nothing to hide anymore" i said taking off the blanket she smiled and shook her head, "Come on, let's shower" she said standing up and i can't help but stare at her huge amazing ass. "Stop it baby!" she said pulling me to the bathroom i laughed and prepared the tub so we can go in it, "i really love your ass baby" she laughed and slap my butt "i love yours too" she said winking at me. 

She went inside the tub and pulled me in, i went behind her and we both enjoyed the bubbly warm water with soap, i kissed her neck to her shoulder making her moan "don't tell me you want to have sex again? we already had enough last night" she said giggling "nah... next time.. i just love kissing you" she smiled and kissed me. She lean her back on me as i scrub the soap in both of our bodies, we chatted and just clean ourselves in the tub then we went out. When we got out we dressed up and she excitedly dry her hair. I walk to her and kiss her head "why are you so jumpy?" i asked she smiled and stood up "I have one more gift " i groan "No baby too much gifts" she pouted "This is the last one" i smile and caress her cheek "Thank you and i love you so much" i said kissing her lips softly. She jumped happily and sat me down on the bed "Stay here" she said kissing my cheek and went down, i sighed and smiled happily my girl is so adorable. 

Your POV

I went to Ally's room and got Lauren's gift i smiled and kissed the head and we both went back to my room, when i opened my door i let go of gift and it ran to Lauren. Lauren's eyes became wide and smiled brightly "OH MY GOOOD!" she squealed and scooped the little Pomeranian Husky puppy. "Happy Birthday again!" i said giggling she smiled happily and kissed the head. "Hey baby say Happy Birthday to mama" the puppy barked and Lauren awe'ed "thank you baby" she hugged the puppy and faced me. "What gender?" i smiled "Boy" she nodded "Can i name him?" i nodded "Of course it's yours baby" i said pecking her lips, "It's ours baby, i'm gonna call him midnight" she said rubbing her nose with the puppy. I took out my phone and took a picture of all three of us, "we're so cute baby" she said kissing my cheek "Thank you so much" she then let go of the puppy and straddled my lap. "I love you" she said smiling at me lovingly "I love you more" i said before kissing her.

As i laid Lauren down Midnight barked making us both jump "Dammit Midnight" i groan and playfully glaring at the cute puppy who was trying to get up to the bed. I smirked "ha ha you can't get to the bed" i said and stuck my tongue out Lauren slapped my arm and helped the poor puppy "You're so mean baby" she said to me. I giggled "i hate you" i said to the puppy but then he jumped on me and started licking my face "okay okay! i love you" i said laughing, "what about me?" i look up and saw Lauren pouting. "I don't love you" i joked she glare at me i giggled and placed Midnight in the other side of the bed and i pulled Lauren's face "Of course i love you, you already know that babe" i said smiling she smiled and connected our lips. Once again Midnight barked "Do not ruin our make out session you cute puppy" i mumble against Lauren's lips she giggled and just kept kissing me. 

When i finally let go Midnight went on top of Lauren and licked her face "Awe you cutie!" she squealed i smiled and took a picture of both of them, i posted it on Instagram and the caption was 'My babies' they are so cute! My babies are so cute, "wanna eat something?" i ask Lauren Midnight barked and we both laughed "well yes for me too" i nodded and we three went down. I saw Ally already cooking breakfast and i hug her from behind and kiss her head "Hey Ally" she smiled and squealed when she saw the puppy "well you finally met your mama huh?" and then the cute puppy barked making Ally smile. "Feed him Y/N" she said and continued cooking "Do you want to feed him baby?" i asked Lauren she nodded excitedly and i gave her the dog food. 

When Ally finished cooking we all ate and chatted like we always do, i intertwined my fingers with Lauren as we both eat and she was looking at Midnight. "What's his name?" Ally asked Lauren smiled "Midnight" Ally smiled "Awe! cute!" Lauren giggled and kissed my cheek "Thank you again" i smiled and hug her "You're welcome baby i love you so much" i said she hugged me tight "i love you too" Ally smiled at us and we continued eating. I love my babies so much.

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