Chapter 40

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Lauren's POV

Whoooo! It's been 4 months now! 4 months and Y/N and i are going strong, we did have problems with her getting jealous of Lily but i always find a way to make her feel not to, like why will she get jealous if she's already mine? She's my girl, my baby, my everything! Right now i'm in the gym doing some push ups and sit ups blah blah! Well i wanna be fit so yeah, and you know more abs, more lip bites from my girlfriend! I've been workin' out for months too and hell yeah got abs! I'm always with Normani when we work out cause you know the others hate workin' out they said that food is the best decision, well i don't with them. "Jauregui!" Normani called i stood up and walk to her "Yeah?" she smiled "Your girlfriend is downstairs go get her!"i smiled and jog downstairs.

When i got downstairs i opened the door and saw her smiling "Hey hottie, how's it going?" she said pecking my lips "Eh, same work outs" i said shrugging she look down and began pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, yup there it is, my favorite lip bite face. I smirked and got the water bottle from her "Thank you baby" i said drinking the bottle, she blushed and finally look at my eyes "Dang, you're so sweaty" i nodded "Why are you here? I thought you were with Ally shopping some shit?" i ask she rolled her eyes "Oh so these shoes are shit? Why did i waste my money then? you know i bought these shoes for you and you think it's shit?" she asked holding up a bag. I look at her confused and open the bag my eyes widen "Nike shoes!!" i squealed "Yeah some shit huh?" i pout "I'm sooooorry" she giggle and peck my lips "Yeah yeah that shit is yours, i bought them for my hot girlfriend" she said smirking i laughed and thanked her and took her upstairs.

When we got upstairs she greeted Normani with a hug and she sat down beside me, "Here i brought your bag" she said giving me my sport bag "Oh god thank you!" she laughed and got the face towel and started my wiping my sweaty face. I smiled goofily and stared at her when she wipes my face and my body "Stop that smile Jauregui" she said laughing "Why do i not look gorgeous?" i asked giving her a model pose she laughed and gave me a long kiss "You're always gorgeous baby" i smirked "Oh really?" she nodded smiling "Ugh you adorable human being!" i groan she laughed again and finished wiping my face. "What time will you finish baby?" she asked i shrugged "Maybe, 30 more push ups and i'm done for the day" i said she nodded.

I stood up and began stretching again, twisting my body and finally getting to the position, as i was about to go down i felt someone go underneath me and saw my beautiful girlfriend smiling. "What are you doing?" i ask still in a push up position she shrug "I wanna see you work out" i giggle "You're cute" i said "You're hot" i laughed and began going down she smile every time i go down. I smirked and when i go down again i captured her lips and began going up again, she looks like she was enjoying it so i just do it again and again until 20 push ups are done. I stood up and stretched again drinking some water, i look at her and she was pouting "Aw why you pouting?" i asked caressing her cheek "I want more kisses" i giggle "Next time when i go back here" she nodded.

I went back to position, there was 10 more so i had to do it, when i was about to go down again i felt her on my back she wrap her arms around my waist and i was laughing. "Really baby?" i felt her nod "yes" i sighed and began going up and down making Y/N squeal and giggle. After 10 push ups we finally got out of the gym and drop Normani to her house and we went to my house, we greeted my mom since my dad was still at work and Taylor and Chris are with their friends. We went upstairs and i told her i was just gonna shower, she nodded and got my laptop.

Your POV

As Lauren shower I got her laptop and when it opened a smile was made on my face. She also changed her wallpaper to our picture, I smile and went to Tumblr. Then I heard the door open and saw her walking to me "Heeeeyy" she said jumping on her bed, she wrap one arm in my stomach and kissed my cheek. "Whatcha doin?" I shrugged "Just Tumblr" I look at her and she was staring at me with loving eyes. "I wanna do something baby I'm bored" she groan I giggle "What do you wanna do?" She shrug "Basketball?" I suggested she smiled "Teach me?" I giggle and nodded.

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