Chapter 5

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Your POV:
We arrived at the girls and boy and they all have their jaws at the ground "What the hell happened?" Ally asked Camila and i stifle a laugh Dinah laughed "Well yeah what happened?" she said looking at me and Camila. "Well we both sat down near the water and Y/N here made small splashes with her feet but once her left foot hit the water hard it splashed me on the face so we both started splashing at each other until I slip and pulled her with me and splashing continues until Dinah came to us" Camila finished we both laughed and everyone join us except for Lauren she looked upset and mad. "You clumsy girls! come on! Good thing I brought extra clothes for you Camila!" Dinah said Ally stood up and we followed Dinah and dried ourselves "Hey how come you have a towel and some clothes?" Camila asked "Well I wanted to swim but I changed my mind so yeah" she said "Y/N here I brought clothes for you i prepared that because I thought you wanted to swim too but looks like you already did" she laughed i thanked her and change into my new shorts and my favorite tank top that shows a little at my tummy i dried my hair and we all went back to the others and sat down. We ate pizza and i could sense Lauren staring at me the whole time I ignored it but it was hard to. I lift my head and our eyes met, her eyes were telling me something. Something like "I want you to be with me" but I guess that was just my imagination I look away breaking our eye contact. I just did my best to ignore Lauren and Brad and it worked.

Lauren's POV:
When I knew about why Camila and Y/N are soaked I was definitely upset and a little mad at Camila. How dare her have fun with her?! She's min- oh shit! No Lauren! YOU ARE STRAIGHT! Straight! When we made eye contact it made my heart melt just staring at her beautiful eyes makes me want to hug her and..........kiss her. WAIT that was just crazy talk! I maybe have a little crush on her but it'll never grow! I have Brad and he's the PERFECT boyfriend. My crush for her is just like 10% out of 100 and I promise it won't get bigger. The day went by and Y/N kept avoiding eye contact with me like I don't even exist. I pulled out my phone and texted her a message.

Me: Are you mad at me?
I look at her and she stopped laughing grabbing her phone she finally look at me and typed something.

Y/N <3: No, why would you think I'm mad Laur?

Me: Cause it looks like you are :(

Y/N <3: I'm not :) smile babe it suits your beautiful face.

I blushed and a smile formed in my face I look up and Y/N motioned me to smile. I giggle and bit my lip and began typing again. But my eyes froze in one word 'babe' i blushed hard again she called me babe! Well maybe just in a friendly way?

Me: What if I don't? XD

Y/N<3: Are you sure you're not?

I look up and she raised an eyebrow smirking I tried my best not to smile she began to giggle making me smile. Just hearing her giggle makes me smile and now I lost!

Y/N <3: Hahaha!!! Told you!

Me:I hate you! :P

Y/N <3: Aww! I hate you more! ;)

That wink face made butterflies spread and fly all over my stomach

Me: Can we walk? Just us?

Y/N <3: Sure :D

I stood up and walked to Y/N helping her up "Guys, we'll be back later" i said they nodded and continued chatting. Brad looked at me "Where are you going babe?" He asked then stood up "Just for a walk with Y/N" i said Brad looked at me with sad eyes "Stay with me" he whispered I just really want to be Y/N right now but I can't cause of Brad. I sighed "I'll be back" i said he finally nodded and sat down again leaning his back against the tree.

I faced Y/N and smiled at her "Let's go" she nodded, we both began walking just beside the water. "Are you sure you're not mad?" I asked she looked at me "Lauren, I am not" she giggle "Then why were you avoiding eye contact with me?" I asked quietly she stopped walking so I did too. She wrap her arms around my waist pulling me close to her she then hug me tight i wrap mine around her enjoying the feeling of her arms around my body. "I'm sorry, i was just disturbed about something" she said "What's disturbing you?" I asked and neither of us pulled away from the hug I felt her head shake 'no' "Nothing" she sighed I pull my head a little to look at her "What is it?" I asked and tuck her strands of hair behind her ear cupping her cheeks. "No, nothing Lauren don't worry about that" she smiled and began walking again I immediately miss her body heat I walk beside her and look at her. As we walk it was calm and cold since it was 6 already we could see the sunset. We stopped again and watched the sunset I look at Y/N and she was enjoying the view "It's so beautiful" she whispered "Yeah, beautiful" i said looking at her. She turn to me and we both got lost at each other's eyes my eyes landed at her lips and slowly look at her eyes again her face started to blush and I can't help but smile she hid her face by bowing her head. She rub her arms and look back at the water i think she's cold "Are you cold?" i asked she look at me and smiled "No, i'm fine" she said but i could tell she was lying i took off my jacket and cover her body "But you'll be cold" she said i kissed her head "I'll be fine" i said sweetly "You need it more than i do" she smiled shyly and thanked me. She cleared her throat and look at me "I think we should go back. They might be looking for us." she said I nodded and we both started walking back.

Your POV:
As we walk back Lauren is so close to me. I could feel her hand brushing against mine but I don't pull away. I could feel her finger going inside my hand and locking with my finger, i smile with the small gesture i could feel she wants to hold my hand but can't cause she's too shy. I turn my head to her and her head was down looking at her feet but then suddenly i could see her face starting to get red i giggle and held her hand properly intertwining our finger she was surprised at first but relaxed after. I smile at her and she returned it but it was a shy one, she is so adorable! i gently squeezed her hand caressesing the back of her hand with my thumb she squeezed mine back and i can't help but feel comfortable and safe around her. We arrived at our spot and i let go of Lauren's hand not wanting to get caught by her boyfriend. I walk to Ally and she stood up "Guys, we'll be going now" Ally said we all said our goodbyes ad hug each other well i didn't hug Brad. Lauren ran to me and hug me tight "Keep the jacket. That's my favorite jacket and i want you to have it cause i want to see you wearing it okay?" she whispered in my ear i smile "Okay thank you Laur" i said sweetly she gave me a cute smile and kissed my forehead before running back to Brad. I smile and ran to Ally who has been waiting for me inside the car, i went inside and buckled up my seatbelt "Hey, that's Laurens" she said i look at her "She gave it to me" her lips formed into a smirk and nodded. We arrived at the house and immedietly ran upstairs and got change i walk to my door and pop my head out of the door "Goodnight Ally" i screamed she screamed a Goodnight back and i closed the door. I got Lauren's jacket and went to my bed, i lay down and closed the lights hugging Lauren's jacket i could smell her sweet scent and it made me relax i love her scent. When i was about to close my eyes i felt my phone vibrate i reach my phone from the table and read the message.

Lauren: Goodnight princess, hope to see you soon. Take care :*

i blushed at Lauren's text she called me 'princess' and that :* face.

Me: Goodnight, and thank you for the jacket Laur. :*

Lauren: You're welcome princess :) Now get your beauty sleep.

I smiled and lock my phone before going to sleep with Lauren's jacket in my chest.

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