Chapter 4

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Your POV:

I woke up and slowly open my eyes, Lauren was still asleep and this is the time i admire her beautiful face. She's so flawless, her nose is so cute and her soft pink lips are so.....kissable? I stare at her lips wondering what her taste will be like. Who am i kidding? She's striaght and i'm bi i won't get to taste those perfect lips of hers cause if i did her boyfriend will kill me. I mean yeah Lauren's beautiful and sweet and that boyfriend of hers is so lucky to have a girl like her. Well i'm starting to have a little crush on Lauren, well duh, of course, who will not? I mean look at her she have the perfect body, perfect face, perfect personality. If someone thinks she's ugly, ha! they're blind and dumb! Well it's just a little crush i don't want it to get bigger or i'll just get hurt when she's with her boyfriend. She started to stir and i watch her opening her eyes slowly "Well hello" gosh her husky voice "Hi" i said shyly she smiled "Aww.. don't go all shy on me now" she said pulling me close to her, she kissed my forehead and i felt myself blushing but i hid my face in the crook of her neck she giggle. Her phone vibrated and she got her phone out unlocking it, i saw a text from Brad, well i think that's the name of her boyfriend. "Shit i have to go" she said standing up quickly making me lay down on the couch by myself. I frown and watched her fixing her hair and shirt, i really don't want her to leave I felt so comfortable with her but there's nothing I can do to stop her.

Lauren looked at me and smiled at me sadly "I'm sorry but i have to go" she said i hid my frowny face in a smile "Sure, you can visit us some other time anyway" i said sitting up she quickly gave me a smile and rush out of the house i watch her as she went out of the house. I sat there and felt empty and sad, i look at Ally and she's beggining to stir she groaned then stretched "Oh hello!" she said with a yawn "Hi" i muttered laying down again "Where's Lauren?" she asked "She left already" she stood up and walked to the couch where i was laying down on she lift my legs up and sat down placing my legs on her thighs. "So how are you? Any crushes?" she asked i raised my eyebrow at her "I'm fine and no i don't" i lied at the last one. "Sure?????" i squinted my eyes and rolled off the couch making me fall on the carpet floor with a loud thud "I regret doing that" i breathed out she laughed and helped me up "You didn't have to do that though" i shrugged "I don't know" i walked upstairs getting my laptop and plop down on the bed. I put my headphones on and enter my own world singing silently.

Few hours later i threw my head back for minute since my eyes were hurting looking at the screen i close my eyes and inhaled deeply. Suddenly i felt someone took off my headphones my eyes quickly opened "What?" i asked "I called you like five times" Ally said giving my headphones to me "Sorry i was just in my own world" i said closing my laptop. "Wanna go out with me and the girls? Tomorrow is Monday and school for you and work for me" i groan and she laughed "Okay, i'll just get ready give me 30 hours" i joked "Kidding 25 minutes" i said she went out of my room and i stretch my arms. I stood up and grab my towel walking to my bathroom.

I finished and went downstairs searching for Ally then i heard her screamed my name in the kitchen "Y/N!!!" i ran to the kitchen "Are you okay?!" i asked worriedly she glared at me "You ate my chocolate didn't you?" my eyes went wide and a smile was on my face "All that matters is you love me right Ally?" i pouted with my puppy eyes she squinted her eyes and her hands on her hips "Buy me one later" she said i frown and sighed "Fine" she smiled and gave me a koala hug. We both went to the car and went to the lake i saw 5 people i furrowed my eyebrows "Who is he?" i asked Ally looked to where i was looking and rolled her eyes "Brad" i made an 'o' shape with my mouth and went out of the car. We both approached them and they all greeted me and Ally "Heyyy" we greeted back i sat between Dinah and Camila and Lauren and Brad across me. I look at Lauren and she smiled at me, Brad's arm on her shoulders and the other one intertwine with Lauren's i hid my frown again with a smile and look away. I always do that everytime i'm sad i just hide it with a smile and say that "i'm fine" all the time when my friends asks me. I don't know that's just me. I sighed and lay my head on Camila's shoulder she smiled at me and she took her phone out taking a selfie and Dinah photo bombing behind us, i laughed and look at the picture "We look hot" Camila said we both laughed and highfived each other. I turn to Lauren and she's having her moment with Brad which is really disturbing me i look down but look up again after 3 seconds they were both kissing each other with so much passion i look away and stood up. The girls looked at me wondering why i stood up "I'll just take a walk" i said they nodded "Want me to come with?" Camila asked i nodded and she stood up beside me, Lauren pulled away and look at me "Wait where are you going?" she asked not paying attention since her lips were against her boyfriend's having their precious moment, wait why am i even jealous? it's just a tiny little crush right? "Just for a walk or maybe sit over there with Camila" i pointed where the bench is facing the view she frown but I just shrugged it off "Alright guys we'll call you when the pizza is here" Mani said Camila and i nodded and began walking away from them.

We arrived at the bench and i sat down Camila sat beside me i close my eyes feeling the cool breeze hit my face i inhaled and exhaled deeply. I open my eyes slowly and turn to Camila who was looking at me "Are you okay?" she asked i smile "Yeah" she nodded and we both started chatting about random things. Laughing and saying weird things with a friend is the best feeling ever, i grab Camila's hand and pulled her as i stand and walk near the water. I sat down and took off my shoes and dipped my feet into the warm, clean water, i pulled Camila's hand "Come join me" i said patting the space beside me she laughed and took off her shoes and dipped her own feet into the water. I made small splashes with my feet but then when my left foot hit the water it made a little splash at Camila i laughed quietly she glare at me playfully "How dare you!" she smiled and did the same thing we both splashed each other with water our clothes are now soaked when Camila reach down to splash water at me she slipped and pulled me with her causing us to make a big splash. We stood up and laughed i removed the water out of my face "Oh my god Camila! Look at what you did!" i said laughing she laughed and carried me bridal style she threw me on the water again i squealed and splash! I stood up and splash water at her we both splashed water at each other laughing and squealing. "OMG GUYS!" we stopped splashing and look up seeing Dinah standing there smiling "You guys are soaked" she laughed Camila and i went out of the water and stood in front of Dinah "Come on get changed cause pizza's here" she said we nodded and walk to the girls.

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