Chapter 31

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Lauren's POV:

As i said all those words i felt her calm down, i was relieved as she calmed down "Thank you...for comforting me Lauren" she mumble on my chest i smiled and hugged her tighter to me "You don't have to thank me beautiful" i could feel her smile on my chest. "I will protect you from any harm remember that?" she nodded "I will promise you that no harm will get to you i'll be your shield and your protector i can also be your loving girlfriend" i said lovingly and kissed her head. "i love you so much" she said looking at me with pure happiness and love in her eyes "You always know how to make me happy" she said smiling "and i will always make sure you're happy through rough days" i said she kissed me and i felt her smiling on our lips "i love you" i mumble she smiled and deepened the kiss.

As Y/N looked happy we opened the door and saw three girls looking at us with the 'awe' look. "What?" i ask confused "Lauren, we didn't know you had that comforting side! We never saw that side of you!" they said looking at me i blushed and pull Y/N to me "Well... i love her, and i'll do anything for her" i muttered making the girls 'aw' Y/N hugged me tightly "And i love you, and i will also do anything for you" she said i smiled and poke her nose. "See, we told you, you both will end up being together." Dinah said smiling and the other two nodded smiling at us as well. "You were just to blind to see it Lauren. Look at you, the words you just said to Y/N was just so beautiful. I'm pretty sure with those words, you're making Y/N fall harder for you." Normani said i look at Y/N and she was blushing then nod. "Aw, don't worry i'll catch you and never let you go" i cooed the girls once again 'awe'd at us. "Okay, i know we all love watching this love scene you guys are making but i should remind you guys that 2nd period starts at 10 minutes so we gotta roll" Dinah said we all rushed out of the bathroom and quickly said goodbye before going to our 2nd period class.

Y/N and i got music, yay!! singing! we arrived at the music room and sat together at the back. As we wait for people to arrive we talked and of course enjoying the moment we have. I intertwine our fingers as we talk cause i don't know? It's just a natural thing for me i guess? The bell rang and other students started going inside some people were looking at Y/N and i smiling at us a bit. Then i felt Y/N's lips touch my knuckles kissing it softly i look at her confused and finally realized that she noticed the bruises i have in my knuckles. "You punched him didn't you?" she asked looking at me "Yeah, i'm sorry i was just so angry i mean he can't talk to you like that." i said angrily she smiled and kissed my knuckles again making me relax, she got her cold water bottle out and placed it on my knuckles making me flinch a bit. "Don't worry it'll be fine soon" she whispered making me kiss her nose which she scrunched up. "Alright class, go grab a partner for this duet topic and pick a song to sing. You have to perform it the day after tomorrow, now you have this time to brain storm and practice." the teacher said my head automatically turned to my girlfriend and smiled like an idiot. She laughed "Do you wanna be my partner?" i look up and saw a random girl asking Y/N "No, sorry i already have one" she said the girl nodded and walked away "Am i your partner??" i asked excitedly "No" i frown "What?" she laughed and kissed me "Do you want to be my partner Lauren?" she played "FUCK YES!" i said out loud "Language Jauregui!" the teacher scowled i rolled my eyes "Sorry" i said and kissed Y/N again.

"Okay, what song?" she asked i shrugged "I don't know" she glared at me "Come on... help me" she whine then started pouting i groan "Ugh fine! Kiss me first" i said she pecked my lips and i smile "Uhm... what about we do Lucky? Like the one in glee?" i suggest she smiled "You play a guitar?" i nodded she raised an eyebrow "Really? I didn't know that" i giggle "Now you do" she smile "So you wanna do lucky then?" i nodded and grabbed a guitar. "Do you know how to play?" she shook her head no "Well... we are like Sam and Quinn then huh? I'm your Sam and you're my Quinn. I'm your Romeo and you're my Juliet" i said she blushed "Stop with the charms Jauregui!" i laugh and kissed her cheek "Fine, but come near me and i'll show you some chords Quinn" she laughed and slap my arm playfully. So in the whole 2nd period i thought her some chords, and finally we made it through the 2nd chorus. "We'll practice tomorrow alright?" she said i nodded and lay my head on her lap.

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