Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV:

I was now at home at my room reading a book until i was distracted by my sister "Hey" she greeted i smiled and patted the space beside me in the bed she walk towards me and sat beside me laying her head on my shoulder. "How are you?" i asked she shrugged "I'm good, you?" i sat up and stare at the wall across us "Confused" she furrowed her eyebrows "Why is that?" she then sat across me i sighed and crossed my legs. "I have to tell you something but please don't tell mom, dad and Chris okay?" she nodded "I have a crush" i said she raised an eyebrow "Brad? I know that already" she said giggling i shook my head 'no' "It's not him" she frown "What do you mean?" she asked in serious tone "Who do you have a crush on?" i look down and closed my book. "Well? Are you gonna tell me?" i took a deep breath and face her "It's a she" i finally said her jaw drop but soon closed it "Who? and i didn't know you were bi or lesbian?" i sighed "i don't know that's why i'm confused!" i sighed again frustrated at the things happening. "Well who is she?" i look up and grab my phone and look for the picture when Y/N was sleeping in my chest in that morning i showed it to her and she smiled "She's beautiful, what's her name?" i chew on my bottom lip "Y/N, Ally's best friend" she nodded "Well if you like her it's fine with me i just want you to be happy, well at first i was shock i didn't know you were bi but then i relaxed when she makes you happy Laur" she said "I don't know what i am yet" i said still confused she sighed "Do you love Brad Lauren?" i nodded "Yeah" she raised an eyebrow at me "Be honest" i look down and think for a while "Uh... 70%?" she nodded "How about Y/N?" i think again "40%?" she nodded again. "Well who are you most comfortable with?" i bit my lip "Both" she squinted her eyes at me "Pick one" "Y/N" i said she smiled "Okay, but it's wrong to have another relationship with another person when you are in a relationship you know that don't you?" i nodded my head "Good, well now you have to know who you really like Lauren, if you like Brad then don't break up with him. If you like Y/N then go get her" i smiled and nodded "But does she like you?" i shrugged "I don't even know" she hugged me "Well what made you like her?" i look at the wall "I love it when we look at each other's eyes it makes me feel like we're the only people in this world. When she smiles or giggles in makes my heart melt. When we had our moment i felt really comfortable and safe. When i hold her hand or when i'm with her it makes me feel like she's mine. She just makes me happy." i finished smiling and when i look at my sister she was smiling too "Wow, you don't talk about Brad like that" i bit my lip again "I don't?" she shakes her head 'no' i shrugged agian "I don't know what i'm feeling towards her" i threw my head back at the wall behind me she placed her hand on my hand "That's why you have to find out Lauren" she said then left my room. Oh Y/N what are you doing to me?????? I hit my face with the pillow and groaned loudly.

Few minutes later my phone vibrated i grab my phone and unlock it.

Y/N <3: Heeey Laur, Ally is going somewhere can i stay with you until she gets home? If not i understand. Ally can drop me off there now

I smile and quickly texted her back.

Me: Yeah! Come here! You can even sleep here XD well sleepover?

Y/N <3: Do you want me to? Are your parents home?

Me: Of course i do, and no they aren't here until Friday evening but my siblings are here.

Y/N <3: Cool! Sleepover then! Be there in 10 minutes :3

Me: YAAY!! :* :*

i'm so excited!!! I ran downstairs almost tripping on the last step and sat on the couch "Taylor, Chris a friend of mine will be here okay? It's a sleepover please do not be annoying" i said in a serious tone they nodded and i gave them a thumbs up. I went to the kitchen and made a nutella sandwich, i walk back to the living room and ate i was about to eat the last bite when the doorbell rang. I put the last piece in my mouth and ran to the door i opened the door and saw Y/N standing there looking so beautiful she laughed and i chew on my food. "Lauren, you are so cute" she said pulling out a tissue and began wiping my mouth like she did before with the cupcake i smiled and finished my food "Sorry, i got hungry so yeah" she giggle and nodded i bit my lip and got her bag from her carrying it upstairs. I walk back downstairs and look for Y/N but she was no where to be found, i went to the living room seeing her talking to Chris. "Well, my name is Chris. I'm the smartest and the handsome one in this house" he said Y/N giggle making Chris smile i glare at him and that made him walk away i smile and threw my arm around Y/N's shoulder she looked at me and wrap her arms around my waist hugging me. "Well Taylor, Chris this is Y/N, and Y/N my annoying siblings" i said introducing them to Y/N i saw Taylor smirk at me knowing who she is i mouthed to her a 'shut up' and she laughed nodding. "Come on" i said pulling her arm we both went upstairs and entered my room her eyes were scanning my room "Your room is so big" she said i smiled how adorable she is "Nah... not really" she look at me like i was crazy "Bruh, this is huge" i smile and pull her in the bed.

She lay on her back and smiled like a kid "This is so soft!" i laughed and began tickling her she started squealing and laughing "Stop it!! Stop it!! LAUREN!!" i laughed and kissed her cheek stopping my fingers from attacking her tummy. She wrap her arms around my neck and mine around her waist pulling her in my lap "What do you wanna do?" i ask she did her thinking face and i waited for her patiently staring at her lovingly "uh? i don't know" she pouted looking at me with puppy eyes i look at her lips then her eyes. "Wanna watch a movie?" i ask she kissed my cheek then lay down on the matress "Sure, come here" i got my laptop and turn off the lights choosing a movie "Ooooh! Mocking Jay!" i nodded and the movie started playing. She scooted closer to me and layed her head on my chest which i didn't mind i wrap one arm around her stroking her hair, as i felt her fingers intertwine in my other hand i started to blush and held her hand intertwining our fingers. This is wrong, i shouldn't do this with her it's like i'm cheating on Brad. But this is just a friendly way i think? i bit my lip and ignored that thought for a while and watched with Y/N. In between the movie she looked at me and we both look at each other's eyes suddenly she ask me some questions about myself and i did the same, we both are starting to get to know each other.

When we finished her face was so near mine and i have the urge to kiss her right now but it'll be wrong my heart is telling me to go for it if i really have feelings for her, i would but my mind said no cause of Brad and saying i'm straight. But without my control i could feel my head leaning forward her breathing is uneven when our lips were about to meet my door opened making us pull away "Oh.... am i interrupting something?" Taylor asked i shook my head "No, uh what do you need?" she look at Y/N who was blushing and trying to hide it under the pillow "Nothing, i change my mind goodnight Laur" she closed the door. "Well i think we should sleep" i said she nodded and went to my bathroom brushing her teeth i check her out since she's wearing an over-sized shirt and some shorts underneath then my eyes landed on her huge ass i blush of the thought me touching and rubbing it. FUCK those dirty thoughts get the fuck out of my head! She finished and lay down to her side of the bed her back facing me, i brushed my teeth and fixed my hair then went back to the bed. I closed the lights and having seconds thoughts if i should spoon her or not, i sighed deeply and just lay on my back i really want to spoon her but after what happened just earlier it might be awkward. When i slowly close my eyes i felt the bed move i didn't open my eyes then suddenly i felt her body moving closer to me i finally opened my eyes and opened my arms for her. I could feel her smiling and cuddled beside me "Goodnight Lauren" she said softly hugging me tight i kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to me "Goodnight princess" i stroke her hair til i fall asleep.

Author's Note: Halo!! guys please tell me if this story is okay? I'll just delete it when it's not that good. Please vote. 😊

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