Chapter 37

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Your POV

I walk upstairs, and walk directly to my room. I sighed and got one of Lauren's hoodies, yes Lauren leaves some of her hoodies and shorts here cause you know she always sleepover. I picked my favorite hoodie and wore it and got a plain black shorts, i comb my hair and brushed my teeth. Lily and Lauren are still stuck on my head and all i want is to forget that moment maybe they're just friends right? Like come on they just met today! I laughed nervously and walk to my bed, i got my book and just opened my lamp. I started reading and hopefully fell asleep soon but i'm wide awake. I sighed and kept reading.

Two hours later, i heard footsteps going up the stairs, i quickly shut my book and turned off my lamp then closed my eyes. Then i heard my door open then close, i thought the person was gone but i felt the bed sink, "Y/N?" i heard Ally asked i smile and finally turn to her and open my eyes "Hey" she opened my lamp. I sat up and lean my back on the headboard "What's up? Why did you leave our group so early?" i shrugged "I was tired" i lied she raised an eyebrow, "i know you're lying, i know you" i sighed in defeat "i just wanted to avoid Lauren and Lily down there because my jealousy comes out" i admitted she smiled "That's cute" i rolled my eyes "Nah" she giggle "Come on they're just friends" i frown "Why did Lauren ignore me for the rest of the day then?" she shrugged "Come on let's get you some sleep" i nodded yawning quietly.

When she said her goodnight she left my room and i laid there silently, then suddenly i heard footsteps again then my door opened then closed. I closed my eyes and i felt the bed sink again but this time i felt the person cuddled up behind me, spooning me "Baby?" she asked i didn't respond i pretended that i was asleep. I heard her sigh burying her face to my hair inhaling my shampoo "Why did you leave me down there?" she whispered, uhm because you were with Lily? and i didn't want to be rude. "I wish i could still talk to you" she whispered again she started kissing my shoulder, "Looks like you are asleep, oh well......i love you." she said before kissing my cheek and hugging me tighter. My heart flutter and i let out a sigh "I love you too" i mumble making her look at me "Hey you are awake" she said smiling i look away and close my eyes again.

"Are you okay?" i sighed and faced her "Please kiss me" i begged without hesitation she planted a soft and a loving kiss on my lips "What's wrong baby?" i pout "You ignored me for the rest of the day and i was hurt" i said quietly "Oh baby i'm so sorry, you should have just told me" i shrugged "You were busy with.....Lily" i frown "Oh pssh! Nah not really, i was just too shy to stand up and leave her since you know she was telling me a story and i didn't want to be rude. Look, i'm sorry okay? I understand if you want me to sleep in another room tonight." i quickly wrap my arms around her neck pulling her to me "No, stay with me" i said in a baby voice "Aw" she cooed before giggling. I sighed "I was just.....jealous" she pulled away slightly "What why?" i bit my lip "Because all of your attention is with her, you didn't even look at me not even once" she sighed again "Look i'm really really sorry. I was focused about what she was saying, and you don't have to be jealous, because you're my girlfriend, my loving baby" she said smiling making my heart melt.

"No one can replace you baby, my heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to me" she said caressing my cheek lovingly, i smile "Okay, i'm not jelly anymore" i said giggling "Good, now kiss me" she said puckering her lips. I laughed and gave her a peck, "No!" this time i gave her a loving and a passionate kiss. "i love you so much" she whispered "I love you too" i said sweetly, she smiled and spooned me again before falling asleep.


Next morning i woke up stretching my arms a bit then i felt Lauren's head went to my chest and bury her face in the crook of my neck, i wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her head "Good morning" i said yawning "Morning"she said hugging me tight. "It's cold" she said i lift the blanket and pull it towards us and covered Lauren's shoulder, then we heard a knock on the door. "Come in" i said then i frown at the person who opened the door, "Hi, uhm Dinah said to call you guys" she said shyly, i felt Lauren shift and face her "Hi Lily" she said smiling "Hey Lauren, good morning" Lauren stood up and gave her a hug. I saw Lily's hands were on Lauren's hips slowly sliding down but good thing Lauren pulled back "We'll be there" Lauren said smiling she nodded and exited the room.

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