Chapter 26

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Your POV:

I woke up and turn to the person who has their arms wrapped around me, wait is this Kevin? No, this is a different scent then it clicked....Lauren. I rub my sleepy eyes and open them there she is, i'll admit i missed her too like seriously. But yesterday i kissed her, i have to tell Kevin soon, i grabbed my phone and texted him.

Me: I'm so sorry Kevin

Kevin: Why? What's wrong?

Me: Can i see you? Please come here Ally's at work

Kevin: Okay. I'll be there

i feel so bad for doing this to Kevin he doesn't deserve this he deserves someone better. Then i felt the bed move i look at Lauren and she had her eyes closed then she stretched her arms a little before cuddling back to me dang she's so cute. Few minutes later i got a text that Kevin was already downstairs so i wiggle out of Lauren's grip and kissed her cheek before going down. "Hey baby what's up?" he asked tears were falling down my cheek but he wiped it away "I'm so sorry" i hugged him "It's Lauren isn't it?" i nodded sadly he sighed "Baby look at me" i held my breath and look at him. "Look, i know you still love Lauren so yeah i'm letting you go. Like i said at least i got a chance with you being my girlfriend and i finally kissed you. This break up is not that bad so it's cool. I'll find my special someone next time but always know you're also special to me you're like the best best friend ever!" he said smiling i giggled a little "Wow, you're such a nice person" he smiled at me sweetly "Can i at least have my last kiss?" i nodded "Of course! you don't have to ask" i said laughing he smiled and pulled me closer to him. I pulled his neck slowly and connected our lips, when air was an issue we both pulled away and smiled at each other "Anyway if you need a friend i'm here okay? Enjoy things with Lauren, go get yo girl!" i hug him one last time and peck his lips one last time before he left the house.

I went upstairs to find a sleeping Lauren she cuddled up in my pillow she looks so adorable gosh! I needed to talk to her but i'll let her sleep. I decided to cook breakfast for her so i went downstairs and cooked waffles and hot chocolate with marshmallows. I went up with a small table and placed it on the ground first, i sat next to her and shook her body slightly "Lauren...wake up" i said rubbing her arm she groan and hug the pillow tighter "Come on i've got a surprise for you" i said she yawned and rub her eyes again "Y/N?" oooh her morning voice it's turning me on! "Yeah? Wake up come on" i said patting her stomach she lifted her arms up "Kissy?" i smile "No not until you eat your breakfast and brush your teeth" i said giggling she sat up and tied her hair in a bun. I picked up the mini table and set it on Lauren's lap who really didn't expect this "Wow, did you do this for me?" she said i nodded "Thank you! I really wanna kiss you" i laugh "eat then brush then you can kiss me" i said she glare at me playfully before eating her waffles. She fed me some waffles and what can i say? I'm so good at making waffles! As we finished the breakfast she ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and i washed the dishes before going back upstairs.

I walk to the bathroom and she wasn't there went to the room and when i was approaching the bed i felt a weight on my back making us fall on the bed "Kissy!" i laughed and pushed her gently so she can lay down on the bed. "But you do know we have to talk after right?" she became serious "Yeah" i nodded and cup her cheeks squishing it a little making her giggle. Our lips were so close but not touching yet "Ughhh! kiss me already" she groan i laugh "Gosh, be patient will yah?" i teased she pouted then that was the time i pressed my lips on hers. I began sucking her bottom lip and biting it slightly then pulled it with my teeth. When we finished making out we sat down "okay, Kevin and i broke up it's not that bad since i told him i had feelings for you before. So he said it was okay at least he had a chance to be with me and finally got to taste my lips. So just a while ago we broke up but we're still best friends."

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