Chapter 2

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- Next Day -

Your POV:

I was at my bed with my headphones and reading a book this is what i do when i'm bored or lazy to get up. "I'm a bad ass, jumping off a moving train. I'm a Jane Bond, putting all them guys to shame. I'm a wild card, and i'm gonna steal your game. You better watch out" i sung "I'M A FIRE STARTER MAKE YOUR BLOOD RUN FASTER" i heard someone yell i laughed and took off my headphones "I melt hearts like water" i continued "YEAH YEAH OH YEAH YEAH OH YEAH YEAH I'M A FIRE STARTER! I'M A SWEET DISASTER" Ally yelled from the other room. "Shut up Ally! You're ruining the song!" i yelled back she laughed i really love Ally's laugh it's so cute she barged in my room "Why can't i sing it huh? I love Demi too you're not the only one who loves her!" she said jokingly i smiled "SHE'S MINE!" she glared at me playfully "Oh okay, okay" she said then dived on top of me tickling me. "OKAY OKAY! SHE'S YOURS TOO!" i screamed she laughed and got off me "Get your fat ass in the shower and dress up later alright? I'll be back at 7 and pick you up" she said i gave her a confused look she rolled her eyes "We're going to a party" i nodded "Good i'll be back later" she kissed my cheek then went out. I sighed and went downstairs with my phone in my hand then when i reached the last step i slip "Shit!" i fell on the ground rubbing my butt "Ughhhhh!!! Damn that hurts!" i slowly stood up and went to the fridge "Hmm..." I hummed looking for something to eat then suddenly my eyes froze and smirk "Oh Ally I'm eating your chocolate okay?" I said "Okay" i answered myself getting the chocolate bar eating it.

It was already 6:30 so i decided to get change, i changed into my shorts and a blouse with heels and fix my hair. As i was doing my make up my phone vibrated.

Ally: Hey Y/N i won't be able to pick you up i'm helping Dinah preparing the stufff for the party. Lauren will be picking you up okay?

Me: Okay :)

I closed my phone but it vibrated again i groan, i just closed it come on! i sighed and opened my phone.

Unknown Number: Hey it's Lauren :) Ally said i'll pick you up. Well i'm actually outside your house.

Me: Oh.. hahaha! okay okay you should have rang the doorbell

Lauren: I was laaaazyyy!!

Me:I was laazzy! *mocking tone* hahaha! kidding i'll be there in a minute

Lauren: Meanie! Okay :D

I laughed and finished my make up, i grab my phone and bag then went downstairs closing the lights and opened the door. " look beautiful" she said sweetly i smiled "Thank you, you look hot" she blushed i lock the door and we both went to her car but i guess we're not alone somebody is in the car. I went at the back and look at the guy he smiled at me "Hey who are you?" he asked "Uh...i'm Y/N" i smiled politely he nodded and kissed Lauren they started to make out did they forgot i was here? I look at the window "This is sooo awkward" i thought i took out my phone then snapped a picture of them but they wouldn't know cause my phone was on silent i quickly sent it to Ally.

Me: I feel so awkward right now.... i think they forgot i was in the car. *insertphoto*

Ally: Oh shit! *facepalm* can you just ignore them? Are you guys on your way?

I look up and Lauren was in the guy's lap now i look at them at disgust and some reason i feel jealous well maybe because i'm not in a relationship i shrugged and text Ally again.

Me: Looks like we're gonna be here for a while. They aren't moving, they're just making out in front of ME

Ally: That's it, i'm telling Dinah to get you!

Me: Who's Dinah?

Ally: My other friend she's gonna be there in a minute now.

Me: *sigh* Okay

Three minutes later we saw a car passing by and stop in front of Lauren's car, i saw a tall girl walking at the back seat and opened the door "Can you both stop making out?! Can't you see there's another person in the car?!" she said angrily i went out and she slam the door "Hey i'm Dinah sorry for that i'm just really annoyed by them" she smiled at me i smiled back "It's fine, trust me it was soooooo freakin' awkward in there" she laughed and put an arm around my neck "You seem cool you're Ally's best friend right?" i nodded my head "Yep you're gonna be my best friend soon" she said i laughed and we both went inside her car. "Why are you annoyed?" i asked she sighed "There is something not right with Brad and we all want our Lauren to be safe" i nodded she smiled and conitnued driving. As she drives we started chatting about random stuff.

We arrived at the party so i went out of the car and walk with Dinah but suddenly i was pulled back Dinah quickly grabbed my other arm "Dinah can i talk to her?" i heard Lauren said behind me she nodded then let go of my arm. "Hi Lauren" i said quietly and look down "Aww... please look at me?" she said begging i look up she cupped my cheeks "I am so sorry" she said i stared at her beautiful green eyes "Y/N?" i blinked "Uh yeah it's fine" i said pulling my face away from her hands "Y/N seriously" she grabbed my hand i felt sparks but i ignored it, i look up and smiled "Lauren it's fine" i said she raised an eyebrow i giggle "Just don't do it again okay?" she nodded i smiled then kissed her cheek.

Lauren's POV

"Just don't do it again okay?" she said i nodded she then kissed my cheek i stood there frozen as her soft lips touch my cheek i could feel myself blush but i tried to hide it she pulled back and look at me our faces was so close to each other. She stare into my eyes and i stare into hers "You're so cute when you blush" she whispered then she bit her lip, i look down at her lips then back at her eyes. She pulled away and i blinked "Well... wanna go inside?" she asked i nodded i couldn't speak, she grabbed my hand and we both walk inside. I walked with her in a room where Ally is "Y/N!" Ally screamed and she hugged Y/N "Are you okay?" she asked "Yeah i'm fine" she said Ally nodded "Good, Lauren don't do that again" Ally glared at me "Okay okay" i said they nodded and we all went to the dance floor. I walk with Y/N cause i don't know where Brad is, i shrugged and held Y/N hand squeezing it gently she stopped and look at me. I swear i know i'm straight but i have a little crush on her it won't get big anyway i have Brad and i love him. Halo started playing of course Beyonce, Dinah owns this house she loves Beyonce. The girls went near us and started dancing i couldn't dance cause i was busy watching Y/N dance she looks so sexy when she dances i could see Mani looking at me i turn to her "You okay Lo?" she said smirking "Yeah" i gave her a confused look. The girls started singing except for Y/N she was smiling and swaying her hips with the beat, as Y/N saw me she smiled sweetly and i smiled back. "It's like i've been awakened, every rule i had you breaking. It's the risk that i'm taking, i ain't never gonna shut you out" Ally sung i saw Y/N walking near me "Are you okay Lauren?" she asked "Uh...yeah" she giggle then she started to sing "Everywhere i'm looking now i'm surrounded by your embrace" she placed my arms around her waist "Baby i can see your halo you know you're saving grace" she wrap her arms around my neck staring at my eyes while she sings "You're everything i need and more it's written all over your face" she poked my nose i giggle "Baby i can feel your halo pray it won't fade away" i feel myself blush she caress my cheeks "i can feel your halo halo halo" we heard the girls sing Y/N giggled "I can see your halo halo halo" Y/N finished she smiled at me she look at me with loving eyes and i feel like i'm beginning to have feelings for her. She hugged me then let go "See you later Lo" she said then kissed my cheek again. She left me standing there stunned, she stare at my eyes lovingly while she sings to me. Oh my god i can't have a crush on a girl. Can i?

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