Chapter 45

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Your POV

It's been a few days now since Lauren and i talked, i miss Lauren so much but i don't know how to talk to her it's weird cause all of the sudden i get shy. I don't know, don't blame me, now i'm shy to talk to Lauren but i know i had to cause i know she's waiting for me to talk to her. When i went to my locker i was pushed against it, i look at the person and it was Brad. I roll my eyes at him and turn to my locker "Is little Y/N sad because Lauren broke up with her?" he pouted i frown "How do you even know about that?" i ask "Lily told me, duh!" he then push me then walk away. I sighed deeply and look down, i miss Lauren so much, does she really mean it? did she really break up with me? I hope not, i miss my baby Laur so much. When i saw her walk pass me i saw her smile slightly, i sighed and gave her a small smile then she walked away hesitantly. I frown and wipe a few tears away and got my book sighing deeply and went to my classroom.

When i got to my class i saw Brad, i roll my eyes and just look down and played with my hair waiting for the teacher to come. "Can't you see she still loves me?" i heard someone said i slowly look up and frown when i saw Brad again sitting across me, "She doesn't! She loves me" i said with confidence he laughed bitterly "Really?! Oh my god!" he mocked "Well Y/N, she came to me last night and told me she doesn't love you anymore, she begged me to take her back and guess what? i said of course! So she started kissing me and kept saying that he loves me more than you. You were just a waste of time. Look, you are nothing to her, she doesn't love you she was just playing you the whole time and i can't believe you actually fell for that! Ha! such a kid!" i wipe the tears that kept flowing down my face and tried to look strong but failing miserably, "Y-you're..l-lying" i stutter he laughed "Whatever! You know i'm tellin' the truth" he winked and went back to his friends with a smile on his face. I don't want to believe him, i want to hear this from Lauren. I trust Lauren more than anyone, i need to talk to her soon.

Lauren's POV

I sighed and slowly walk to class i heard the last bell rang and i know i was late, i walk to class and saw my teacher "Jauregui! You're late!" he snapped "Well i don't give a shit!" i snapped back i was having a bad day. Brad's friends kept on pushing me against the lockers and kept mocking me because Y/N isn't with me but i just ignore them. "What did you just say?!" he said walking to me "Nothing, i'm sorry i'm having a bad day today." i apologised i rub my forehead and tried to keep calm "Go sit at the back and do not be late again" i roll my eyes secretly and walk at the back of the class. I've been moody ever since Y/N and i stopped talking, i miss her as fuck and i can't get back to my old self if she's not with me. Y/N is like my other half she's my happiness, my joy, she's all the positive things and when i'm not with her i'm just the lazy, moody, stubborn Lauren i need her she makes me happy! I sighed and just look at our pictures at my phone, every time i'm not with her i just look at our photos or just imagine she's with me sometimes kinda weird but hey i miss her okay? Sometimes i see her in my dreams, but every time it goes to the good part i always wake up and frown and when i do it's because i don't see her with me. It is so hard to be away from her, i need to hold her hand, i need to kiss her soft lips, i need to feel her body pressed against mine as we hug i need everything! I am soooo fucked up.

When the bell rang i went to my next class which is Math which means Y/N will be there! I walk inside and saw her already seated on the same spot my spot is usually beside her but i don't think it's a good idea to sit beside her. I hung my head down and secretly took my seat behind her, i want to be close to her. As the teacher came i saw her run her hand through her soft hair and lean on the wall staring at the teacher, "Alright class, please grab a partner and solve this together" he said i was about to tap her shoulder but a guy already sat on my spot and talked to her "Hey can we be partners?" he asked i gave the guy a death glare "Uh sure?" she said shyly i frown at her and just slouch on my chair. "Hi, wanna be partners?" i look up and saw a random girl but i think her name is Jasmine? "Sorry, i'm not doing this shit" i said shrugging "We just have to solve the problem" she pointing at the board "Still, i don't care" i said i saw Y/N turn to me and immediately shut up. "Yes you can be her partner Jasmine" she said i pout "I don't want to" i mumble "Please Lauren it's just one problem" she said looking at my eyes i shyly look at her and back to my fingers "Okay" i mumble she then turned around. "Woah, how can she convince you?" Jasmine said herself i gave her a glare and she giggled.

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